8 research outputs found

    Be Sheltered Suffering: Reflections on the Practice of Artificial Abortion in China

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    中国人工流产率的居高不下,不仅源于从计划体制到市场化转变过程中趋于个体化的女性在两性关系中的盲从,也源于计划生育国家政策保障下中传统儒家家庭对堕胎实践的内部消解。同时,转型期间民间资本涌入公共医疗体系导致的大量妇科私立医院兴起,带来了以女性美好的身体,幸福的生活为消费需求的人流广告的泛滥,为女性人流实施者构筑起了心理文化底线。近年来,青少年成为了人流的主力军,面对这样严酷的事实,人工流产手术已经从一种单纯的医疗事件转变成为集政治、经济、社会、文化为一体的事件。然而在这个过程中,作为生育主体的女性从未被重视。 本研究通过田野调查的方法,运用人类学的理论,尤其是医学人类学的相关知识,尝试将人工流...China's abortion rate is high, not only is the result of in the process of transition from planning system to the market tend to individual women in relationships follow blindly, also is the result of state policy of family planning under the guarantee of traditional Confucian family internal digestion of abortion practice. At the same time, during the transformation of private capital into public...学位:法学博士院系专业:人文学院_人类学学号:1062012015371

    Environment,Space and Historical Memory——The Exploration on the Cultural Connotation about the Residential Architecture of “a Signet”in Yunnan Province

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    云南“一颗印“民居建筑类型不仅体现了住屋建造对自然环境的适应性,其丰富的空间结构意义也反映出居住群体的文化空间认知结构,对其文化记忆的溯源更可以发现当中隐涉了以儒家伦理为核心的文化本质及多民族融合的历史进程。随着近年来建筑研究的人文转向,对以“一颗印“为代表的中国传统民居建筑所蕴含的文化内涵进行以人类学为视角的深入探讨十分必要。The residential architecture,"a Signet",in Yunnan shows the adaptation of the residential building to the natural environment and the rich spatial structure also reflects the cultural spatial cognition from the residents.The origin of the cultural memory expresses the historical process in which the core of the cultural nature is Confucian ethics and multi-ethnic integration.With the humanistic turn of the architectural study,it is necessary,from the perspective of anthropology,to explore the cultural connotation involving in the Chinese traditional residential architecture in which "a Signet"is the representative


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    “Ni Ciguo” Treatment Ceremony as a Carrier of Religious,Medical and Artistic Connotations——Cultural Interpretation for Nuosu Group of Yi People's “Ni Ciguo” Treatment Ceremony

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    “尼此裹“仪式作为最为典型、实践率最高的传统宗教医疗方式,在彝族诺苏支系群体的心目中有着不可替代的地位。它不仅体现出诺苏文化宗教信仰体系的核心价值观念,也承载着诺苏人寻医问药、解除疾病痛苦的基本身心需求,更传递出诺苏文化中艺术表达方式独特的一面。因此,“尼此裹“治疗仪式应该被视为一种重要的非物质文化遗产表述载体而加以重视。As the most typical medical and most practiced treatment method in the Nousu group of the Yi people,"Ni Ciguo"ceremony plays an irreplaceable role in the mind of the Yi.It not only embodies the most important system of religious belief of the Nuosu culture,but also carries the experience of the Nuosu group as to ways of dealing with illness and alleviating pain.What's more,it also reflects the unique aspect of artistic expression of the Nuosu culture.As an important expression carrier of intangible cultural heritage,this treatment ceremony should therefore get more attention

    Integrity of Treatment: Rethinking Based on Medical Pluralism——Takinga Yi Village in Small Liangshan Area for Example

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    小凉山彝族地区多元医疗体系下的治疗实践表明,传统、现代及民间三个不同层次的治疗方式在患者的实际生活中发挥着不同层次的实际效用,主导着病患从身体到心理再到社会的多方面的重新整合过程,由此所构成的多元医疗体系的整体性才是其存在的真正意义所在。The treatment practice under multiple medical systems in Small Liangshan area where Yi minority people live shows that traditional,modern and folk treatments have very different effects on patients' daily life,dominating their physical,psychological and social recovery.Thus the real significance of multiple medical systems lies in their integrity.云南大学“211工程”民族学重点学科建设项目“少数民族村寨疾病文化研究”的阶段性研究成果之


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    在一个特殊设计的三垒双阱异质结构中,注入到入射端量子阱中的电子,首先经过子带间弛豫填充到较低能级,紧接着通过共振隧穿逃逸出后面的双势垒结构,流入收集电极,完成了整个输运过程.通过比较带间光荧光谱中E_2 -HH_1与E_1-HH_1两峰的强度,我们发现外加垂直磁场可以抑制子带间的LO声子和LA声子散射,使能量较高的子带上出现了明显的非热平衡占据.这一发现提供了一种新的控制子带间散射速率(量子级联激光器的主要机制)的有效方法,使得在量子阱子带间实现粒子数反转变得更加容易


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    在一个特殊设计的三垒双阱异质结构中,注入到入射端量子阱中的电子,首先经过子带间弛豫填充到较低能级,紧接着通过共振隧穿逃逸出后面的双势垒结构,流入收集电极,完成了整个输运过程.通过比较带间光荧光谱中E_2 -HH_1与E_1-HH_1两峰的强度,我们发现外加垂直磁场可以抑制子带间的LO声子和LA声子散射,使能量较高的子带上出现了明显的非热平衡占据.这一发现提供了一种新的控制子带间散射速率(量子级联激光器的主要机制)的有效方法,使得在量子阱子带间实现粒子数反转变得更加容易