22 research outputs found

    Comparative double-blind trial of KN-7 tablet and Robaveron injection in the treatment of neurogenic bladder

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    37施設で, 神経因性膀胱233例を対象に, ロバベロン注射剤を標準薬とし, KN-7錠剤の経口投与による排尿障害に対する有用性を, 二重盲検群間比較試験で比較検討した.解析対象例はKN-7群108例, ロバベロン群107例である.KN-7群は1日6錠投与した.改善度の効果判定では改善以上K群40.7%, R群38.7%, やゝ改善以上それぞれ76.9%, 72.6%と有意差はなかった.臨床所見中改善の良かった項目は, 尿意, 残尿感, 尿失禁, 排尿までの時間, 排尿時間, 尿勢-排尿力と尿線中断の改善などで, これらの改善以上はK群35.8%, R群30.8%で, 有意差はなかった.副作用はK群0.9%, R群6.8%, K群が有意に少なかった.両剤とも主として下痢で, R群ではその他頭痛, 頻脈, 肝機能障害, 発熱感などを少数例認めた.臨床検査値ではGOT, GPTの上昇が2例あった.有用度有用以上はK群46.3%, R群45.8%で有意差はなかった.疾患別では, 末梢神経疾患, 膀胱の性状では弛緩性, 時期では12ヵ月以内の例で特に改善率が高かった.以上から, KN-7錠剤は, ロバベロン注射剤に比べ, 同等の効果が期待でき, 安全性も高く, 長期投与あるいは外来患者の治療にも適するThe clinical effectiveness, safety and usefulness of KN-7 tablet as a new oral application of the prostatic extract, on urinary dysfunction of neurogenic bladder were compared with those of Robaveron injection by the double-blind test method. In the study, 2 tablets t.i.d. and a shot of intramuscular injection 1 ml a day were given successively for 3 weeks. A total of 233 cases were reported from 37 facilities belonging to the KN-7 Clinical Research Group. Some of them were excluded or dropped out. The number of cases used for analysing the effectiveness, safety and usefulness were 214, 232 and 215, respectively. There was no bias between the two groups with a significant homogeneity in the background. In the overall clinical effectiveness, the effective rate including excellent, moderate and slightly effective was 76.9% with KN-7 and 77.4% with Robaveron. In the clinical usefulness, the rate of usefulness of slightly useful or above was 75.0% with KN-7 and 75.7% with Robaveron. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the clinical effective and useful rates at a significant level of 5%. Side effects were observed in 1 of the 114 (0.9%) patients given KN-7 and 8 of the 118 (6.8%) patients given Robaveron. The incidence of adverse reactions with KN-7 was significantly lower than that with Robaveron. Based on the results, it was concluded that KN-7 tablets, 2 tablets t.i.d., would be as effective and useful as a Robaveron injection 1 ml daily and safer than the latter in the treatment of neurogenic bladder


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    南極ドームふじ基地において,第2 期氷床深層コア掘削が行われた.2001 年のパイロット孔掘削に引き続き2003/2004 シーズンから4 か年にわたり本格的な深層コア掘削を実施し,2007 年1 月に3035.22 m 深に達した.夏期間のみの掘削としたので,効率よく掘削できるように第1 期深層コア掘削システムの問題点を解決しながら多くの改良を施した.特に1 回の掘削で採取可能なコア長を2.3 m から3.84 m にしたことと切削チップ収納効率を高めたことが大きい.本報告では,現地で使用した掘削システムの概要とともに,掘削の方法,掘削の経過を述べるとともに,掘削中に生じた様々なトラブルについても報告し,併せて今後の課題を示した. The second deep ice coring project was carried out at Dome Fuji, Antarctica. Following the pilot hole drilling in 2001, deep ice core drilling was conducted for four years from the 2003/2004 austral summer season, reaching a depth of 3035.22 m in January 2007. The drilling was performed only in the summer season. Therefore, many improvements were made to the problems of the first deep ice core drilling system to enable efficient drilling. In particular, the core length that can be obtained at one time was increased from 2.3m to 3.84 m, and the chip storage efficiency was enhanced. In this report, the outline of the drilling system, the method of drilling, the progress of drilling operation, and various troubles were reported. Also, future issues are indicated

    Benzimidazoles Sensitivity and Molecular Diagnosis of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Fruits in Taiwan

