425 research outputs found

    <Originals Papers>Studies on Electrolytic Refining of Zinc. (Part 1) : The Solubility of Lead in Zinc Sulfate-Sulfuric Acid Electrolyte

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    The solubility of lead in zinc sulfate-sulfuric acid electrolyte was determined over the range of zinc concentration from 30 to 120g/l, acid concentration from 50 to 300g/l, and at the temperature of 30°, 40°, and 50℃. For each of the solubility determinations lead sulfate was wetground with a little electrolyte and transferred to a 80ml portion of the latter in a stoppered 100ml conical flask. The electrolyte was mechanically stirred for 24 hours and then allowed to stand for 2 hours at a constant temperature of 30°, 40°, and 50℃ respectively. 5ml of the electrolyte was then taken as a sample and lead was extracted by dithizone in chloroform. The quantity of lead present in the dythizone solution was measured with Fisher Nefluoro Photometer through the 525mμ filter. The solubility of lead in zinc electrolyte is mainly affected by the free sufuric acid concentration and the temperature. It decreases with increase in acid concentration, increases with rise in temperature, and is scarcely affected by zinc concentration. The relationship between the lead solubility and the free sulfuric acid concentration is given by the following expression logy=a+bx where y is the concentration of lead, mg/l, x is the free sulfuric acid concentration, in g/l unit, a and b are constants which may be evaluated from zinc concentration and temperature of the electrolyte. Rise in temperature results in an increase of 0.11~0.16mg Pb/℃

    <Original Papers>Recovery of Elemental Sulphur from Iron Sulphide Ores by Roasting in SO_2 Atmosphere

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    For recovery of elemental sulphur and iron oxide suitable for pig iron production, the reaction [numerical formula] might be considered as possible. Powdered pyrite assayed at 95% FeS_2 was roasted in the atmosphere of SO_2+N_2 in a fluidized roasting furnace, of which the reaction tube made of 18% Cr steel was 10 cm in diameter and 1 m in hight. In fluidization, the reaction of FeS with SO_2 was controlled by chemical reaction itself on the surface of FeS. Arrhenius plot gave a staight line, indicating that the energy of activation was about 22 kcal/mol. The composition of gas mixture which circulated through cyclones, a sulphur condenser, a bag filter and a preheater had no effect on the reaction rate in the range higher than 50% SO_2. The reaction was slow at the temperature lower than 750℃, but when the temperature was raised to 900℃ or higher, sintering occurred. When the ore was fed constantly and the experiment was continued for 6 hours, the residual sulphur in the roasted ore reached 4~8%

    <Original Papers>Studies on Electrolytic Refining of Zinc. (III) : Behavior of Lead Peroxide Suspended in Zinc Electrolyte

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    To determine the effect of lead peroxide dispersed in electrolyte on the lead content of cathode zinc, the following investigation was conducted. For comparison with results in the previous work, experiments were carried out in the same manner as the previous one except the use of pure lead or 1% Ag alloy anode and the variation of the amount of lead peroxide kept in suspension. By comparing with the previous results it was found that the lead peroxide was occluded to the cathode zinc, as is well known as the major course of zinc contamination. In some examples, an assumption was made on the ratio of lead quantities transferred to zinc from lead ion deposition and from the occlusion of lead peroxide respectively. Results are summarised in the following four points : (1) Distribution of lead on the cathode surface depends on the amount of lead peroxide in suspension. When its quantity is large, lead distribution is not uniform, contaning more lead in the surrounding part ; on the other hand, when less quantity of lead peroxide is dispersed, the result approches to that of lead ion deposition only. (2) At low current dencity the influence of lead ion deposition is intensified, while at high current dencity the occlusion of lead peroxide is accelerated with increasing electrolyte agitation by bubbles. (3) Rising temperature is favorable to increasing lead ion concentration, and furthermore, the occlusion of lead peroxide. High current density accelerates the influence of elevated temperature. (4) It is impossible from comparison with the previous results to presume the contamination course of zinc in all runs except in some examples, because the lead peroxide particles dissolve relatively easily while electrolysis is going on

