285 research outputs found

    A case-control study of PAH-DNA and Hepatocellular carcinoma

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    肝癌是严重威胁人类健康的一种恶性肿瘤,我国的肝癌发病呈现持续增长的趋势,居于我国恶性肿瘤死因的第二位。DNA加合物可以导致DNA损伤,同时也是评估肿瘤发病机理中一类重要的暴露标志物。检测DNA加合物并对加合物结合位点及结构进行分析可以增加人类对化学致突变、致癌机理的认识,研究DNA受损对肝癌发病影响,在环境风险评估和肿瘤研究中具有重要意义。 目的:通过抽取病例对照外周血提取PAH-DNA加合物的方法,研究外周血PAH-DNA以及其他肝癌风险因素对厦门市人群肝癌发病的相关性,探讨PAH-DNA加合物同肝癌风险因素交互作用对肝癌的影响,为进一步开展肝癌的防治提供依据。 方法:于2007年至20...HCC(hepatocellular carcinoma) is a leading disease affecting people’s health seriously. The number of HCC increases continuously in china and now is the second leading cause of death of all cancer . DNA adducts can cause DNA damage and are important biomakers in tumor pathogenesis research.. detection of DNA adducts level, their binding sites and construction can improve our knowledgement in mutag...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_细胞生物学学号:2162007115189

    Research Stock Market Forecasting Method Based on Sentiment Index

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    我国股市虽然已经有20多年的发展历史,但是相比较欧美发达金融市场,我国金融市场还处于一个起步阶段。对比国外投资环境和交易者投资喜好,引入解释市场异象的情绪指数,对于新兴股票市场来说意义重大,相对单一的国内股市指标,情绪指数的研究将扩大投资者决策参考,为金融衍生产品的发展投资打开广阔空间。情绪指数作为行为金融学研究的一个分支,已经被国外被广泛的关注和研究,如摩根富林明投资者信心指数、道富投资者信心指数、台湾世新大学股票投资人情绪指数、VIX投资者恐慌指数等。目前国内研究刚刚起步,指标选取有限性局限了情绪指数的研究,并没有实际指数对交易者投资决策给出参考。 灰色系统GM(1,1)模型在预测股票...China's stock market has a history of 20 years. But compared with the western developed financial markets, it has just begun. Considering the foreign investment environment and trader investment preferences, the introduction of the vision in the interpretation of market sentiment index is significant for emerging stock markets, the domestic stock market index is relatively simple, sentiment index ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_模式识别与智能系统学号:2322010115324

    Strategy for Absolute Quantification of Proteins Using Organic Mercurial as an MS-Tag

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    由于蛋白质组是一个在空间和时间上动态变化着的整体,因此蛋白质组学研究的核心内容是蛋白质的动态变化和动态行为,并从整体的角度分析其内部蛋白质组成成分、表达水平与修饰状态,从而了解蛋白质之间相互作用与联系,揭示蛋白质功能与细胞生命活动规律。这不仅包括能对整个细胞、组织或完整生物体中所拥有的全部蛋白质进行准确地识别与鉴定,更重要的是能够对蛋白质的表达水平及其存在形式的变化给出定量的描述,毕竟几乎所有重要的生命现象如发育、代谢、信号传导、体内能量转换、神经活动等都关联到众多蛋白质数量或其丰度上的改变。基于以上因素,在蛋白组学研究中蛋白质的定量分析已成为其不可或缺的一部分,重要性日益增加。这一趋势也推动...Absolute protein quantification is a hot topic of fast growing interest in the field of quantitative proteomic study. The quantitative profile of proteome is expected to provide new functional insights into biological processes, facilitating the identification of diagnostic or prognostic disease markers. The recognition of the fact that protein analysis must “turn quantitative” has boosted the dev...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:20032501

    Design and Implementation of The Information Network of Nanping Tobacco Company Based on Security Domain

