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    Integrated Web Services for E-learning Materials

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    資訊科技的進展改變了人類的生活環境,也促使學習方式產生了大幅的變化。近幾年來,無論是在學術界或是企業界,數位學習已然蔚為潮流。這種新的學習科技可以提供即時(Just in time),而且是足夠(Just enough)的訓練。數位學習注重的是個別化的差異且能夠突破時空環境的限制。這種效果是以前傳統式教室教學所不及的。然而各種數位學習網站快速的在網路上成立,多樣化的服務常常讓使用者不知該從何著手,也很難去尋找或是選擇一個適合本身的學習環境。與其讓使用者不斷的調整自己去適應別人提供的學習環境,不如整合各種學習教材與服務,讓使用者在學習過程中可以隨著興趣及喜好調整自己想要的學習內容與服務。 本論文的重點在於提出一個整合式的學習架構,利用Web Service的優點,如簡單化(Simple)、開放式的標準(Open Standards)、有彈性(Flexile)、整合範圍廣(Scope)、效率高(Efficient)、具動態性(Dynamic)等等,建立以”個人化”為中心的學習環境。此外,各種的學習狀況與教學內容也能夠被追蹤與紀錄在資料庫中。利用資料挖掘(Data mining)的技術,挖掘有用的知識來幫助學習者。With the drastic development of the Internet, the ways of learning has changed dramatically. Recently, e-learning has become an alternative to knowledge dissemination in academic community and enterprise world. The techniques developed for e-learning provide not only just-in-time service, but also just-enough information to the e-learners. Therefore, personalized learning without time and space barriers can be achieved in an e-learning environment. In this thesis, we propose a web service framework for integrating e-learning materials. We take advantages of the features of web services such as simple, flexible, and open standards, to build an e-learning environment with personalized capability. Our system consists of four major components including user management, course management, material management, and mining system. The personalized feature is provided through the tracking agent and the mining system.第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究問題與重要貢獻 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章 相關技術與研究 4 2.1 數位學習 4 2.2 WEB SERVICES 8 2.3 XML 20 第三章 系統架構與流程 28 3.1 系統目標 28 3.2 系統架構 29 3.2.1 J2EE的應用 29 3.2.2 利用Web Services的優點 30 3.3 系統元件 32 3.3.1 使用者管理系統 32 3.3.2 課程管理系統 34 3.3.3 教材管理系統 35 3.3.4 資料挖掘系統 40 3.4 運作流程 45 第四章 系統實作 46 4.1 系統環境設定 46 4.2 系統的建置 47 4.2.1 物件導向分析與設計 47 4.2.2 系統實作 53 4.2.3 案例介紹 57 4.3 相關數位學習網站的比較 64 4.4 與產業標準的相容性 67 第五章 結論與未來研究 69 5.1 結論 69 5.2 未來研究 70 參考文獻 7