    <Original Papers>Studies on Electrolytic Refining of Zinc. (IV) : Courses of Lead Transferred to Cathode Zinc

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    To elucidate the courses of lead coming into the cathode zinc, comparison was made with the lead content of zinc deposited to two cathodes of which one was enclosed in an unglazed cylindrical alumina diaphragm and the other was directly immersed to electrolyte suspending reasonable amount of lead peroxide particles. Electrolyte solution was forcibly circulated through the diaphragm to prevent growth of difference between electrolyte constituents, especially lead ion concentration, of both sides of diaphragm. The lead distribution between lead ion deposition and lead peroxide occlusion was decided by comparing results of these two cathodes. The ratio of lead quantity caused by lead ion deposition to the total amount of lead in the cathode zinc was much higher beyond our expectation. The ratio of lead ion deposition increased with increase in lead ion concentration of electrolyte solution and with decrease in amount of dispersed lead peroxide particles and in electrolyte temperature. The total lead content of cathode zinc takes the minimum value at the some current density which varies with correlation between lead ion concentration and the amount of dispersed lead peroxide, and with other electrolysis conditions. At that current density, it was found that the respective lead quantity that comes into cathode passing through the different course was just same. In higher range than that current density, the occlusion of lead peroxide is the predominating factor in contamination course of zinc, but at a less current density, cathodic contamination is due mainly to the deposition of soluble lead. From comparison of both contamination ratios of lead ion deposition and lead peroxide occlusion, it was found that we had to pay the same attention to lead ion deposition as to the lead peroxide occlusion

    <Original Papers>A Fundamental Study on the Pyrometallurgical Debismuthizing of Lead.(I) : Thermodynamic Study of the Pb-Bi System

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    This study was carried out to investigate the lead-bismuth-sodium ternary system which forms a basis of the Dittmer method as a part of "the fundamental study of pyrometallurgical debismuthizing of lead." Thermodynamic properties of liquid Pb-Bi binary system were determined by emf measurement of galvanic cell of the form Pb/Pb^ (in KCl+LiCl)/Pb (Pb-Bi solution). Activity curve of respective component of lead and bismuth shows small negative deviation from ideality. The excess integral molal entropy change is near to zero in all range and the solution can be taken as the regular solution even though Darken\u27s function is not strictly constant

    アンポ ケンポウ アジア ヨトウナイ タイリツ ト ヨヤトウカン タイリツ

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    The Conflict about the Japan U. S. Security Treaty(JUSST)is fought between the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)and the Japan Socialist Party(JSP), though disagreement about the Constitution emerged within the LDP, Some LDP members support Taiwan, while others support the People’s Republic of China. Postwar settlement was not discussed until the 1980s. These inconsistent partisan divisions d6n’t fit with the conventional right-left ideology. These issues differ not only in terms of partisan division but also the policy dimension;the JUSST and the China problem are concerned with the Cold War dimension, while the Constitution and postwar settlement are related to the stateness dimension. Since the Cold War dimension is more salient than the stateness dimension, the partisan division on that issue, the LDP vs. the JSP, was fixed in 1955. As a result, issues of the Constitution and postwar settlement have never been solved

    Variations in portal and hepatic vein branching of the liver

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    The present study provided an overview of the Couinaud’s segmentation system of the portal and hepatic veins, the controversies surrounding it and the typical variations the anatomy of the portal and hepatic veins. Even with the advent of three-dimensional CT (3DCT), it goes without saying that a basic knowledge of Couinaud’s classification is essential. Future advances in technology are expected to enable the superimposition of preoperative 3D images and intraoperative real-time ultrasound images. Looking forward, a secure knowledge of the fundamentals of liver anatomy is necessary for patient safety during liver transplantation or R0 resection, in which the tumour is not exposed. (Kimura in Kan Tan Sui Gazo 13: 355-363, 2011