82,238 research outputs found


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    Observation of Free Recall in Memory for Action Events : Undergraduate and Retired Women as Participants

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    本研究は、文部科学省科学研究費補助金(平成13年度-15年度、特別研究員奨励費、受付番号6601) の助成を受けた

    The Research of MiRNA-Disease Correlation Prediction

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    MiRNA是一类重要的非编码RNA,它在许多的生命活动中扮演着非常重要的角色。经研究证实,miRNA与disease的产生有着密切的联系。本文主要基于生物异构网络和机器学习的方法对miRNA-disease关系进行分析与预测。主要包括以下几个方面的内容: (1)本文详细介绍了当前已提出的miRNA-disease关联预测的主要方法,并且对比了不同方法之间的差异,为生物信息研究人员后续对miRNA-disease关联分析和预测的研究提供参考。现已提出的miRNA-disease关联分析和预测方法,大多利用miRNA的生物特性构建miRNA之间的相似性以及利用文本挖掘的方式研究疾病之间的相似度,...MiRNA is an import class of noncoding RNA and plays a key role in regulating lift process. Researches have shown that miRNA plays an import role in the occurrence and development of disease. In this paper, we analysis and predict the associations between miRNAs and diseases based on the biological heterogeneous network and machine learning method. The main contents are as follows: (1) In this pap...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:2302013115318

    The Effects of Cuteness on Consumers’ Purchase Intention under Different Situation—An Impression Management Perspective

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    近些年来,随着日本的“萌”系文化进入中国,“可爱”的元素一直被广泛的运用在市场的各个领域。从日用品、玩偶、服装到主题乐园、KTV、餐馆等的装潢,随处可见“可爱”的设计。以往对于“可爱”的研究,多是局限于心理学与社会学领域,研究基于婴儿化外表的“可爱”概念,满足了人类对于繁衍和保护下一代的本能心理,能够吸引人们的注意力,激发积极情绪,引发关怀行为与亲近愿望。然而,对于“可爱”营销学领域的研究,尤其是“可爱”元素在产品营销上的应用边界方面的研究则十分有限。 本文将印象管理作为解释机制,探索“可爱”设计的目标市场及使用边界。从印象管理以往的理论可见,为了达到展现理想自我的目的,人们试图通过一定的方...Recent years, with Japanese kawaii culture entering in China, cute elements have been widely applied in various fields of the market. From necessities, toys, clothes to the decoration of theme parks, KTVs, restaurants, cute design could be found everywhere. Most of the previous researches about cuteness were confined to psychology and sociology, exploring the concept of cuteness based on babyishne...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_市场营销学学号:1762013115130

    日商簿記検定の合否判別に関する予備的研究 ― 生活習慣および学修習慣のアンケートを用いて ―

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    The purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the relationship between the lifestyle of the students at International Pacific University and success in the form of passing scores. Data were collected using a questionnaire from the students who took an examination for“ Bookkeeping” held by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Sleep duration, having breakfast, learning times and concentration times were used as predictors of performance for passing the test. This study was designed using discriminant analysis to determine if these variables were a good predictor of successfully passing the test. Findings from this study demonstrated that there is a significant positive correlation between sleep duration and concentration times in relation to the student scores on the“ Bookkeeping” test. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the sleep duration, having breakfast, learning times and concentration times can successfully classify those who pass or fail the “Bookkeeping” test with a hit-rate of 84.6%

    A high-throughput screening assay for Mst1 and Mst2 kinase inhibitors

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    Hippo信号通路是一条在进化上高度保守的激酶级联信号通路,主要通过调节细胞凋亡和细胞增殖控制器官大小、组织稳态和组织再生。丝/苏氨酸蛋白激酶Mst1/2是Hippo信号通路的重要组成成员,在生物体内广泛表达,能诱导细胞凋亡,在细胞增殖、存活、形态建成和运动方面都具有重要作用。在一定的刺激下Mst1/2发生自磷酸化而活化,活化的Mst1/2磷酸化Mob1以及在WW45的协助下磷酸化Lats1/2而使其活化,活化的Lats1/2进一步磷酸化转录共激活因子YAP使其与14-3-3蛋白结合而滞留在细胞质中。在Hippo信号通路失活的的情况下,YAP不能被磷酸化而入核与转录因子TEAD结合促进下游与细...The Hippo signaling pathway plays an important role in organ size control, tissue regeneration and stem cell self-renewal. The Ste20-like kinases Mst1 and 2 (Mst1/2), the mammalian Hippo orthologs, are key components of the Hippo signaling pathway along with a scaffolding protein Salvador/WW45 (Sav), NDR family kinases NDR1/2 and LATS1/2, and an adaptor protein MOB1. Mst1/2 phosphorylate and activ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162014115250