772 research outputs found

    The Conflict of Interest and the Risk of Control Rights in the Dispersed Ownership Structure— Case Study based on Vanke

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    2016年我国资本市场上市公司收购事件频繁发生,陷入股权争夺的公司数量大幅增加。以保险资金为代表的金融资本大量增持优质上市公司股份,意图掌控公司控制权,遭到了部分上市公司管理层和大股东的抵制。万科公司股权争夺成为这些收购案件中最引人注目的例子,给学术界带来许多有价值的研究课题。其中,分散式股权结构的控制权风险成为相关研究的重点。对万科股权之争案例的研究,有助于发现上市公司在股权结构和控制权风险方面存在的问题,并提出有效的改进建议。 本文基于股权结构和控制权风险相关理论,对万科股权之争进行了全面回顾,介绍了万科公司的地位和优势,并分析了股权之争中各方的利益诉求,进而得出了万科股权之争中万科管理...During 2016, there were many listed companies been acquired during our country, the quantities of hostile takeover substantially growth. With insurance funds as the representative of a large number of financial capital holdings of high-quality listed companies, the intention to control the control of the company, has been part of the company's management and major shareholders of listed companies ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X200915700

    Research on the Mode of NGO Participating in the Home-based care for Elderly People Services ——Based on the Case Study of“WXXY”Involving in the Home-based Care Services of Community Q

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    随着经济社会的发展,我国的人口结构发生了显著的变化,人口老龄化进程加快。传统家庭养老功能日益弱化,机构养老发展相对滞后且成本较大,因而既能发挥家庭养老功能,又能充分利用社区资源,而又不需要耗费过高成本的居家养老将成为解决我国养老问题的重要出路。居家养老服务的提供者既可以是政府,也可以是市场,还可以是第三部门。由不同的社会主体为老年人提供多元化的居家养老服务能够更好地满足老年人的需求,也符合我国推进社会福利社会化进程的要求。非营利组织因其自身所具有的特性,在提供居家养老服务方面有其独特的优势。鼓励非营利组织的参与乃是今后城市社区居家养老服务发展的必然趋势。目前,国内一些社会工作专业化和职业化程度...With social and economic development,there is significant Change in the population structure,and the aging of population is also accelerated.The traditional family security is gradually weakening,but the development of organizational elderly support is relatively lagging and costly. Therefore,a key way to provide for the aged is to combine the advantage of family security and community resources.T...学位:社会工作硕士院系专业:公共事务学院社会学系_社会工作硕士学号:1402010115050

    Drunk Driving: Analysis on its Crime and Punishment

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    2011年2月25日,我国通过了《刑法修正案(八)》,首次加入了对醉酒驾驶的入罪管理,为我国对醉酒驾驶的管理、预防、打击和惩治提供了法律依据,醉酒驾驶成为了人们不敢轻易触碰的“高压线”,因醉酒驾驶所引发的交通事故的起数和犯罪行为得到一定控制,人们的出行安全、人身安全和财产安全都得到了较大保障,交通管理和服务工作的效率和质量得到了大幅提升,取得了很好的社会评价,有效维护了社会秩序,保障了社会安全,促进了经济的发展,为深入贯彻党和国家关于建设和谐社会的要求和方针奠定了坚实的基础。 由于中国长期以来形成的“酒文化”和特殊驾驶人身份的影响,加之广大人民群众对于仅发生醉酒行为但未造成严重损失的情况持宽...February 25, 2011, our country passed the "criminal law amendment (8)", which criminalized drink driving and provides legal basis for drink driving’s management as well as its prevention, combat and punishment. Drink driving has become a “high-voltage line” that people dare not touch. Since then, the number of traffic accidents has decreased and criminal behaviors caused by drink driving have been...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法学学号:X200712001

    Design and Implementation of the Teacher Information Management System

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    随着我国高校教师队伍不断壮大,高校教师信息管理的工作日趋复杂与繁重,且对其也提出了更高的要求,因此,高校教师信息管理系统的建立与运行势在必行。 本文在对大学教师信息关系现状进行分析的基础上,建立了大学教师信息关系管理系统。首先,在了解系统基本需求及系统用户权限的前提下,有针对性地选取了AJAX和ASP技术为本系统开发的工具;其次,针对大学教师信息关系管理的现状设计出系统整体功能的流程图,并对系统各部分功能进行详细设计;再者,针对系统数据流量的特点,提出了数据流设计。通过对比分析选择出适合的开发数据库,并对系统的前台页面和后台页面进行设计。最后,基于AJAX和ASP开发工具对系统安全性进行设计...With the ranks of the China's college teachers are constantly expanding, university teachers information management is increasingly complex and onerous, and it also put forward higher requirements, therefore, The establishment and operation of the information management system for university teachers is imperative. On the basis of studying the current situation in the university teacher informati...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923040


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    Legal Protection of Minority Shareholder’s Rights in Stock Corporation