    [[alternative]]The study of accountability for the personnel in the organization

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    碩士[[abstract]]組織成員都應要有當責的觀念,並使之成為現有的工作模式;本研究是由組織成員的心理特徵加以分析,藉以了解組織發展所需的人員心理特徵指標要項,雖與全面品德管理略有不同之處,但全面品德管理可稱為當責管理之水平及員工關鍵項目。本研究是利用全面品德管理要項中粹取出與當責相關要項加以修飾並分析比較,結果發現年資與所在之職務的層級不同對當責的定義亦有所差異。[[abstract]]Members should have the concept of accountability, making it the existing mode of operation; this study is to be analyzed by the members of the psychological characteristics, in order to understand the organizational development needed to staff psychological characteristics of indicators to comprehensive moral management in spite of slight difference, but a comprehensive moral management may be called when the level of accountability for the management and staff key projects. This study is the use of comprehensive moral management to extract the item and when the accountability is to be modified and analyze the results, and it showed that the level of the experience and the duties will give different definition about the accountability in the practice.[[tableofcontents]]目錄 中文摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 當責與負責 4 2.1.1 當責的定義 4 2.1.2 ARCI法則 7 2.2 領導 9 2.2.1領導的定義 9 2.2.2 當責式領導 11 2.3 全面品德管理 11 2.4 全面當責管理 12 第三章 研究方法 14 3.1 研究對象 14 3.2 研究架構 14 3.3 研究工具 15 第四章 研究結果與分析 17 4.1 研究分析 17 4.2 研究結果 27 第五章 結論與未來研究方向 28 5.1 研究結論 28 5.2管理意涵 29 5.3未來研究建議 30 參考文獻 31 附錄 34 表目錄 表2-1 ARCI法則各別之英文定義 ............................ 6 表2-2 各學者對領導之定義列表............................ 10 表2-3全面品德管理之品德要項列表 ........................ 11 表4-1 人口統計變數百分比 ............................... 17 表4-2 性別統計分析表 ................................... 19 表4-3 年齡統計分析表 ................................... 20 表4-4 學歷統計分析表 ................................... 22 表4-5 行業別統計分析表 ................................. 23 表4-6 職位統計分析表 ................................... 25 表4-7 工作年資統計分析表 ............................... 26 圖目錄 圖1-1研究流程圖 ........................................ 3 圖2-1 ARCI任務矩陣圖 .................................... 7 圖2-2 ARCI工作矩陣圖 .................................... 8 圖2-3 當責管理示意圖1 .................................. 12 圖2-4 當責管理示意圖2 .................................. 13 圖2-5 當責管理示意圖3 .................................. 13 圖3-1 研究架構圖 ....................................... 14 圖4-1性別統計橫條圖 .................................... 18 圖4-2 年齡統計橫條圖 ................................... 20 圖4-3 學歷統計橫條圖 ................................... 21 圖4-4 行業別統計橫條圖 ................................. 23 圖4-5 職位統計橫條圖 ................................... 24 圖4-6 工作年資統計橫條圖 ............................... 26[[note]]學號: 799620496, 學年度: 10

