74 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study on the Lexical Situation of Two Sets of TCFL Textbooks

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    教材是沟通教师和学生、教学活动和学习活动的桥梁,教材水平的高低直接决定着教师的教学效果和学生的学习效果。笔者在泰任教期间切身感受到泰国高校所用教材在词汇选用方面与学生的实际交际需要存在一定的脱离现象。因此,结合国家语言资源监测与研究中心教育教材语言分中心所承担的“海外汉语教材语言研究”项目课题对《汉语教程》和《泰国人学汉语》这两部初级阶段综合性汉语教材语言进行描写研究,不仅是愈发国际化的“对外汉语教学”学科的发展要求,也是新世纪对外汉语教材编写的时代要求。 本文以通用型初级阶段汉语教材《汉语教程》和国别化初级阶段汉语教材《泰国人学汉语》为研究对象,以汉语词汇学理论、第二语言教学理论、教材编写...Textbook is the bridge of teachers and students, teaching activities and learning activities , teaching material’s level directly decides the teachers' teaching effect and student learning effect. When I was teaching Chinese in Thailand ,I personally feel the vocabulary in textbooks cannot satisfy the student's actual communicative needs. Therefore, according to the national language resources mon...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_语言学及应用语言学学号:1022008115240

    Design and Implementation of Scientific Research Information Management System for Universities

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    随着现代技术的日益进步,各高校的研究项目和科研技术能力已成为反映高校综合能力评定的重要指标。随着近几年来对高考学生的扩招,一些高校的专业类型也不断增多,教师科研的领域范围在慢慢的增大,不断地得到进步同时也取得了一些研究成果。从各院校科研到各个高等院校教研室的科研信息管理,以及老师和学生对个人科研技术工作逐渐增加,仅仅依靠过去的科研管理人员通过办公简单化软件来处理大量的数据,得到一些有用的,新的信息库是比较困难的,为研究人员管理带了很多不方便之处。因此我校开发一个便捷,高效的科研信息管理平台是非常有用的。 鉴于以上提出的各种问题,本文将设计并完成了一个符合我校的研究信息管理系统,本系统以JSP...With the development of modern science and technology, research activities and research capacity of universities has become an important indicator reflecting the overall strength of the university. As part of the professional class college entrance examination enrollment is increasing, teachers are constantly expanding range of research areas, from science to each College Department of scientific ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223087

    Analysis on Orientation of the PV Industry Development in Hubei Province

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    在阐述我国及湖北光伏产业链各环节发展现状的基础上,分析了湖北发展光伏产业的比较优 势,指出湖北虽应重视光伏产业发展,但不能急于求成,短期内不必效仿其他省份打造光伏千亿元产 业,而应从健全产业链、启动光伏市场、壮大企业规模、增强企业竞争力等方面,以光伏技术的推广 利用为切入点和突破口,以应用拉动产业,适度鼓励和扶持光伏产业发展。Based on an introduction to the national and local status quo of each link on the PV industrial chain of Hubei Province, this paper analyzes the comparative advantages of the province in developing the PV industry. It points out that despite great importance attached to the development of the industry, Hubei should not hastily and blindly follow other provinces to build a photovoltaic industry of 100 billion Yuan in the short term. Instead, Hubei should improve the industrial chain, establish the PV market, expand the business scale, and enhance competitiveness of the PV companies. It should take the wide application of PV technology as a starting point and a breakthrough, promote the industry through application, and rationally encourage and support the PV industry


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    Syntheses and characterizations of rare earth compounds RE(HCO2)(3)(HNO2) (H2CO2) (RE = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Tm)

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    A series of novel inclusion compounds with compositions of RE(HCO2)(3)(HNO2)( H2CO2) (RE = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Tm) were synthesized and structures were characterized by X-ray methods. The orthorhombic structure was shown to be a new type with a non-centrosymmetric space group (20) C222(1) by single crystal structure determinations. It is characterized by networks of rare earth centered square anti-prisms formed by eight oxygen atoms through bridging carbon and nitrogen atoms. The guest formic acid molecules H2CO2 are distributed inside the open tunnels along the crystallographic a axis. The magnetic susceptibility measurements show the heavy rare earth compounds follow the Curie-Weiss law and the calculated numbers of Bohr magnetons are consistent with the RE3+ ions. The yttrium compound shows very weak temperature independent paramagnetism


