15 research outputs found

    Iodine nutrition status of pregnant women in Xiamen City after adjusting iodized salt concentration

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    目的掌握gb 26878-2011《食用盐碘含量》标准执行后,厦门市妊娠期妇女碘营养状况,为卫生策略的制定提供依据。方法选择厦门市翔安区新店镇为调查点,调查妊娠期妇女食用新标准碘盐前后家中的碘盐覆盖率、合格碘盐食用率、尿碘、尿比重水平。结果基线调查及新标准实施后第1到第5次评估,妊娠期妇女家庭碘盐覆盖率均达到100%,盐碘中位数分别为27.8、25.7、24.3、23.7、24.3和25.8 Mg/kg,5次评估的碘盐含量均比基线调查明显减少(均P0.05);基线调查及5次评估测得尿比重均数分别为1.0123、1.0153、1.0180、1.0143、1.0141和1.0132。第1、2、3次评估的尿比重水平均高于基线调查尿比重水平(均P0.05)。结论新标准实施后,妊娠期妇女家中食盐含碘量显著减少,新标准实施前后妊娠期妇女均处于碘营养不足状态,需加强该人群碘营养,保障下一代健康。[Objective]To understand the iodine nutrition status of pregnant women after implementation of‘Edible Salt Iodine Content'( GB26878-2011),and provide evidence for developing health policy.[Methods]The coverage rate of iodized salt,proportion of households using adequately iodized salt,urine-iodine and specific gravity of urine in pregnant women were investigated in Xindian Town of Xiang'an District in Xiamen City which was chosen as the research spot.[Results]In the baseline investigation and during the first-fifth self-assessment stage after carrying out the new standards,the coverage rates of iodized salt were all 100% and the iodine median value in pregnant women was 27.8 mg / kg,25.7 mg / kg,24.3 mg / kg,23.7 mg / kg,24.3 mg / kg and25.8 mg / kg,respectively.The iodine contents in the first-fifth selfassessment stage were all less than that in the baseline survey( all P 0.05).The proportion of urine in pregnant women in the baseline investigation and the first- fifth self-assessment stage was 1.012 3,1.015 3,1.018 0,1.014 3,1.014 1 and 1.013 2 respectively.The proportions of urine in the first-third self-assessment stage were all higher than the baseline survey( all P 0.05).[Conclusion]After the implementation of the new standard,the iodinated content in salt in pregnant households has been reduced significantly.But the pregnant women are in iodine malnutrition before and after implementation of the new standard.It is necessary to strengthen the iodine nutrition for the health of the fetus.福建省科技厅自然基金面上项目(项目编号:2012D046); 厦门市科技局科技计划项目(项目编号:3502Z20124057

    Investigation on the iodine status among the population in rural and urban areas of Xiamen in 2013

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    目的了解碘盐新标准实施后农村和城市人群的碘营养现况,为有效落实科学补碘防控策略提供依据。方法在农村和城市调查点各抽取1个镇的1个村,在每个村采集自来水厂出厂水和末梢水各2份;抽取30户以上居民,采集各户家庭食用盐,用3日称量法测算各户居民人均食盐摄入量;抽取18-45岁成人50名以上,采集尿样。在抽中的镇随机选择8-10岁儿童(男女各半)、孕妇和哺乳期妇女各50名以上,采集尿样。测定盐碘、尿碘和水碘含量。结果农村和城市自来水末梢水水碘含量均值分别为4.5μg/L和6.0μg/L;居民人均每日食用盐摄入量中位数分别为7.0和5.6g;8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数分别为152.0和181.2μg/L;哺乳妇尿碘中位数分别为108.3和107.7μg/L;18-45岁成人尿碘中位数分别为121.1和147.4μg/L;孕妇尿碘中位数分别为116.0和112.2μg/L,尿碘含量低于150μg/L的比例分别达67.9%和64%;除农村人均每日食用盐摄入量高于城市,农村18-45岁成人尿碘水平低于城市外,其他指标农村和城市间差异无显著性。结论厦门市仍是缺碘地区,在现有碘盐标准下,8-10岁儿童、18-45岁成人、哺乳期妇女的碘营养处于适宜水平,但孕妇的碘营养不足,要开展针对孕期人群的碘营养监测和指导,杜绝碘缺乏所造成的危害。Objective To gain knowledge of the iodine status among the population in rural and urban areas after the implement of new standard for edible salt and to provide scientific evidence for the initiative of the iodine supplement strategy. Method 1 village / community was selected randomly from rural and urban area as research site respectively. 2 samples of treated water and tap water were collected respectively in both sites, 30 + houses were enrolled randomly and edible salt samples were collected. 3days weighed record was employed to estimate average salt daily intake. Urine sample was collected from 50 + adults aged from 18 to 45. Identical sample was also collected from 50 + children aged from 8 to 10( same amount of subjects in both genders),pregnant women, and lactating women respectively. Iodine level of water, salt, and urine was determined by laboratory assay.Results The iodine concentration of tap water in rural and urban areas was 4. 5 μg / L and 6. 0 μg / L,respectively. The median of average iodine intake in rural and urban areas was 7. 0 g and 5. 6 g, respectively. The median in urine iodine was 152. 0 μg / L and 181. 2 μg / L,respectively. This measurement in lactating women was 108. 3 μg / L and 107. 7 μg / L,respectively. And it was121. 1 μg / L and 147. 4 μg / L in adults aged 18 to 45, respectively. As for the pregnant women, the iodine level reached 116. 0μg /L and 112. 2 μg /L,respectively. The proportion of subjects has urine iodine level less than 150 μg /L reached 67. 9 % and 64 %, respectively. The average salt intake in rural area was higher than urban significantly, and the urine iodine level in adults aged 18 to 45 from rural area was significantly lower than urban. No significance was found in other comparison. Conclusion Through our investigation,Xiamen is still an iodine deficiency area. Under the implement of new edible salt standard, the iodine status in children aged 8 to 10, adults aged 18 to 45 and lactating women was adequate, however, we found that pregnant women enrolled in our study have iodine deficiency in some degrees. Therefore the iodine surveillance and dietary guidance should be performed among pregnant women to eliminate the harm caused by iodine deficiency