    Development of Rotary Type Bioreactor

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    植物生物反應器之研究在國外早已行之多年,台灣在這方面的研究以往並不多,直至這幾年,有鑒於組織培養的人工作業成本佔總生產成本一半,成本過高,因此陸續有相關研究單位、包括生技中心(DCB)、種苗場(SIPS)等均自行開發出新型生物反應器系統來試圖解決此一問題。本研究之目的在於研發新型旋轉式生物反應器、研究DCB雙槽式反應器及測量內部微氣候,並以彩色海芋組培苗當作測試對象。 旋轉式反應器之機構設計,以不銹鋼及透明PC板構成反應器主體,內部以鏈條搭配鍊輪的方式帶動栽培容器旋轉,使容器內的彩色海芋苗獲得所需的營養。感測器之架設以不干擾內部作物生長為主。實驗結果顯示此型反應器在結構上仍有許多地方待改進,包括支撐系統的選擇、培樣基容器的取出、旋轉裝置的控制及氣密性等問題。感測方面,選用能夠耐高溫高壓及抗紫外燈的感測器來作內部微氣候測量,經實際測試後效果良好。 DCB雙槽式反應器在感測器方面之操作及架設方式同旋轉式,經實際測試後效果良好,在支撐系統方面,以搭配禾春公司(ATBC)生產之叢狀培植墊來栽培海芋苗獲得良好之效果。The plant bioreactor research has been developed at the present time in many countries, however, the related researchs were limited in Taiwan. In the recent years, the labor cost of tissue culture industry has been estimated to account for half of total production cost. Some related research organizations, such as DCB and SIPS , trying to develop novel bioreactor to solve the problem. The purpose of this study is to develop a rotary type bioreactor and study the DCB double tanks bioioreactor. Inner microclimate was measured. The Zantedeschia hybrida Hort. Plantlets. was selected as a sample. The main body of rotary type bioreactor was built by stainless steel and transparent PC boards. Chains and gears were used to rotate culture vessels forward. then made Zantedeschia hybrida got nutrition. Sensors were installed and did not interfere the inner plant growing. The experiment results showed some drawbacks of the structure of the bioreactor, including the choice of support system、take out the medium vessel、the control of rotating device and air permeability. The choice of sensors needed to consider the tolerate of high temperature、high pressure and can resist ultraviolet. The testing result showed these sensors can measure inner microclimate. The setting and operation of sensors were the same for DCB double tanks bioreactor as the rotary type bioreactors. In the aspect of support system, The ATBC nest growing pad was applied culture the sample. Plantlets had got good growth performance.謝誌---------------------------I 中文摘要-----------------------II 英文摘要-----------------------Ⅳ 目錄 -------------------------Ⅵ 圖目錄 ------------------------IX 表目錄 ------------------------XII 第一章 序論 ----------------------1 1-1前言 ------------------------1 1-2研究目的 ----------------------2 第二章 文獻探討 --------------------3 2-1彩色海芋之繁殖方式 ----------------3 2-2生物反應器 --------------------5 2-2.1植物生物反應器之緣起 -----------5 2-2.2生物反應器之操作方式 -----------6 2-2.3植物生物反應器之分類及發展---------8 2-3內部微氣候環境參數 -----------------38 2-3.1微氣候測量參數---------------39 第三章 生物反應器之設計-----------------------42 3-1設計上需考慮之因素-----------------42 3-2旋轉式生物反應器之設計---------------47 3-2.1設計構想 ------------------47 3-2.2主體架構 -----------------47 3-3 DCB垂直雙槽式生物反應器之改裝-----------51 3-3.1 DCB垂直雙槽式生物反應器之介紹--------51 3-3.2 改裝之目的-----------------51 3-3.3 改裝方式------------------51 第四章 材料與方法 ------------------53 4-1實驗材料---------------------53 4-2實驗設備---------------------54 4-3實驗步驟與方法-旋轉式生物反應器----------59 4-3.1實驗步驟 ------------------59 4-3.2實驗方法 ------------------61 4-3.3 試驗項目------------------65 4-4實驗步驟與方法-改良型DCB雙槽式生物反應器------66 4-4.1實驗步驟-------------------66 4-4.2實驗方法-----------------68 4-4.3 試驗項目-----------------70 第五章 結果與討論-------------------71 5-1浸泡時間(旋轉式生物反應器)-----------71 5-2氣密性----------------------71 5-3微氣候條件--------------------71 5-3.1 CO2與光環境間之研究 ------------71 5-3.2 溫度與光環境間之研究------------75 5-3.3 pH值與溶氧量(DO)之研究 ---------78 5-4組培瓶與反應器內海芋苗物性------------84 5-5反應器結構上面臨之問題--------------90 5-6微氣候條件(DCB雙槽式生物反應器)---------92 5-6.1溫度與光環境間之研究------------92 5-6.2 CO2與光環境間之研究------------94 5-6.3 pH值之研究------------------95 5-6.4 溶氧量之研究---------------96 5-7組培瓶與反應器內海芋苗物性------------97 5-7.1方法1與2之物性結果-------------99 第六章 結論與建議-------------------108 6-1結論-旋轉式生物反應器-------------108 6-2結論-改良型DCB雙槽式生物反應器---------110 6-3建議-----------------------111 第七章 參考文獻-------------------112 附錄一 浸泡時間調查數據---------------118 附錄二 旋轉式生物反應器微氣候及物性調查數據-----119 附錄三 改良型DCB雙槽式生物反應器微氣候及物性調查數據-12

    Characterization of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid n-malonyltransferase from mung bean hypocotyls

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    published_or_final_versionZoologyMasterMaster of Philosoph