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    The development of volitional quality among children and the intervention effect of winter sports on volitional quality

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    优秀的意志品质是个体应对压力、达到目标、获得成就的关键因素,意志品质薄弱的个体在长期应激条件下,容易出现成瘾、抑郁甚至自杀等问题。儿童时期是意志品质培养的关键时期,直接影响人格塑造和毕生发展过程的心理健康。然而,由于意志这一科学问题存在实证研究的困难,意志相关的研究在当今心理学中的地位日趋弱化,对儿童意志品质的实证研究较为缺乏。本研究旨在通过横断面研究和准实验研究,探索体育锻炼对儿童意志品质的促进作用,一方面丰富意志品质的实证研究证据,另一方面,为学校教育和家庭教育提供有效的意志品质培养途径和方法。研究一使用《青少年意志品质问卷》对某小学286名一至六年级小学生意志品质的现状进行问卷调查,旨在描述正常儿童意志品质的随年龄发展趋势,重点探察参与体育活动与儿童意志品质的关联。结果表明:1、一年级与二至六年级儿童在意志品质总分上存在显著性差异(p 0.05)。2、参加体育兴趣班开展自主体育锻炼的儿童在中等以上强度、每次30分钟以上、每周3次以上体育活动量的意志品质总分得分较高。3、参加体育兴趣班开展自主体育锻炼的儿童意志品质总分与语文、英语、数学及总成绩均存在显著正相关关系(r = 0.36,p < 0.01;r = 0.32,p < 0.01;r = 0.32,p < 0.01;r = 0.43,p < 0.01)。基于此,研究二采用准实验设计的方法,以冰雪项目作为干预手段,探察三个月冰雪运动对一年级儿童意志品质的影响,自变量为组别(实验组和对照组)和时间(干预前、干预后)。结果发现:一年级儿童意志品质总分、坚韧性及自觉性分维度在组别和时间上存在显著交互作用(F = 7.03,p < 0.05,ƞ² = 0.08;F = 4.26,p < 0.05,ƞ² = 0.05;F = 7.07,p < 0.05,ƞ² = 0.08)。对后测两组间结果进行分析发现,实验组儿童意志品质总分及坚韧性、自觉性两个维度分数显著高于对照组水平(t = 20.50,p < 0.001;t = 4.26,p < 0.05;t = 6.33,p <0.001)。组内分析发现,实验组干预后的意志品质总分和坚韧性、自觉性分维度分数均显著高于干预前(t = -35.19,p < 0.001;t = -9.57,p < 0.001; t = -7.86, p < 0.001)。该结果提示,系统性冰雪运动训练对小学一年级儿童的意志品质有积极促进作用。综上所述,小学阶段儿童的意志品质整体水平呈现先提高后稳定发展的趋势;一至二年级可能是儿童意志品质发展的重要时期。此外,研究还发现,冰雪运动能显著提高一年级儿童的意志品质。这些研究发现为学校教育和家庭教育培养儿童优秀的意志品质提供了重要的参考途径,同时也为政府部门制定相关教育政策提供了科学依据

    Forecasting implied volatility surface: Evidence from Taiwan China market

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    本文采用两步法构建了期权隐含波动率曲面的动态模型,并利用该动态模型检验了台指期权隐含波动率曲面的可预测性.结果显示,台指期权隐含波动率曲面无论在; 统计意义上还是经济意义上都具有可预测性,当在预测过程中加入看涨(看跌)期权市场净购买压力信息后,台指看涨(看跌)期权隐含波动率曲面的样本外预测效; 果得到了显著提高,在不考虑交易成本以及合适的交易成本的情形下,依据模型预测结果构建的交易策略能获得正的超额收益.The paper first builds the dynamic models of option implied volatility; surface by using the "two-step" method, and then exploits the; predictability of TXO implied volatility surface. The results show that; the predictability of TXO implied volatility is both statistically and; economically significant. Incorporating of net buying pressure index; into forecasting process leads to enhancement of out-of-sample; predictability of the models. Moreover, trading strategies based on the; predicted results of implied volatility surface could generate positive; abnormal profits even when moderate transaction costs are considered.国家自然科学基