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    Study on the variation of the iodine nutrition status among children aged 8 to 10 and pregnant women in Xiamen city after the implement of new standard of iodized salt supply

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    目的研究新标碘盐供应前后厦门市沿海8-10岁儿童和孕妇的碘营养变化情况,为下一步碘缺乏病防控策略调整提供实证依据。方法在新标碘盐供应前及食用新标碘盐后的第3、6、9个月调查厦门市翔安区8-10岁学生和孕妇的尿碘、尿比重、碘盐覆盖率、碘盐合格率、合格碘盐食用率和居民日人均食盐摄入量。结果自来水水碘含量为4.2μg/l,基线调查、第二、三次评估日人均食盐摄入量均数分别为5.7、6.9、6.9 g;基线调查、第一、第二、三次评估,8-10岁学生碘盐合格率和合格碘盐食用率都分别为97.1、93.1、98.0和98.0,盐碘中位数分别为28.7、24.7、24.0、25.3 Mg/kg,尿碘中位数分别为132.0、177.7、181.7和134.5μg/l,尿比重均值分别为1.0157、1.0196、1.0213和1.0184;孕妇碘盐合格率分别为97.8%、84.6%、84.4%和90.2%,盐碘中位数分别为27.8、25.7、24.3和23.7Mg/kg,尿碘中位数分别为103.8、128.5、138.9和100.2μg/l,尿比重均值分别为1.0123、1.0153、1.0180和1.0143;尿碘与采样季节、气候及尿比重有关,尿碘值与尿比重呈正相关关系。结论新标碘盐实施前后,8-10岁儿童碘营养总体处于适宜水平,但孕妇碘营养均不足,要采取措施加强孕妇碘营养,保障人群健康素质。Objective To investigate the variation of iodine nutrition among children aged 8 to 10 and pregnant women after the implement of new standard of iodized salt supply, and to provide evidence for the further adjustment of control strategy against iodine deficiency disease.Method Survey has been performed to acquire the urinary iodine, specific gravity, iodized salt coverage rate, iodized salt qualification rate, qualified iodized salt consumption rate and average daily salt intake among children aged 8 to10 and pregnant women in Xiamen city.It has been conducted for 3 times repeatedly with a regular interval of 3 months after the implement of new standard.Results The tap water iodine content was 4.2 μg / L.The average daily salt intake of baseline survey, second and third assessment was 5.7, 6.9 and 6.9 g respectively.The iodized salt coverage rates among children aged 8 to10 and pregnant women were all reached 100% in 4 assessments.Among children aged 8 to 10, iodized salt qualification rate and qualified iodized salt consumption rate for 4 assessments were 97.1, 93.1, 98.0 and 98.0 respectively.Median of iodine salt samples was 28.7, 24.7, 24.0 and 25.3 mg / kg, respectively.The median of urinary iodine was 132.0,1 77.7, 181.7 and134.5 μg / L,respectively.The mean of specific gravity was 1.0184, 1.0157, 1.0196 and 1.0213, respectively.Among the pregnant women, the iodized salt qualification rate and qualified iodized salt consumption rate of pregnant women were 97.8, 84.6, 84.4 and 90.2%, respectively.Median of iodine salt samples was 27.8, 25.7, 24.3 and 23.7 mg / kg, respectively.Median of urinary iodine was 103.8, 128.5, 138.9 and 100.2 μg / L,respectively.Mean of specific gravity was 1.0123,1.0153,1.0180 and 1.0143, respectively.Urinary iodine was correlated with season of sampling, climate and specific gravity, and urinary iodine was positively correlated with specific gravity.Conclusion The iodine nutrition status of children aged 8 to 10 was remained in adequate level regardless of the implement of new standard of iodized salt.However, the results suggested that the corresponding indicator among pregnant women was in a relatively low level.Proper countermeasure should be taken to enhance the iodine su-pply among them and to further secure the quality of general population


