15 research outputs found

    Zinc base composites reinforced by polyacrylamide macromolecular chains Ⅰ.Prepareration of the composites

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    在通常的氯化钾镀锌液中加入丙烯酰胺单体和n,n,- 亚甲基二丙烯酰胺交联剂,让锌的电沉积过程与丙烯酰胺的电聚合过程同时在阴极表面上进行,得到了聚丙烯酰胺大分子链增强锌基复合材料.Polyacrylamide-macromolecule-reinforced zinc base composite is obtained by adding acrylamide and N, N′-methylenebisacrylamide into KC1 zinc plating bath, so that zinc electrodeposition and acrylamide electropolymerization take place on the cathode surface.国家自然科学基金!5997103

    Zinc base composites reinforced by polyacrylamide macromolecular chains Ⅱ. Properties of the composites

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    测定了聚丙烯酰胺大分子链增强锌基复合材料的抗拉强度、胶接性能和涂装性能.实验结果说明,复合材料的抗拉强度约为相应纯锌材料的4 ~5 倍;复合材料的胶接性能较相应纯锌材料约提高了20 % ~40 % ;复合材料的涂装性能较相应纯锌材料提高了很多.本文从理论上初步讨论了复合材料的这些性能.The measurements of tensile strength, adhesion properties and painting properties of zinc base composites reinforced by polyacrylamide molecular chains show the tensile strength of the composites is 4 or 5 times that of the corresponding pure zinc materials; the adhesion properties of the composites increase by 20~40% than that of the corresponding pure zinc materials and the lacquer coating on the composites is much better than that om the corresponding pure zinc materials

    Corrosion Characteristics of Electrodeposited Ni Mo P Alloy Immersed in NaCl Solution

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    用失重法、阳极极化曲线、X光电子能谱(XPS)以及俄歇电子能谱(AES)研究了电沉积NiMoP合金镀层在5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀特性.非晶态NiMoP合金镀层比晶态NiMoP合金镀层有较低的腐蚀速度.阳极极化曲线表明,NiMoP合金镀层中,镍的摩尔分数为0.719~0.868时,随镀层中磷含量的增加,腐蚀电位正移;而活化区的峰电流随镀层中钼含量的增加而增加.磷含量对活化区的峰电流以及钼含量对腐蚀电位的影响均很小.XPS和AES分析指出,经5%NaCl溶液中浸渍后,NiMoP合金镀层表面形成厚度约为50nm的氧化膜.这层氧化膜主要由Ni2O3,MoO3和PO43-等构成,其在电解质溶液和合金间起着阻挡层的作用.The corrosion characteristics of electrodeposited Ni Mo P alloy immersed in 5wt.% NaCl solution were investigated using immersion, anodic polarization curves, XPS and AES analysis. The corrosion rates of amorphous Ni Mo P alloys are lower than that of crystalline Ni Mo P alloys. Anodic polarization curve experiments show that for the electrodeposited Ni Mo P alloys, the nickel mol fraction of which has in between 0.719 and 0.868, the corrosion potential moves to positive with the increase of P content, and the peak current value of active region increase with the increase of Mo content in alloys, though the effects of P content on the peak current of active region and of Mo content on the corrosion potential are insignificant. XPS and AES analyses indicate that after immersion in 5wt.% NaCl solution, an oxidation film of about 50 nm in thickness is formed on the surface of Ni Mo P alloys. This oxidation film is composed of Ni 2O 3,MoO 3 and PO 3- 4, and acts as a barrier between the alloy and the electrolyte.作者联系地址:湖南师范大学化学系,天津大学应用化学系Author's Address: Department of Chemistry, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, 410006 Yao Suwei Guo Hetong Department of Applied Chemistry, Tiangjin University, Tianjin, 30007