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    炭疽病為影響果實貯架壽命與外銷之重要因數,為降低此病害所造成的經濟損失,目前以結合化學藥劑、套袋、溫湯處理及田間衛生等之綜合管理為最主要的防治策略,其中化學藥劑為降低田間炭疽病菌族群與密度的最主要方法之一。依據行政院農業委員會所編著植物保護手冊顯示,常用於防治臺灣果樹炭疽病的藥劑包括:氨基甲酸鹽類、麥角固醇合成抑制劑、蛋白質抑制劑、放線菌素、苯並咪唑類以及史托比類殺菌劑等,且多為混合性藥劑。其中苯並咪唑類殺菌劑屬廉價之系統性殺真菌劑,且廣泛使用在田間,為臺灣十大使用藥劑之一。但由於此藥為單一作用機制之藥劑,田間已有抗藥性菌系之出現。本計畫將建立臺灣果樹炭疽病菌對苯並咪唑類之抗感性資料,並發展分子診斷平臺追蹤田間抗笨並咪唑類藥劑之炭疽病菌,祈提高田間苯並咪唑類之使用效能,減少苯並咪唑類於作物之殘留濃度。Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum, is an important disease and can cuase storage period and export trade reducing in furit crops. For decreasing the economic loss, several strategies are integrated to control fruit anthracnose, including fungicidal application, bagging, dipping crops in hot water and sanitation of field. Among these methods, fungicidal application is one of major stategy for decreasing population and density of anthracnose fungi. According to Plant Protection Manunal, many fungicides are used to control fruit crops anthracnose, including benzimidazoles, triazoles, strobilurins, acid amides, dithiocarbarmates and heterocyclic compounds, and most of fungicides are mixtures. Benzimidazoles are low-priced and systemic fungicdes, and commonly use in field. Presently, benzimidazoles are top ten fungicides in the market in Taiwan. However, benzimidazole fungicides resistant fungal isolates had been detected dure to the mechanism of reaction. The objectives of this project are to establish information of benzimidazoles sensitive or resistant Colletotrichum isolates to benzimidazoles, and develop technology of molecular diagnosis for monitoring benzimidazoles resistant Colletotrichum isolates in field. Thus, the project wants to increase the efficacy of benzimidazoles and decrease the residue of benzimidazoles in field in the future


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    由土壤樣品中分得四個對青枯病菌有拮抗作用的拮抗菌株,在固體及液體培養基中 ,分別測得其拮抗作用為抗生作用。其中,兩個拮抗菌株之於液體培養基中,產生 抗生物質受培養基成分、培養時間、培養溫度及培養基pH值所影響。 土壤中加入尿素或蝦殼為添加物,均可于短時間內降低土中病原菌之含量到蕃茄青 枯病不能發生之病菌密度。二者對青枯病菌抑制作用的機制,據推測加尿素者,可 能因尿素分解時,亞硝酸離子之累積造成毒害作用;如蝦殼者尚未明瞭,但不是因 土壤pH值及二氧化碳之含量變化所致。 將拮抗菌懸浮液以莖部穿刺法或根部浸清法先行接種於蕃茄植株,均能延緩及減輕 發病率;將拮抗菌或添加物混入病土中,一段時間後種植蕃茄,也可以降低萎凋發 病率

    Double lysogenization and its effects on biochemical, pathological and genetic characteristics of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri

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    在細菌細胞中同時存在著兩種可區別的不同原噬菌體之菌株稱為複潛溶性 菌株, 此一菌株之每個細胞均有釋放出不同型噬菌體之能力。柑橘潰瘍 病病原細菌 Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri的絲狀溫和噬菌體 Cf16,感染菌株 XW47後 ,其單股去氧核醣核酸先形成複製體,此複製體 可插入寄主染色體,而形成潛溶 性菌株。本研究選用噬菌體 Cf117對單 潛溶性菌株 XW47(Cf16)-11進行複潛溶化 ,以噬菌體免疫性測定及寄主 範圍篩選出九個較具穩定性之複潛溶性菌株。複潛 溶性菌株於牛肉煎汁 培養液,30℃ 下生長速率較野生型菌株 XW47、單潛溶性菌 株XW47( Cf16)-11及 XW47(Cf117)-13慢;在經 啶橙、高溫及紫外線照射等處理 下,複潛溶性菌株內之原噬菌體 Cf16不被去除,而 Cf117亦大多不被去 除,但 於軟瓊脂保存三年及接種到葡萄柚、椪柑、墨西哥萊姆、柳丁及 檸檬等五種柑桔 葉片四十天後,原噬菌體 Cf117幾乎均被除去,而原噬 菌體 Cf16則穩定的存在 於潛溶性菌株細胞中。複潛溶性菌株的營養需 求性、生理及生化特性、對農藥及 噬菌體 CP115、CP122的感受性等均與 單潛溶性菌株 XW47(Cf16)-11較為相似。 複潛溶性菌株對葡萄柚、椪柑 、墨西哥萊姆、柳丁及檸檬等五種柑橘的致病力, 較野生型菌株 XW47、 單潛溶性菌株 XW47(Cf16)-11 和 XW47(Cf117)-13明顯降 低,但當噬菌 體 Cf117 由複潛溶性菌株細胞中被除去,而為單潛溶性的恢復菌 株時 ,則其對柑橘植株葉片之致病力亦同時恢復。分析複潛溶性菌株之質體型 態 顯示,此九個複潛溶性菌株細胞中分別存在有 p117-1、 p117-2 或 p117-3等三 種大小不同之質體,此三種質體不存在於野生型菌株 XW47、 單潛溶性菌株 XW47 (Cf16)-11、XW47(Cf117)-13及複潛溶性菌株除去原 噬菌體 Cf117之恢復菌株中 ,利用南方雜合法發現此三種大小不同的質 體與噬菌體 Cf117基因有很高之同源 性,其分子量分別為 8.7、7.4 、5.6kb。利用限制 片段構築p117-1、p117-2與 p117-3質體之物理圖譜 ,顯示 p117-1質體較噬菌體Cf117複製體多一段 1.3 kb 大小的基因片 段,而此基因片段插在噬菌體Cf117複製體XhoI(68.9 min) 與NotI (74.3 min) 兩限制 切位之間;而 p117-2 質體可能為 p117-1質體在EcoRI(0m in) 與HindIII(19.5 min) 兩限制 切位之間喪失一段1.3kb大小的基因片 段而 成;又 p117-3 質體則由 p117-1質體在EcoRI(0 min) 與 NotI(49.4 min) 兩限 制 切位之間喪失一段3.1kb大小的基因片段而成 。含有 p117-1之複潛溶性菌株 染色體以限制 EcoRI或 BamHI作用後, 與噬菌體Cf117複製體進行南方雜合反應 ,可呈現四條雜合片段,其中兩 條雜合反應帶不呈現於複潛溶性菌株除去原噬菌 體 Cf117之單潛溶性恢 復菌株的染色體中,可能為 p117-1質體所形成。利用南 方雜合法,分 別以含p117-1質體中較噬菌體Cf117複製體多出的1.3 kb 基因片段 的限 制 片段XhoI-2.2,及不含此 1.3 kb基因片段的限制 片段XhoI-0.9為探 針,與野生型菌株 XW47及單潛溶性菌株 XW47(Cf16)-11染色體進行雜合 反應, 結果發現 XhoI-0.9與野生型菌株 XW47染色體無任何雜合反應帶 ,而 XhoI-2.2 則與野生型菌株 XW47染色體有三條雜合反應帶,與單潛 溶性菌株 XW47(Cf16)- 11染色體,除原噬菌體 Cf16 插入寄主 XW47 染 色體中的兩條雜合反應帶外,亦 出現與野生型菌株 XW47相同大小的三條 雜合反應帶,說明此1.3 kb 基因片段可 能來自寄主染色體,噬菌體 Cf117於複潛溶化過程中,其複製體可能先插入寄主 染色體,然後自染色 體脫離而以質體狀態存在於複潛溶性菌株。Cover Contents Acknowledgements Abstract(Chinese) Abstract(English) Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction ChapterⅡ. Double lysogenization and its effects on biochemical and pathological characteristics of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri Abstract(English

    Benzimidazoles Sensitivity and Molecular Diagnosis of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Fruits in Taiwan

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    炭疽病為影響果實貯架壽命與外銷之重要因數,為降低此病害所造成的經濟損失,目前以結合化學藥劑、套袋、溫湯處理及田間衛生等之綜合管理為最主要的防治策略,其中化學藥劑為降低田間炭疽病菌族群與密度的最主要方法之一。依據行政院農業委員會所編著植物保護手冊顯示,常用於防治臺灣果樹炭疽病的藥劑包括:氨基甲酸鹽類、麥角固醇合成抑制劑、蛋白質抑制劑、放線菌素、苯並咪唑類以及史托比類殺菌劑等,且多為混合性藥劑。其中苯並咪唑類殺菌劑屬廉價之系統性殺真菌劑,且廣泛使用在田間,為臺灣十大使用藥劑之一。但由於此藥為單一作用機制之藥劑,田間已有抗藥性菌系之出現。本計畫將建立臺灣果樹炭疽病菌對苯並咪唑類之抗感性資料,並發展分子診斷平臺追蹤田間抗笨並咪唑類藥劑之炭疽病菌,祈提高田間苯並咪唑類之使用效能,減少苯並咪唑類於作物之殘留濃度。Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum, is an important disease and can cuase storage period and export trade reducing in furit crops. For decreasing the economic loss, several strategies are integrated to control fruit anthracnose, including fungicidal application, bagging, dipping crops in hot water and sanitation of field. Among these methods, fungicidal application is one of major stategy for decreasing population and density of anthracnose fungi. According to Plant Protection Manunal, many fungicides are used to control fruit crops anthracnose, including benzimidazoles, triazoles, strobilurins, acid amides, dithiocarbarmates and heterocyclic compounds, and most of fungicides are mixtures. Benzimidazoles are low-priced and systemic fungicdes, and commonly use in field. Presently, benzimidazoles are top ten fungicides in the market in Taiwan. However, benzimidazole fungicides resistant fungal isolates had been detected dure to the mechanism of reaction. The objectives of this project are to establish information of benzimidazoles sensitive or resistant Colletotrichum isolates to benzimidazoles, and develop technology of molecular diagnosis for monitoring benzimidazoles resistant Colletotrichum isolates in field. Thus, the project wants to increase the efficacy of benzimidazoles and decrease the residue of benzimidazoles in field in the future