    Design and synthesis of functionalized alkynylplatinum (II) polypyridyl complexes and oligothienylenevinylene derivatives : from dye-sensitized solar cells to bilayer heterojunction photovoltaics

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    A series of alkynylplatinum(II) polypyridine complexes with 4,4′,4′′-tricarboxy-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine and 4,4′-dicarboxy-2,2′-bipyridine as TiO2 anchoring functionalities, has been successfully synthesized. Their photophysical, electrochemical and luminescence properties have been extensively studied. The excited state properties were probed using nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. [Pt(tctpy)(C≡C-Th-BTD-Th)][NnBu4]2 displayed a long-lived transient signal which was tentatively assigned to result from the formation of a charge-separated state, which could be alternatively described as a [Pt(tctpy)???(C≡C-Th-BTD-Th)+?] state, with the charge recombination rate constant determined to be 2.9 × 105 s?1. The excited state redox potentials for the oxidation process were determined and the data confirmed the ability of the complexes to inject an electron into the conduction band of TiO2. The majority of the complexes were found to sensitize the nanocrystalline TiO2 and exhibit photovoltaic properties, which have been characterized by current-voltage measurements under illumination of air mass (AM) 1.5G sunlight (100 mW cm–2). A new class of molecular dyads comprising metalloporphyrin-linked alkynylplatinum(II) polypyridine complexes was synthesized and characterized. Their photophysical, electrochemical and luminescence properties have been studied in detail. The excited state properties were probed using nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy which indicated the formation of a charge-separated state involving the porphyrin radical anion, [Por??-(C≡C)Pt+?]. The excited state redox potentials for the oxidation process were also determined with the data supporting the capability of the complexes to inject an electron into the conduction band of TiO2. The majority of the complexes were found to sensitize the nanocrystalline TiO2 and exhibit photovoltaic properties, as characterized by current-voltage measurements under illumination of air mass (AM) 1.5G sunlight (100 mW cm–2). A series of organic materials consisting of a triphenylamine-based donor with oligothiophene or oligothienylenevinylene based-conjugated linker and dicyanovinyl, tricyanovinyl or cyanacrylic acid groups as acceptor, was synthesized and characterized. Their photophysical, electrochemical, thermal and luminescence properties were studied. Transient absorption spectra of TPA-OTV-DCN in dichloromethane solution on the pico- to nanosecond timescale were recorded after femtosecond laser excitation at 400 nm. A transient signal at ca. 700 nm was tentatively assigned to result from the formation of a charge-separated [(TPA-OTV)+??DCN??] state with the charge recombination rate constant determined to be 5.3 × 109 s?1. The energy levels of the LUMOs of TPA-OTV1-DCN, TPA-OTV2-DCN, TPA-OTV3-DCN TPA-TAZ1-DCN, TPA-TAZ2-DCN and TPA-o-4Th-DCN were calculated to be of ca. ?3.9 eV, establishing the formation of a downhill driving force for the energetically favorable electron transfer process involving the injection of an electron into the LUMO of the C60 acceptor. The majority of the compounds were found to exhibit photovoltaic properties. The photovoltaic responses were characterized by current-voltage measurements under illumination of air mass (AM) 1.5G sunlight (100 mW cm–2).published_or_final_versionChemistryDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph


