156 research outputs found

    Review on the Theory of Machtstaat: A Study of Carl Schmitt 's State Theory

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    在社会极度不稳定的条件下,世界上大多数的国家依然面临着政治改革的压力,发展新的国家学说成为当前改革的需要。在中国,国家主义在这种情况之下兴起并遭到质疑。施米特的国家理论作为国家主义的崛起的理论源头之一,颇受关注。施米特国家理论到底是什么?要怎样看待施米特国家理论?本文主要通过解决这两个问题来探讨施米特的国家理论。本文研究的理论意义在于丰富对施米特的思想的研究;清晰施米特的国家理论的内容;同时厘清施米特的国家理论内容,为新的国家理论发展提供借鉴。实践意义在于帮助我们重新审视国家在现实生活中的价值与意义,从而合理界定国家的角色与地位。 本文主要考察了施米特的相关著述,总结了施米特国家理论的思想渊...Under the background of the instability of the society, the most country in the world were confronted with huge pressure from the political transition, so it is necessary to bring out a new state theory. In this case, Chinese nationalism rose and was questioned. As one of the theoretical sources of Chinese nationalism, Carl Schmitt 's state theory has been paid close attention. There were two ques...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_中外政治制度学号:1382013115053

    Construction and immobilization of petroleum-degrading consortium

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    近年来,随着海洋资源的开发和利用,海洋受到了严重的污染,其中石油污染尤为突出。海上石油及其产品污染是最重要的生态学灾难性污染之一,海洋石油开采和管道化以及商船运输都是潜在的流动污染源。以微生物为主体的生物修复技术以其投入小、无二次污染的优势被视为最有前途的治理手段。但低水温、寡营养以及海水的冲刷等因素都会直接影响微生物降解石油的效率,加之石油组分的复杂性,使得海洋石油污染的生物修复技术较之其他的生物修复技术更为复杂。本研究针对海洋石油污染治理技术研究领域的难点,开展了石油降解菌的定向驯化、石油降解菌群的构建与优化以及石油降解菌(群)的固定化研究,为成功地运用生物修复技术治理海洋石油污染提供有力...Petroleum is a widespread organic pollutant in marine environments. Crude oil extraction, refining, natural seepage from reservoirs, unregulated disposal by end users, fresh water and terrestrial run-off are all constant sources of marine oil pollution. Biodegradation is one of the most important processes involved in the natural attenuation and eventual removal of petroleum from the environment,...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_微生物学学号:2172009115212


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    Epoxidation of Propylene Catalyzed by Iron-Containing Heterogeneous Catalysts

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    本论文合成了含铁分子筛,考察了分子筛中不同位置的铁物种在丙烯环氧化反应中的催化反应性能差异,并对催化剂结构进行了详细的表征,进而深入探讨了催化剂结构和性能之间的关联。首先,利用直接水热合成法,模板剂离子交换法和浸渍法合成了铁处于分子筛中不同位置的Fe-MCM-41催化剂,并向其中添加钾盐进行修饰。研究发现,添加KCl后,不同方法合成的Fe-MCM-41均能够实现丙烯氧化由烯丙基氧化向环氧化的转变。多种表征手段结果表明,添加KCl会导致骨架外铁物种由扭曲的八面体结构向为K+离子所稳定的正四面体结构转变,该正四面体结构的铁物种是丙烯环氧化的活性位。对于骨架内四配位的铁物种来说,加入KCl会引起骨架...In this dissertation, KCl modified molecular sieves that contain iron species in- or extra-framework are synthesized to study their different catalytic performances for propylene epoxidation with N2O. These catalysts have been characterized in details and the structure-reactivity relationships have also been investigated. Fe-MCM-41 catalysts are synthesized and iron would be introduced into ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20022505


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    Diversity of culturable endophytic fungi of common reed ( Phragmites australis) in coastal wetland

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    内生真菌在植物生长以及抵御环境胁迫过程中起着非常重要的生态作用.本研究从黄河三角洲滨海湿地1350个芦苇组织切片中分离得到318株内生真菌,通过对rDNA ITS的分型、测序及系统进化分析,研究了该地区芦苇植株根、茎、叶中可培养内生真菌的种类组成及在不同盐度、不同组织中的分布情况.根据序列相似性(以98%为阈值),共获得12个真菌分类操作单元(OTUs).在门级分类水平上,子囊菌门为绝对优势菌群,在各组织和站位中均有分布.芦苇根组织中分离得到的内生真菌OTU数相对较多,叶组织和茎组织中分离到的OTU数相同,且叶中的OTU在根中均存在.潮上区(低盐区)内生真菌OTU数最多,高潮区次之.根中可培养..