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    本论文以安全域的划分为网络架构设计思想,以南平烟草网络改造规划设计和实施过程为背景,依据烟草行业相关规范,结合南平市烟草公司业务系统的要求,将各信息网络划分为不同的安全域进行防护管理。对每个安全域进行层次化地有重点的保护,把一个复杂的大型网络转化为各个较小安全区域进行网络设计。 论文通过分析南平市烟草公司信息网络现状和应用系统的数据流向,基于建设一个结构清晰、可靠安全、扩展灵活的信息网络的目标,解决现有网络问题。本着安全性、实用性、投资保护的原则。依据现有信息网络功能结构,将信息网络划分为核心域、业务服务器域、楼层接入域、IT管理域、广域网域和外联域六个安全域。 在安全域划分的基础上,针对...In this thesis, the partition of security domain for the network architecture design ideas, taking Nanping tobacco network reconstruction planning and implementation process as the background, on the basis of the tobacco industry related standards, combined with the tobacco companies business system requirements, will be divided into information network into different security domains for protecti...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123101

    Discussion of Economic Interaction between Mountain and Coastal Region in Tingzhou and Zhangzhou Prefectures and the Upgration of Longyan’s Economic Statue

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    本文从海洋史的角度,以汀、漳交界的龙岩为考察对象,从龙岩在明清汀、漳两地山区与海洋经济互动中经济地位的提升出发,来探讨明中叶后沿海的海外贸易对汀州山区经济的强大拉动力和汀州山区经济对漳州沿海经济的物质支持的互动问题。 文章首先从龙岩境内的自然地理环境入手。阐明地处汀、漳交界地的龙岩其境内自然地理环境虽然与汀州相同,同属于闽西的山区地带,但是因两地并无水路交通,而龙岩与漳州有九龙江可通,龙岩的开发历程与漳州同步,而汀州的开发要迟于龙岩,这就导致龙岩与汀州内居民族源、语言和风俗习惯之间的差异。然而,龙岩与汀州境内的自然地理环境相同,两地到明中叶之后都以种植经济作物作为两地经济发展的重要模式。 ...From perspective of marine history, this thesis focuses on Longyan located between Tingzhou and Zhangzhou. The analysis begins with the economic promotion of longyan in the interaction between marine and mountain economy in Zhangzhou and Tingzhou; and it investigates the strong impetus on the mountain economy of Tingzhou exerted by marine trade since middle Ming dynasty and substantial support to ...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_海洋史学学号:1032006115015

    Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Metal Oxide Composite Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Battery

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    锂离子电池是当代最被看好的化学电源之一。目前,被广泛应用于多种便携式电子器件中,并正进一步扩展到电动车的应用中。但锂离子电池性能仍然无法满足当前社会对它的需求。因此研究者们开展了广泛的有关改善锂离子电池性能的研究。锂离子电池金属氧化物负极材料因理论容量高、制备方法简单、原料来源丰富以及安全性能好等优点受到研究者的广泛关注。但金属氧化物负极材料充放电的循环稳定性较差、首次不可逆容量较大。针对金属氧化物负极材料的循环性能差的问题,本论文通过纳米化、复合碳纳米管、混合SnO2、包覆碳层等方法对Fe3O4、NiO负极材料进行了改性,并研究了其电化学性能。 本论文主要研究内容包括: (1)采用水热法...Lithium ion battery is one of the most promising chemical power sources at present. It is widely used in a variety of portable electronic devices, and is further extended to the application of electric vehicles. However, the performance of lithium ion batteries still can't meet the current social demand for the chemical power source. The researchers conducted a wide range of relevant improvement o...学位:理学硕士院系专业:能源研究院_能源化学学号:3242010115209

    Flow of Graduates in Different Industries and It’s Impact on the llocation of Human Resource——Case Study on Colleges & Universities under State Ministries and

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    人力资源是一个国家宝贵的财富,其数量多少和质量高低成为衡量一个国家经济发展水平和社会发展程度的重要指标,而人力资源效能的发挥得当与否关键一环看人力资源的配置效能高低与否。高校毕业生是知识型、技能型、创新型的高层次人力资源,其就业流向影响到整个社会对高层次人力资源的配置,进而影响到经济、社会的发展。 本论文以部委属院校本科毕业生就业的行业流向为研究对象(因为部委属院校毕业生比其他普通院校毕业生具有更强的流动性,因此研究部委属院校毕业生行业流向在一定程度上可以反映出我国目前高校毕业生就业行业流向的一些基本特征),假设当前毕业生的行业流向存在非均衡状态,并且这种非均衡在某种程度上影响到各行业发展的...Human resource is the treasure of a country and is an element of resources. The amount and quality of the human resource is important to measure a country’s levels of economic and social civilization development. The key factor affecting the effectiveness of human resources is the allocation performance. Graduates of universities and colleges are high-level human resources with knowledge, skills a...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_教育经济与管理学号:2005130273