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    股份有限公司是现代企业的基本形式,股份有限公司普遍存在的一个问题是大股东滥用优势地位,通过控制股东大会或董事会等途径,在处理公司事务时,直接或间接地为谋取私利不顾甚至损害企业及中小股东的利益。如何保护中小股东的利益已经成为股份有限公司发展需要解决的重点问题。 本文分为三章,第一章简要说明了保护中小股东权益的理论依据和建立中小股东法律保护制度的现实意义;第二章则从股份有限公司制度的结构性、中小股东本身的地位、我国股份有限公司特有的先天性缺陷等三个方面说明了中小股东权益容易受到侵害的原因;介绍了我国股份有限公司大股东侵害中小股东权益的主要表现:一是大股东完全控制股东大会、董事会、经理层大股东利用...Company limited by shares is the basic form of modern enterprise, a widespread phenomena existing in it is that the majority shareholders in the company abuse their dominant position to make profit for themselves directly or indirectly when dealing with the company affairs by controlling stockholders' meeting or board of directors, in spite of , even doing harm to the minority shareholders' intere...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:X200612016

    Analysis and Design of Law Office Management Information System Based on JavaEE

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    随着公民法律意识的提高,信息化、全球化的不断发展,我国律师事务所面临着创新与转型的问题。2013年10月10日,来自全国各地80家律师事务所的代表齐聚北京,共同探讨律师行业的创新与转型,讨论的结果是用技术改变行业。2013年11月29日,司法部副部长赵大程在国务院新闻办公室召开的会议上指出,要认真贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会关于律师制度改革的重大决策部署,进一步推进律师制度改革,其中包括不断创新服务方式和载体,实现律师业务的转型和升级。在国家政策的指引及律师行业自我发展的探讨中,我国律师事务所推进信息化建设是必然的趋势,但目前仍处于起步阶段。 本文分析了律师行业的特殊性及存在的问题,如办案时效...With the improvement of people’s legal consciousness and increase of informatization and globalization, laws firms in China are challenged with innovation and transformation. On October 10, 2013, 80 law firms from all over China gathered in Beijing to discuss about the innovation and transformation of law firms, and the result was to change the industry with technologies. On November 29, 2013, Sol...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223064

    On Improving the System of Time-limitation for Adducing Evidence in Our Civil Law

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    《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》创造性地规定了举证时限制度 ,使我国民事诉讼向实体正义和程序正义并重的格局迈出了关键的一步。但由于该制度自身存在较多缺陷 ,且缺乏完善的配套机制 ,因此在实施中存在诸多问题。为此 ,一方面就制度本身而言 ,应该在举证期限临界点的确定、延期举证的限制、管辖权异议案件举证期限的计算和举证期限届满前增加、变更诉讼请求或提起反诉的举证期限的确定方面进行完善 ;另一方面应从建立答辩失权制度、完善证据交换制度、保障当事人举证能力和加强法官释明权四个方面完善举证时限制度的配套措施。Some regulations on civil suitcase evidence by the People's Supreme Court" that creatively defined the system for statute of limitations,has enabled our civil suitcase system to stride meaningfully forward towards actual justice and procedure justice. Nevertheless, this system itself has many defects and is lack of complete mechanism so that many problems occur when it is put into practice. Therefore, on one hand, the following aspects should be improved: the confirmation for statute of limitations ; the limitation for postponing adducing evidence; the time-calculation for objection to jurisdictional rights; regulations for increasing the time-limitation; changing the claim and proposing anti-litigation action; while on the other hand, four aspects should be perfected to establish a complete countermeasure for the system of time-limitation for adducing evidence, those are: to set up a system urging the accused to defend himself while being attacked by the accuser; to improve the exchanging system; to ensure the persons concerned to be able to adduce evidence; to strengthen the judge's right of explanation

    LED listed companies Value Analysis which based on Harvard Analysis Framework——Take San'an Optoelectronics Company for example

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    目前我国正处于经济转型的关键阶段,作为新兴产业的代表,LED行业被投资者和全国各地政府一致的看好,投资者的盲目看好已经使得多家LED上市公司的市值严重透支了未来的成长预期。然而各个地区工业基础和产业配套不一样,地方政府盲目通过财政补贴进行招商引资,可以使得LED上市公司的财务报表一时亮丽并改变产业分布格局,却无法提升我国整个行业的核心竞争力,反而容易步光伏行业的后尘。各地方政府盲目扶持所造成LED中低端产品产能过剩的弊端已经开始渐渐浮现出来了。 LED行业正处于快速发展阶段,企业经营活动复杂多样化,企业过去有再多的利润也不能保证利润的持续性。目前大部分投资者往往仅片面地看到行业的美好前景,并...Chinese economic is in a critical stage of transformation at present, as the development of new industries representative, the LED industry is seemed promising by investors and governments, but it lead to that the valuation of many LED listed companies have overdrew growth expectations in the future. But the basic industries and infrastructure in each area is different, the local government carry ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X201015712


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    教育交流既是促成中国高等教育近代化的基本路径,也是实现中国高等教育现代化的重要手段。作为当代教育交流的基本形式,中外合作办学负有引进国外优质教育资源,逐步缩小与高等教育发达国家差距的光荣使命。针对当前中外合作办学存在的问题,本文以近代留学运动和教会大学等历史时期的中外合作办学为例提出若干建议。中央高校基本科研业务费项目“发展理论视野下的中国高等教育现代性研究”; 教育部人文社会科学规划青年项目“中国高等教育现代性的反思与重构(项目编号:09YJC880061)的研究成果; 国家留学基金管理委员会资