7 research outputs found

    Statistical Data Accuracy Assessment:Methods Classification and Applicability

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    对于统计数据准确性评估方法的归纳分类,可以从辅助资料信息的来源及表现形态、包含目标特征真值关键信息的参照标准的构造方法、实际统计数值与参照标准之间的比较逻辑等方面加以考察。针对总量统计数据的准确性评估,主要在纵向时间维度上开展,根据统计指标与其相关联指标变动趋势的偏离程度加以评判;针对个体或分类统计数据的准确性评估则主要在横向空间维度上开展,对数据的统计分布形态加以检验,或者利用重复调查或随机实验方法对事先假定的误差参数进行估计。不同方法具有不同的适用条件,在实际应用中,应基于所掌握辅助资料的翔实程度来选择评估方法,并对导致评估方法发生误判的因素加以细致分析和排除,以确保评估结论的说服力和可信度。For generalizing and classifying the assessment methods of statistical data accuracy,some factors should be reviewed such as source and form of the assistant information,conformation of contrast criterion containing key information of objective characters' real values,and logistic for comparing factual statistical data with contrast criterion.The assessment of gross statistical data accuracy has mostly been processed along the longitudinal way,the conclusion of which can be obtained according with actual statistics' trend departure from correlate indices.Meanwhile,the assessment of unit or section statistical data accuracy has mostly been processed along the landscape orientation,for which probability distribution of data would be tested,or error parameters be estimated based on re-interview or random experiment.In addition,there've been different applicability conditions for different assessment methods.In order to insure reliability of assessment conclusions,abundance degree of assistant information should be considered,and those factors inducing miscarriage of justice be checked and removed.国家自然科学基金项目“我国统计数据质量的评估系统研究”(项目编号:70671104)阶段性成

    Statistical Data Quality and Users' Satisfaction: Designing Evaluation Scale and Empirical Study

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    本文针对政府统计数据质量评估问题,综合若干国家统计部门与国际组织对统计质量的定义,确立政府统计数据质量维度体系;进而参照国际货币基金组织的“数据质量评估框架“设计了具体的用户满意度测评量表。基于该量表的问卷调查结果显示,量表具有良好的测量信度与效度。研究中提出的八项质量维度可以充分反映政府统计数据质量的不同侧面,可以有效解构用户满意度的特征;用户对各质量维度的重要性认知、用户专业技术职务、对统计数据的依赖程度以及搜集渠道的选择等,与其满意度之间亦表现出明显的关联模式。Concerning assessment of official statistical data quality, a quality dimension framework has been determined,with reference to definition of statistical quality by several national statistical authorities and international organizations.Referring to DQAF by IMF,a user-satisfaction evaluation scale has been designed.The evaluation scale has adequate reliability and validity,according to test to questionnaire interview data.The paper argues that the eight quality dimensions can reflect various aspects of official statistical service quality,and deconstruct the structure of user satisfaction.In addition,user characteristics,such as importance perception to quality dimensions,the title of a technical post,degree of dependence on statistics and data collection channels,appear evident associate pattern with their satisfaction.国家自然科学基金项目“我国统计数据质量的评估统研究”(项目编号:70671104)阶段性成


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    分子神经科学是本世纪生命科学中最有挑战性和前瞻性学科之一。信号传导与催化多肽的神经多肽酶有着密切的联系。本文以海兔等软体动物为素材 ,综述近年来采用质谱和高效液相色谱技术研究中枢神经系统多肽酶结构与功能的进展

    The Study on Handling Sampling Weights Associated with the Survey Data When Applying Data Mining Methods——Based on the Method of Re-sampling with PPWWR