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    本論文企圖使用一個新的策略,以求得一個熱交換器網路結構,並且此一結構在操作上, 符合所有程序流體的進口溫度及流量,能在一個適度的範圍下的任意改變,都不會使結構發生問題。 此問題可主要可分為三個步驟: (1)在最小化總年成本TAC下,求得一個最適化熱交換器網路結構; (2)將此最適化熱交換器網路結構,做彈性指標分析,以求此結構是否能在特定操作範圍下是符合需求的; (3)若不符合需求,則運用整體排除來刪除此結構。 例如,若此結構不符合需求,則使用整體排除或增加操作點,來縮小下次求解時的最適化問題之搜尋空間。 然而,也頂搨n重複幾次上述步驟,才能得到一個符合需求的熱交換器網路結構, 是以在本論文中使用一個例子來說明此論文提供之策略的效率。1 緒論 ..................................................1 1.1 前言 ..............................................1 1.2 熱交換器網路的介紹 ................................2 1.3 文獻回顧 ..........................................2 1.4 研究動機與目的 ....................................4 1.5 組織章節 ..........................................4 2 熱交換器網路之模式建構 ................................7 2.1 模式建立之背景說明 ................................7 2.2 模式建立之基本假設條件 ............................8 2.3 模式之符號、系統參數與系統變數 ...................12 2.3.1 符號說明 ...................................12 2.3.2 系統參數 ...................................12 2.3.3 系統變數 ...................................13 2.4 目標函數與限制式 .................................13 2.4.1 熱交換器網路限制式 .........................13 2.4.2 目標函數 ...................................21 2.5 混和整數非線性方程式(MINLP)模式 ..................23 2.5.1 例子 .......................................25 3 非恆溫混合(non-isothermal mixing)、多操作點(multi-period) 與測流管(bypass) .....................................29 3.1 非恆溫混合的熱交換器網路之模式建構 ...............30 3.1.1 增加的系統變數 .............................30 3.1.2 熱交換器網路限制式的修正 ...................31 3.1.3 目標函數的修正 .............................32 3.1.4 混和整數非線性方程式(MINLP)模式 ............32 3.2 同時考慮多操作點狀況(Multi-period)的熱交換器網路整合 之模式 ...........................................35 3.2.1 描述多操作點狀況(Multi-period)的熱交換器網路整 合 .........................................35 3.2.2 目標函數的修改 .............................36 3.2.3 混和整數非線性方程式(MINLP)的修改 ..........36 3.3 側流管(bypass)的熱交換器網路之模式建構 ...........39 3.3.1 增加的系統變數 .............................39 3.3.2 熱交換器網路限制式的修正 ...................40 3.3.3 目標函數的修正 .............................40 3.3.4 混和整數非線性方程式(MINLP)模式 ............41 4 熱交換器網路的操作彈性 ...............................43 4.1 操作彈性之描述 ...................................43 4.2 操作彈性之分析 ...................................44 4.3 整體排除對於不符合的網路結構 .....................47 5 例子與討論 ...........................................49 5.1 例子一•兩股程序熱流和兩股程序冷流 ...............49 6 結論與未來展望 .......................................55 6.1 結論 .............................................55 6.2 未來展望 .........................................56 作者簡歷 ...............................................5


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    [[abstract]]幸福企業是近期新起的字眼,企業與員工是一個緊密的關係,好與壞都繫在一起,員工是企業最重要的一塊拼圖,以員工為本是企業不衰的道理,近期的企業了解員工是非常重要的,他們開始著手進行改變,讓員工的心情面、現實面都可以得到滿足。 一、「幸福企業對公司營運的影響」,企業最根本就是為了利益,當他們肯為員工做改變時,企業主的付出必會得到員工的響應,真心對待員工的同時員工也感受的到,他們也會用心為公司打拼,你用一個時間點來評斷成果,你會發現數據成果有顯著的改變,可能有好有壞,但是一定有成果可以呈現出來。 二、「幸福企業對員工的影響」,它對員工的影響是巨大的,幸福企業是一個很好的文化,以前企業總是要對員工求很多,現在企業開始為員工著想,除了工作外的事情,企業關心員工在工作上的想法和心態,關心員工在職場上的心情,越在乎員工的同時,企業也會得到員工的愛戴。 三、「企業的員工待遇」,現在公司在基本薪資外,公司了解員工的辛勞,會給員工很多方面的東西,可能是金錢面或是假期方面,體恤員工的同時公司在多方面也為員工設想,用很多方式去激勵員工,獎金、假期、補助等方面,讓員工在各方面都可以感受到企業的心意


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