9 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]論文摘要 歷史研究的趨向,牽引著歷史教育的潮流,進而影響到教科書內容的改變。第二次世界大戰後至民國50年代,國民黨政權極力推行「中國化」政策,期間經歷過「二二八事件」、「白色恐怖」,在一片政治肅殺、詭譎的氛圍下,各界對於臺灣本土研究噤若寒蟬,教科書內容也是以加強民族精神為訴求,意圖將臺灣塑造為反共復國的基地。繼之,民國60年代,一連串的外交頓挫,使臺灣在國際間孤立無援,遂有臺灣歷史文化淵源之教育的加強;民國70年代,尤其是76年解嚴後,政治的解禁,以及經濟、社會、文化、教育等各方面的改革與急速變遷,使得臺灣史研究日漸活絡,相關碩士論文也持續成長,而教科書中的臺灣史比例也略微增加,最大的改變莫過於將「二二八事件」納入教材中;民國80年代,則因推動各種改革,政治更加民主化,使得本土意識再強化,反應在教科書上的是八十六學年度國中「認識臺灣」課程的實施,以及八十八學年度高中課程審定本的施行。此後,國中第一個「臺灣史」課程正式成立,而高中歷史有關臺灣史教材的比例提升為22~25%;民國90年代,臺灣主體意識的再深化,臺灣史研究熱度不減,已形成所謂的顯學,投射在教科書的內容,則是九十五學年度即將實施的高中「臺灣史」課程,是第一部以臺灣為主體論述的高中教科書,並順應全球化的趨勢,論述的角度並不以臺灣為限,而是臺灣與中國、世界的互動關係。同時,高中歷史課程的學習順序,依次為臺灣史、中國史、世界史,比例朝向1:1:1調整。 本文的目的是希冀經由探討臺灣中學歷史教育的發展,以及高級中學教科書中有關臺灣史教材的演變,藉以觀察高中臺灣史教育的成型,進而探究臺灣歷史教育的轉型。 本文章節架構安排如下:除了第一章緒論和第五章結論,共分為三章。第二章「臺灣中學歷史教育的發展」,簡述中學歷史教育的由來、歷史教育功能與目的,以及高中歷史教育發展歷程的討論,並介紹歷次高中課程標準修訂的背景。第三章「高中歷史教科書之臺灣史教材」,是民國84年版之前臺灣史教材內容的節摘比較。至於民國94年版的臺灣史,則對其設立的背景、歷史課程暫行綱要草案的修訂及其所引發的爭辯至最後的定案,逐一作說明。第四章「高中臺灣史教材分析」,本章分三個階段討論臺灣史教材內涵的變化,探究臺灣歷史教育的轉型。 另外,分別就課程發展、教學、教科書內容、教師進修、歷史教師與決策者的溝通平臺等方面,提出個人拙見(列於附錄)。

    The bioaccumulation of Zostera japonica for five heavy metals (Zn, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd) at different growth stages in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea

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    Three distribution areas of Zostera japonica located in Liaohe Estuary (Bohai Sea), Sanggou Bay (Yellow Sea), and Dachangshan Island (Yellow Sea) were investigated to study the bioaccumulation of Z. japonica for environmental heavy metals at different growth stages. The contents of five heavy metals (Zn, Cr, Cu, Pb and Cd) in the aboveground and belowground tissues of Z. japonica during the early growth stage (May), the full growth stage (August) and the decline stage (October), as well as the relations between heavy metal contents in seagrass tissues and that in sediments were analyzed. The heavy metal levels, except Zn, in the sediments of seagrass beds in Liaohe estuary were significantly higher than that in Dachangshan island and Sanggou bay. The contents of Pb and Zn in Z. japonica were significantly higher than those of other heavy metals. The Cd, Pb and Cu were enriched in the above-ground tissues of Z. japonica with the highest bioconcentration factor for Cd was 37.18, but Z. japonica had no enrichment effects on Zn and Cr. The contents of Cu and Zn in the aboveground tissues of Z. japonica at the early growth stage showed a good linear relationship with the contents of Cu and Zn in the substrate, while the contents of Pb in the belowground tissues of Z. japonica at the decline stage had a significant correlation with the contents of Pb in the sediments. The bioaccumulation of Z. japonica for heavy metals at different growth stages can be applied for biological monitoring of heavy metal levels in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. The present results could provide important guideline for pollution regulation in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea

    Study of the Simulation of Marine Atmospheric Exposure with Lab Accelerated Test of Marine Coating Systems

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    通过两年海洋大气环境暴露试验、盐雾/紫外冷凝老化交替试验和氙灯老化试验,对比聚氨酯涂料、丙烯酸涂料涂层的色差和失光率,研究了3种试验对涂层表观性能的影响,发现紫外/冷凝老化加速试验对海洋大气暴露试验有很好的模拟性。The simulation of marine atmospheric exposure with lab accelerated test was studied.The lab accelerated test methods were UV-condensation and salt-fog alternant test and Xenon-Arc exposure test.The marine coating systems based on polyurethane and acrylic were compared in color difference and rate of losing gloss.The result showed that UV-condensation and salt-fog alternant test can better simulate the marine atmospheric environment than the Xenon-Arc exposure test

    Study on Correlation between Marine Environmental Test and Accelerated Tests in Laboratory for Ship Coatings——Coating Systems for Marine Atmosphere

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    采用光泽-色泽仪、涂膜粉化率测定仪、fdIr,SEM及AfM等现代测试分析手段,对海洋大气区7种常用舰船涂料体系在实际海洋环境暴露试验以及室内人工加速老化及腐蚀试验前后的涂层性能变化进行了对比分析,并结合厦门地区的气象环境谱探索了实验室加速试验与实际海洋大气暴露试验的相关性。Seven ship coating systems were exposed in marine atmospheric environment and accelerated weathering tests in lab.Some modern analyses,such as gloss and color measurement,coat chalk rating,precise thickness meter,FDIR,SEM,AFM were applied to characterize the properties of the coating systems.The results of performance change before and after exposure were compared.The weather environmental spectrum of Xiamen area was also combined for discussion of the correlation between marine environmental exposure tests and accelerated weathering tests in lab