Benzimidazoles Sensitivity and Molecular Diagnosis of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Fruits in Taiwan


炭疽病為影響果實貯架壽命與外銷之重要因數,為降低此病害所造成的經濟損失,目前以結合化學藥劑、套袋、溫湯處理及田間衛生等之綜合管理為最主要的防治策略,其中化學藥劑為降低田間炭疽病菌族群與密度的最主要方法之一。依據行政院農業委員會所編著植物保護手冊顯示,常用於防治臺灣果樹炭疽病的藥劑包括:氨基甲酸鹽類、麥角固醇合成抑制劑、蛋白質抑制劑、放線菌素、苯並咪唑類以及史托比類殺菌劑等,且多為混合性藥劑。其中苯並咪唑類殺菌劑屬廉價之系統性殺真菌劑,且廣泛使用在田間,為臺灣十大使用藥劑之一。但由於此藥為單一作用機制之藥劑,田間已有抗藥性菌系之出現。本計畫將建立臺灣果樹炭疽病菌對苯並咪唑類之抗感性資料,並發展分子診斷平臺追蹤田間抗笨並咪唑類藥劑之炭疽病菌,祈提高田間苯並咪唑類之使用效能,減少苯並咪唑類於作物之殘留濃度。Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum, is an important disease and can cuase storage period and export trade reducing in furit crops. For decreasing the economic loss, several strategies are integrated to control fruit anthracnose, including fungicidal application, bagging, dipping crops in hot water and sanitation of field. Among these methods, fungicidal application is one of major stategy for decreasing population and density of anthracnose fungi. According to Plant Protection Manunal, many fungicides are used to control fruit crops anthracnose, including benzimidazoles, triazoles, strobilurins, acid amides, dithiocarbarmates and heterocyclic compounds, and most of fungicides are mixtures. Benzimidazoles are low-priced and systemic fungicdes, and commonly use in field. Presently, benzimidazoles are top ten fungicides in the market in Taiwan. However, benzimidazole fungicides resistant fungal isolates had been detected dure to the mechanism of reaction. The objectives of this project are to establish information of benzimidazoles sensitive or resistant Colletotrichum isolates to benzimidazoles, and develop technology of molecular diagnosis for monitoring benzimidazoles resistant Colletotrichum isolates in field. Thus, the project wants to increase the efficacy of benzimidazoles and decrease the residue of benzimidazoles in field in the future

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