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    纳流液相色谱长柱用于蛋白质组学分析中,可以显著提高多肽的分离度和检出率,进而提高蛋白质的鉴定数目和可信度。本研究基于纳流液相色谱-电喷雾质谱联用平台,考察了柱床长度为1.5 m的超长纳流液相色谱柱,将其用于蛋白质组学分析中。与常规纳流色谱柱相比,使用长柱时,复杂多肽样品得到了优良的分离效果。蛋白质组学数据检索结果表明,使用1.5 m长柱进行前端的色谱分离,采用质谱识别肽段数提升了83.6%,肽段数目提升了74.4%,唯一肽段数目提升了75.0%,蛋白质鉴定数目提升了38.4%。研究结果表明,这类填充型纳流液相色谱长柱为高分辨蛋白质组学提供了一种新的分离工具。国家自然科学基金项目(Nos.21475110,21535007,J1310024);;中国博士后基金项目(No.2018M642572);;福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(No.JT180645);;厦门市科技计划项目(No.350Z20173019);;中央高校基本科研业务费(No.20720160051)资助~

    The Influence of Economic Growth to Environmental Pollution and Regional Heterogeneity——Evidence from Provincial Dynamic Panel Data Model

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    利用1992~2011年我国省际面板数据,通过主成分分析法构造环境污染综合指标,进而建立面板数据模型,实证分析了经济增长对环境污染的影响及区域性差异,并讨论了环境污染治理投资、技术进步、人口、储蓄率、产业结构和贸易开放度等因素对环境污染的影响。实证结果发现,从全国范围来看,经济增长对环境污染的影响符合环境库兹涅茨曲线假说,且目前已处于倒u型曲线的下降部分;东部地区和中部地区同样存在倒u型关系并处于其下降部分,西部地区呈现出n型关系并处于右侧上升部分。同时,不同控制变量对环境污染的影响也具有不同特点。This paper empirically investigates the influence of economic growth to environmental pollution and regional heterogeneity.We also discuss the influence of other factors to environmental pollution, including abatement investment, technology, population, saving rate, industrial structure and trade openness.Empirical results suggest that the effect of economic growth to environmental pollution copes with the Environmental Kuznets Curve from the perspective of the whole nation, laying on the right downward part of the inverted-U curve.From regional perspective, there also exists inverted-U shaped curve in the eastern and middle regions while in the western region the relationship appears to be N shaped.Meanwhile, the influence of other factors displays distinct characteristics

    Modeling and Experimentation of Ultra-precision Grinding of Asphercial System

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    超精密磨削加工已广泛应用于轴对称非球面光学元件及硬脆材料的加工中,加工过程中砂轮的不平衡量和机床主轴引起的砂轮微小振动和摆动将直接影响工件表面质量。本文分析了加工过程中产生的微振动现象,建立磨削中振动引起工件表面轮廓误差的数学模型;设计一套微振动实验系统,建立系统动力学模型并进行实验研究。实验结果表明:优化选择砂轮转速、工件转速和加工进给速度,可有效减小砂轮振动,提高工件表面精度。Ultra-precision grinding is widely used in process on axis-symmetrical aspherical elements and hard-brittle material,the micro vibration and swing evoked by imbanlance of the grinding wheel and principal axis of the machine tools affect the surface quality of the elements directly.Micro vibration phenomena appeared in the processing was analyzed,a mathematic model about the error of elements' surface figure evoked by vibration was built,a experiment system of micro vibration was designed and a dynamics model of the system was built.The result of experiment shows that choosing a reasonable grinding parameter can effectively reduce vibration of the grinding wheel and improve the precision of elements' surface.国家“863”高科技资助项目(8638042416