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    目的了解福建沿海产盐区与非产盐区妊娠期妇女碘营养状况及其甲状腺功能水平,为防治碘缺乏病提供科学依据。方法选择产盐区翔安区和非产盐区集美区为调查点,每个点随机抽取60名以上妊娠期妇女作为调查对象,采集孕妇的家中盐样、尿样及血样,分别测定盐碘、尿碘及血清甲状腺激素。结果产盐区与非产盐区孕妇合格碘盐食用率分别为81.69%和100.00%;产盐区与非产盐区孕妇尿碘的中位数分别为120.55μg/L和153.35μg/L,尿碘孕中期>孕晚期;产盐区与非产盐区孕妇的甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(thyroid peroxidase antibody,TPOAb),抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体(antithyroid glubulin antibody,TgAb),总三碘甲状腺原氨酸(total-triiodothyronine,TT3),总甲状腺素(total thyroxine,TT4),游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(free triiodothyronine,FT3),游离甲状腺素(free thyroxine,FT4),促甲状腺激素(thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH),甲状腺球蛋白(tryroglobulin,Tg)中位数均在正常范围,产盐区与非产盐区孕妇的FT3、FT4、TSH之间差异均有统计学意义,产盐区孕妇的FT3、FT4均低于非产盐区,而产盐区孕妇的TSH则高于非产盐区。结论孕妇是易缺碘人群,产盐区孕妇相对非产盐区碘缺乏更为严重。应对孕妇开展常规碘营养和甲状腺功能监测,进一步做好碘营养知识的宣传教育工作,控制碘缺乏病的发生


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    目的掌握厦门市沿海产盐区与非产盐区居民盐碘、18~45岁人群碘营养和甲状腺功能水平状况,为采取针对性的防治措施提供依据。方法选择沿海产盐区翔安区和非产盐区集美区为调查点,调查居民合格碘盐食用率、18~45岁育龄期妇女和男性尿碘水平、甲状腺激素水平和海带、紫菜的摄入习惯。结果产盐区和非产盐区盐碘中位数均为27.21 mg/kg,合格碘盐食用率分别为95.33%和96.33%;18~45岁男性尿碘中位数分别为206.55μg/L和232.95μg/L,尿碘<100μg/L的比例分别为20.97%和10%;18~45岁育龄期妇女尿碘中位数分别为176.95μg/L和227.70μg/L,尿碘<100μg/L的比例分别为21.67%和25%;产盐区和非产盐区18~45岁男性和育龄期妇女的甲状腺激素TSH、Tg、FT3、FT4、TPOAb、TT3、TT4中位数均在正常值范围内;产盐区18~45岁男性的甲状腺功能亢进阳性率为3.4%、育龄期妇女的甲状腺功能减退和亚临床甲状腺减退症的阳性率均为1.67%,而非产盐区均为0。产盐区和非产盐区18~45岁男性和育龄期妇女中均有一定比例易患甲状腺免疫性疾病的人群。每月食用海带、紫菜的次数≥4次、1~3次和<1次的人尿碘组间比较无统计学差异。结论产盐区和非产盐区18~45岁男性和育龄期妇女碘营养总体处于适宜状态,应坚持食盐加碘措施,对育龄期妇女在婚前体检时开展常规碘营养水平和甲状腺功能检测

    Preparation and structure of BFBA monolayer on PEI-coated single crystal silicon substrate

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    With the sampling from a cement plant, the experiment, such as laser size analysis, general sizing, grindability and rigidity test, was carried out in laboratory. The simulation was done based on the experiment data. A modeling example was given, which used a breakage function and a selection function from the experiment data and experience. It is concluded that the breakage function and the selection function could preferably express the breaking probability of the rock and distributing rule after breakage, that the probability model is a good starting point in model development for the simulation on a vertical roller mill, and that the breakage function and selection function are the key of the matter