11 research outputs found


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    A Study on Theoretical Logic and Institutional Framework of the Classification of Higher Education

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    面对大众化、普及化阶段数以千计高校的趋同及攀升问题,人们迫切需要兼具工具性和方法论价值的高等教育分类体系。可见,高等教育分类不仅是一项应用性、技术性很强的现实难题,也是高等教育学的前沿理论课题,亟待从理论和应用上努力实现突破,这是本研究的主旨之所在。 本文以教育内外部关系规律、社会分工理论、高等教育大众化等理论为基础,分为前言、引论、正文、结论、参考文献、附表和后记七个部分,其中正文共六章,从四个方面系统地研究了高等教育分类的理论逻辑与制度框架构建问题。 首先,从两个维度考察高等教育系统演进及分类制度变迁历程,即:从历史的视角,纵向上以高等教育结构演进为经,归纳高等教育系统分化与重组的脉络...In the face of the problems in the period of mass and universal higher education, such as the convergence and upgrading of thousands of colleges and universities, people need urgently classification system of higher education with the value of methodology and instrumentality. Thus the classification of higher education is not only a problem of application and high technicality, but also a cutting-...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2802005140325

    Orientation of higher educational institutions: organic combination of self-generating order and instructional classification

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    自生秩序并非灵丹妙药,分类引导不等于管制,高校定位离不开高校分类,高校定位的机制是自生秩序与分类引导有机结合。The self-generating order isn't catholicon and instructional classification doesn't mean regulation.The orientation of higher educational institutions is tightly connected with classification of higher educational institutions,and the rational mechanism should be organic combination of self-generating order and instructional classification.厦门大学中国特色高等教育体系“哲学社会科学创新研究基地[1]”“高等教育分类研究”课题(B2005201

    A summary on the classified study of foreign higher education

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    高等教育分类研究的展开与高等教育大众化、普及化进程密切相关。国外高等教育分类研究的成果主要体现在分类理论、分类方法及政策两个方面,并呈现出从定性向定量、从单一框架向多元框架、从单功能向多功能、从个体需要向群体需要、从写实性向引导性发展的趋势。高等教育分类研究的深入不仅需要在理论上创新分类体系,也需要在实践上建立起可行的分类政策体系与分类技术支撑体系。The extension of classified study of higher education is closely connected with the process of Mass and Universal Higher education. The research production of foreign higher education classified study was mainly in the embodiment of classified theory,classified method and policy.And it is showing the trend of developing from quality to quantity,from single frame to multi-frame,from single function to multifunction,from individual requirement to collective requirement,from definitive to directive.To make a thorough of the classified study of higher education is not only necessary to innovated in its classified system in theory,but also to establish practicable classified policy system and classified technology support system in practice.厦门大学“中国特色高等教育体系”哲学社会科学创新研究基地[Ⅰ类]“高等教育分类研究”(B2005201)课题阶段性研究成果;; 厦门大学“985工程”二期专项经费资助


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    Classification of Higher Education:An Inevitable or Unnecessary Move?——A Probe into the Background and Necessity of Classification Research on Higher Education

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    本文从高等教育分类研究的时代背景和必要性两方面展开论述,认为高等教育分类研究也许不仅是我们找到解决当今高等教育结构紊乱、功能弱化、目标趋同等难题突破口的路径之一,也是优化高等教育结构、拓展高等教育功能、创新高等教育制度的理性选择。This paper discourses upon the background and necessity of classification research on higher education, and thinks that classification research is not only one of the ways to solve such difficult problems as structural disorder, dysfunction,and orientation assimilation,but also a reasonable choice in optimizing the structure,expanding the function and innovating the institution of higher education

    An Analysis of British Binary Higher Education System as a Higher Education Classification Case

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    英国高等教育“双重制”是政府自上而下干预高校分层定位的经典案例,它的终结并非“二元”或“多元”分类模式的缺失而是“双重制”政策导向的失误。它启示人们,高等教育及机构分类不只是纵向分层也包括横向分类,其关键在于分类依据及定位政策的导向。British binary higher education system is a classic case of higher education classification by means of government intervention. It proved to be a failure not as a result of absence of an adequate classification model, but of policy misconduct. From it, we can draw a conclusion that classification of higher education institutions includes dividing both education types and education levels in the same type. The key to classification is criteria for classification and policy orientation.厦门大学“中国特色高等教育体系”哲学社会科学创新研究基地[Ⅰ类]“高等教育分类研究”(B2005201)课题研究成果之一,得到厦门大学“985工程”二期专项经费资助