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    在将数据挖掘方法应用于抽样调查数据时,会遇到抽样权重的处理问题。本文提出采用放回的、与样本单元权数大小成比例的再抽样方法,简称PPWWr再抽样,来实现“事后“自加权设计。实现“事后“自加权设计后的子样本可忽略掉样本权数,直接采用常规的图示方法和数据挖掘算法进行分析。随后,基于2007中国公民科学素质调查贵州省数据,通过模拟分析讨论了PPWWr再抽样子样本的样本量问题,发现MAX(n,5%n)是一个比较合适的样本量。这一结论可能为其他大型复杂抽样调查数据的数据挖掘实施问题提供借鉴。The problem of how to deal with sampling weights appears when applying data mining methods to survey data.We suggest the method of re-sampling with probability proportional to the weights with replacement(PPWWR)to achieve post self-weighting design.Then,some ordinary statistical graphics and data mining algorithms can be used directly,ignoring the sample weights.Next,based on the survey data of GuiZhou Province from the survey of public understanding of science 2007,we discussed the sample size problem of the PPWWR re-sampling method by simulation and find max(n,5%N)is an appropriate sample size.This conclusion might be useful for the implementation of data mining on other large and complex survey data

    Error Effects Analysis Approach for Statistical Data Accuracy Evaluation

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    基于统计数据生产者角度开发有效而可靠的统计数据准确性评估方法,具有迫切的必要性。参照社会调查领域的计量误差效应评估技术,结合中国政府统计调查数据的结构特征,可以构造针对宏观统计数据的误差效应模型,从个体数据与总量数据两个层次、针对系统偏差与方差两类误差效应来定义统计数据的准确性。通过对该模型中若干重要参数的识别估计,既能实现传统的统计偏差评估,又可揭示因操作因素、制度因素、基层单元属性特征等对于统计数据准确性所造成的影响,从中发现重要的统计误差来源,从而推动统计方法制度进行有针对性地改革与完善。It is necessary for statistical producer to develop some effectual and reliable evaluation methods of statistical data accuracy.Referring to the evaluation techniques of measurement error effects adopted in social survey programs and taking the structure characteristics of Chinese government statistics into account,an error effects model for statistical data has been constructed.Using the model,statistical data accuracy can be defined based on individual and total value two levels,and aiming at system bias and variance two types of error effects.After identification and estimation of parameters in the model,the systematic bias degree in statistical data can be evaluated,the effects of those factors such as statistical institution,field operation,and units' attribute on statistical data accuracy determined,significant statistical error sources detected,and statistical institution developed consequently.国家自然科学基金项目《我国统计数据质量的评估系统研究》(70671104

    广西巴马地区长寿老人 ApoE 基因多态性与认知功能的关系

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    目的:研究广西巴马地区长寿老人载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因多态性的分布及其与认知功能改变的关系。方法:采用简易精神状态量表(MMSE)对112例90岁以上广西巴马地区长寿老人进行认知功能检查,并用限制性酶切片段长度多态性分析(PCR-RFLP)方法进行ApoE 基因分型。根据MMSE 得分将研究对象分为认知功能正常组和认知功能障碍组.比较两组人群的基因型、基因频率的分布特征。结果:巴马长寿老人中发生认知功能障碍者占14.29%。长寿老人中ApoEε3/3基因型分布的百分比最大,其次是ε2/3,而ε4/4最少。ApoE 各基因型和等位基因频率认知功能正常组和认知功能障碍组相比较,ε4等位基因频率认知障碍组明显高于认知正常组(P<0.01),ε4基因携带者认知功能障碍发生率明显高于其他基因携带者。结论:巴马地区长寿人群中,ApoEε3/ 3为最常见的基因型,而ε4/4最少;ApoE 基因多态性与巴马长寿老人认知功能改变有关联;ApoEε4基因仍然是长寿老人认知功能障碍发病的危险因子,较低的ApoEε4等位基因频率可能是巴马地区长寿老人认知功能保存较好的原因之一


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    应用透射法对中能区F同位素与C靶的反应总截面进行了测量 .发现17F的反应总截面比其邻近同位素的反应总截面稍有增强 .用Glauber模型和BUU模型对F同位素进行了差异因子d的分析 .17F的差异因子d比其附近同位素稍有增强 .分析结果表明17F可能存在质子皮结构