
Environment,Space and Historical Memory——The Exploration on the Cultural Connotation about the Residential Architecture of “a Signet”in Yunnan Province


云南“一颗印“民居建筑类型不仅体现了住屋建造对自然环境的适应性,其丰富的空间结构意义也反映出居住群体的文化空间认知结构,对其文化记忆的溯源更可以发现当中隐涉了以儒家伦理为核心的文化本质及多民族融合的历史进程。随着近年来建筑研究的人文转向,对以“一颗印“为代表的中国传统民居建筑所蕴含的文化内涵进行以人类学为视角的深入探讨十分必要。The residential architecture,"a Signet",in Yunnan shows the adaptation of the residential building to the natural environment and the rich spatial structure also reflects the cultural spatial cognition from the residents.The origin of the cultural memory expresses the historical process in which the core of the cultural nature is Confucian ethics and multi-ethnic integration.With the humanistic turn of the architectural study,it is necessary,from the perspective of anthropology,to explore the cultural connotation involving in the Chinese traditional residential architecture in which "a Signet"is the representative

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