Establish the Cultivation Practices for Safe Quality of Vegetable Production.


一.建構蔬菜安全生產體系 整合長豇豆、萵苣、芹菜、洋香瓜和青蔥栽培各技術領域,根據土壤根系環境特性,配合作物生長,建立合理化施肥模式、健康種苗的培育和在不同發育期所發生之病蟲害,依照防治曆進行田間防治示範測試,並以目前新登記於植物保護手冊之殺菌殺蟲劑之稀釋倍數與用量進行田間防治評估;並配合非農藥防治法,建構上述作物安全生產體系流程,提供與農民作為防治規範。一、建構蔬菜安全生產體系 The main purpose of the study is to establish a series of suitable cultivation practices for asparagus bean , lettuce, celery, muskmelon and onion production. Integrate the suitable practices which include the techniques of seedling careness, field preparation, planting, fertilization and pest management. Field soil was diagnosed for its pH, internal drainage, compaction, and nutrient content. The kinds of pests and their occurrence on plants in the field will be surveyed. Design a practicable pest-management and fertilization schedule for production of safety asparagus bean,lettuce, celery, muskmelon and onion

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