    Preliminary Study on Regulation of XIOsPR10 Gene Expression in Rice

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    为探索水稻Pr10蛋白在水稻抗细菌性条斑病中的作用,构建了XIOSPr10基因的植物过量表达载体P1301-XIOSPr10及rnAI表达载体PdS1301-XIOSPr10,通过农杆菌介导分别转化水稻愈伤组织,获得了相应的再生植株。经guS检测和PCr分析,证实XIOSPr10基因以及rnAI片段分别整合到水稻再生植株基因组中;半定量rT-PCr分析显示,过量表达植株中XIOSPr10基因的表达量高于对照,而rnAI转基因植株中XIO-SPr10基因的表达被抑制。In order to study the function of rice XIOsPR10 gene which is related to the plant disease resistant reaction,we constructed plant over expression and RNAi expression vector and integrated into the genome of rice via Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105,respectively.The transgenic cultivars were identified by PCR and GUS gene expression detection.The analysis result showed that the transcription level of XIOsPR10 of over-expression transgenic rice was higher than that of control.In construct,XIOsPR10 gene expression was blocked in RNAi transgenic rice.科技部863专题(2007AA10Z132);国家重大科技专项(2008ZX08001-001;2009ZX08009-045B);教育部重点项目(01102

    Determination of sulfite in flue gas desulfurization with seawater by ion chromatography

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    建立了燃煤电厂烟气脱硫海水中亚硫酸根(SO32-)的离子色谱-脉冲安培检测方法。色谱柱为IOnPAC AS14A阴离子交换柱,流动相为14MMOl/l nAOH-12MMOl/l nA2CO3溶液(PH11.7),流速1.2Ml/MIn,脉冲安培法检测。因SO23-易被氧化,故在采样时加入甲醛作为保护剂,使之稳定存在。在测定海水样品前,用nAOH溶液(PH12.0)沉淀海水中的Mg2+,以避免其在PH较高的流动相中生成沉淀堵塞色谱柱。采用该方法检测SO23-的线性范围为0~100Mg/l,平均回收率为116.8%,检出限为0.05Mg/l;对7.5,25.0和75.0Mg/l的海水基底加标溶液分别进行9次平行测定,其相对标准偏差(rSd)分别为2.1%,3.1%和4.0%。该方法具有快速、灵敏、选择性好等特点,用于烟气脱硫的海水中SO32-的检测,可得到令人满意的结果。The technology for flue gas desulfurization(FGD) with seawater is widely adopted by coal-fired power plants in coastal areas.SO2 in the flue gas is absorbed by alkaline seawater and transfered in aqueous phase as sulfite(SO2-3),and most SO2-3 is transformed to sulfate(SO2-4) after an aeration process.The remaining SO2-3 in the seawater discharged to sea area may be harmful to marine organism because of its biological toxicity,thus it is necessary to determine the concentration of SO2-3 in the seawater for desulfurization.In this study,the method of determination of SO2-3 in the seawater by ion chromatography was investigated.The separation was achieved on an IonPac AS14A column with 14 mmol/L NaOH-12 mmol/L Na2CO3 solution as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min,and the detection was performed by a pulsed amperometric detector.Formaldehyde was added as a protective agent when sampling because the SO2-3 is easy to be oxidized.To avoid the formation of Mg(OH)2 in the mobile phase with high pH value which might block the column,the Mg2+ in seawater was precipitated by NaOH solution(pH 12.0) before sample determination.The method showed good linearity within the range of 0-100 mg/L with an average recovery of 116.8%.The method detection limit(MDL) reached as low as 0.05 mg/L.The relative standard deviations(RSD) for seawater matrix samples spiked at levels of 7.5,25.0 and 75.0 mg/L were 2.1%,3.1% and 4.0%(n=9),respectively.The method has been applied for the determination of SO2-3 in flue gas desulfurization seawater with the advantages of being fast,sensitive and selective


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    Studies on Rice Resistance-related Proteins in Response to Bacterial Leaf Streak,Xanthomonas Oryzae pv.Oryzicola

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    水稻细菌性条斑病由XAnTHOM OnAS OryzAEPV.OryzICOlA引起,是目前威胁亚洲稻区水稻生产的重要病害之一。以水稻品种9311为研究对象,通过差异蛋白质组学方法,研究了病菌侵染48 H后水稻叶片的差异表达蛋白质,通过分析比对、质谱分析以及数据库检索,从中选择了7个上调表达的鉴定蛋白,包括4个水稻lrk类基因,2个nbS-lrr类基因和1个Pr-10基因家族成员基因。并设计相应的PCr引物,从水稻CdnA中获得相关基因片段做探针进行nOrTHErn杂交分析,结果显示,上述基因在接种病原菌12 H或48 H后表达量增加,表明这些蛋白质参与了抗病反应。Rice bacterial leaf streak(BLS) caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola(Xooc) is one of the major diseases in Asia.In this paper,the protein differently expressed after infected for 48 h by BLS was studied with rice 9311 as material through proteomic approach.Based on the result of protein blast,fingerprints and data search analysis,seven identified proteins up-regulated were selected including four LRK like genes,two NBS-LRR type genes and one PR-10 gene.Relevant primers were designed to amplify the genes from rice cDNA as probe for Northern blotting.The results showed that the mRNA levels of these genes increased significantly after infected by BLS for 12 h and 48 h,indicating these proteins have participated in disease resistance.国家863计划项目(2007AA10Z132);国家重大科技专项(2008ZX08001-001;2009ZX08009-045B);教育部重点项目(重点01102)资