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    Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac), the seedborne pathogen, causes bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits (BFB) on watermelon, melon or bitter gourd in Taiwan. Strains of Aac which isolated from cucurbits can be divided into two differentiated groups based on genetic or pathogenicity analyses. Group I includes strains isolated from non-watermelon cucurbits causes mild symptoms on watermelon, while group II is the typical watermelon BFB-causing strains. In this project, we enrich and detect the Aac strains by using the differential medium, and design specific primers by the difference of gene sequence and organization of the pathogenicity-related genes, hrcT to GALA region between group I and II. This primers combined the immunomagnetic separation-PCR (IMS-PCR) assay could establish the technological processes of detecting the Aac contaminated seeds. This approach would appear rapidly and sufficiently for exportation of cucurbit seeds.瓜類果斑病菌為種苗傳播之病原菌,於台灣果斑病菌可以感染西瓜、洋香瓜及苦瓜等,分離自不同瓜類之果斑病菌具有遺傳差異性,根據前人研究可將果斑病菌區分為I及II兩群,而分離自西瓜之菌株則屬於第II群,其對西瓜的毒性較強,而第I群菌株 (例如分離自洋香瓜、南瓜或苦瓜),對於瓜類毒性較為溫和,因此在本計劃中擬使用鑑別培養基初步有效增量果斑病菌,及利用Aac的致病相關基因hrcT至GALA區間之差異點所設計之引子對進行果斑病菌之增幅,配合專一性之抗體,期望以PCR及結合免疫磁珠分離技術 (immunomagnetic separation-PCR, IMS-PCR),能夠快速準確偵測瓜類種子汙染果斑病菌之情形,以利開發瓜類細菌性果斑病菌檢測技術,建立種傳病原檢定技術平台,利於該作物產業之種子出口

    Establish the Cultivation Practices for Safe Quality of Vegetable Production.

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    一.建構蔬菜安全生產體系 整合長豇豆、萵苣、芹菜、洋香瓜和青蔥栽培各技術領域,根據土壤根系環境特性,配合作物生長,建立合理化施肥模式、健康種苗的培育和在不同發育期所發生之病蟲害,依照防治曆進行田間防治示範測試,並以目前新登記於植物保護手冊之殺菌殺蟲劑之稀釋倍數與用量進行田間防治評估;並配合非農藥防治法,建構上述作物安全生產體系流程,提供與農民作為防治規範。一、建構蔬菜安全生產體系 The main purpose of the study is to establish a series of suitable cultivation practices for asparagus bean , lettuce, celery, muskmelon and onion production. Integrate the suitable practices which include the techniques of seedling careness, field preparation, planting, fertilization and pest management. Field soil was diagnosed for its pH, internal drainage, compaction, and nutrient content. The kinds of pests and their occurrence on plants in the field will be surveyed. Design a practicable pest-management and fertilization schedule for production of safety asparagus bean,lettuce, celery, muskmelon and onion


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    瓜類細菌性果斑病 (Bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits) 由 Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli 所引起。在台灣瓜類細菌性果斑病菌可感染西瓜、甜瓜及苦瓜等瓜類作物外,亦可感染荖葉;其病徵隨寄主種類或品系之不同而有差異。此病菌之最初感染源主要為帶菌之種子與種苗,病原菌於種子發芽時入侵子葉呈現水浸狀斑點,病斑上泌出之細菌藉由噴灌之水飛濺至附近健康之種苗,此外亦可經由嫁接無病徵帶菌接穗傳播。溫暖潮溼多雨環境,有利於果斑病於田間之發生。果斑病菌可由氣孔或傷口感染果實,成熟之果實表面為臘質覆蓋,因此幼果常較成熟果實感病。瓜類細菌性果斑病菌為國際瓜類產業重視之病原細菌,準確、靈敏、快速之檢測技術,為生產瓜類健康種子(苗)及防範病害發生之重要關鍵技術。栽種未帶菌之種子、種苗為防範本病害發生之重要措施;必要時以1%稀鹽酸、81.3%嘉賜銅可濕性粉劑或10%鏈四環黴素處理帶菌種子可降低發病率;重視田間衛生,發現可疑病葉病果應立即清除,降低病害蔓延;採用隧道栽培,可減少雨 水飛濺造成病原細菌之散播