    Application of Taguchi Method to Phosphate Coating

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    通过对磷化液配方及磷化工艺的改进,解决了磷化液沉淀多,不稳定及磷化膜微观结构差的问题.针对钢铁磷化过程中出现的磷化膜质量与磷化面积之间的非线性关系,应用Taguchi方法,对磷化过程进行了优化,实现了磷化膜质量与磷化件面积之间的线性关系,磷化液连续循环使用的性能也得到根本的改进The problems encountered in phosphating such as unstability of phosphating bath, too much sludge in phosphating and the poor microcosmic formation of phosphating films have been solved by improving the phosphating bath composition and phosphating procedures. As far as the non linear relationship between the coating weight and geometric area of coating in the phosphating of the steel is concerned, the Taguchi Method is used to optimize the phosphating process. The linear relationship between the coating weight and geometric area of coating is finally obtained. The operational property of the present phosphating bath is also dramatically improved by the adoption of new phosphating composition.作者联系地址:山东工业大学化学工程系,天津大学应用化学系Author's Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Jinan 250061 Guo Hetong Department of Applied Chemistry, Tianjin University, Tianjin 30007


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    实验研究了粉末粒度对贮氢合金Mm(NiCoAlMn) 5电化学性能的影响。在一定粒度范围内 ,合金粉越粗 ,其放电容量越大 ,倍率放电性能越好 ,循环寿命也越长。但是当平均粒度超过一定值时 ,则其放电容量却又会随粒径的增大而减小 ,混合粒径合金粉的放电容量比大径合金粉的放电容量要高。将两种不同粒度的合金粉混合使用时 ,粒径相差越大 ,堆积密度越高 ,其放电容量也就越高 ;不同配比的粗细贮氢合金粉当其质量比为 7∶3时 ,其放电容量最高


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    研究了化学镀Ni Co P镀层对贮氢合金电极性能的影响。研究表明 ,引入 1 .74%Co的Ni Co P合金镀层可有效地提高负极贮氢合金活性物质的利用率 ,MH电极的活化性能得到明显改善 ,初次放电容量即达到 2 0 8mA·h/g、最大放电容量达 2 95.8mA·h/g ;同时循环寿命亦有所提高 ,化学镀Ni Co P合金的贮氢电极在进行 1 0 0次循环充放后 ,电容量的保持率为 88% ,而未镀贮氢电极电容量衰减至 62 %。镀Ni Co P合金电极容量的增加 ,主要是由于Co氧化电流和微电流集流效率改善双重作用的结果。化学镀后贮氢合金的抗粉化和抗氧化能力得以改善 ,使得MH电极在自放电性能上有较大改进 ,不可逆部分的容量损失由 2 3.2mA·h/g降到了 3.6mA·h/g。借助于SEM和XRD分析了化学镀Ni Co P合金对MH电极性能改善的影响机理


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    实验研究了粉末粒度对贮氢合金Mm(NiCoAlMn)5电化学性能的影响,在一定粒度范围内,合金粉越粗,其放电容量越,大倍率放电性能越好,循环寿命越长,但是当平均粒度超过一定值时,则其放电容量却又会随粒径的增大而减小,混合粒径合人的放电容量比大径合金粉的放电容量要高,将两种不同粒度的合金粉混合使用时,粒径相关 大,堆积密度越高,其放电容量也就越高,不同配比的粗细贮氢合金粉当其质量比为7:3时,其放电容量最高


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    实验研究了粉末粒度对贮氢合金Mm(NiCoAlMn)5电化学性能的影响,在一定粒度范围内,合金粉越粗,其放电容量越,大倍率放电性能越好,循环寿命越长,但是当平均粒度超过一定值时,则其放电容量却又会随粒径的增大而减小,混合粒径合人的放电容量比大径合金粉的放电容量要高,将两种不同粒度的合金粉混合使用时,粒径相关 大,堆积密度越高,其放电容量也就越高,不同配比的粗细贮氢合金粉当其质量比为7:3时,其放电容量最高