1,561 research outputs found

    Research on Chinese loadwords in Ming and Qing dynasties

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    吸收外来词是汉语词汇发展史上的重要现象,同时也是语言接触与文化交流的结果。汉语吸收外来词具有漫长的历史。比如:从两汉到隋唐时期,佛教文化被中国文化吸收,大量佛教词汇传入汉语并极大地丰富了汉语词汇系统,其中一些词在现代汉语中仍然经常被使用,如:“佛”、“地狱”、“忏悔”、“庄严”、“圆满”等。目前学术界对汉语外来词的研究虽然取得了一些成果,但多停留于共时层面的分析描写,对外来词的“史”的研究还极其匮乏,尤其缺乏不同时段汉语外来词发展史的专题研究。 明清在中国历史上是中国与西方社会密切接触的时期。自明末起,西学东渐加速了近代西方学术思想向中国传播的历史进程,中国文化与西方异质文化交汇融合,使明清...Borrowing words from foreign languages, as the result of language contact and cultural exchange,is an important phenomenon in Chinese lexical history. It also has a long history. For example, a large number of Buddhist words were borrowed into Chinese and greatly enriched the Chinese vocabulary system when Buddhist culture was absorbed by Chinese culture in the Han Dynasty and the Sui-Tang dynasti...学位:博士后院系专业:人文学院_汉语言文字学学号:201419000

    Shanxi province tourism program brand development strategy research

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    二十一世纪,旅游业在我国迅猛发展,中国旅游趋势正在从一个旅游大国向旅游强国大步迈进。在这个过程中,旅游节目也随着旅游业的兴盛迅猛发展,在电视银幕上众多电视旅游节目如雨后春笋般出现。然而电视等传统媒体正面临严重的生存危机,相比朝阳产业的旅游,旅游节目将何去何从? 本文第一、第二章为整体研究提供了理论基础,第三章应用PEST分析模型从宏观角度进行了相关研究,第四章从微观角度对《我的旅游攻略》栏目进行了剖析,第五章依据前边的系统研究对旅游节目未来的发展战略提出了建议,第六章为最后的结论。 全文通过文献搜集和个案研究等方法,分别从宏观上分析了品牌战略建设在媒体环境下的变迁,从微观案例上剖析了旅游节...Abstract In the twenty-first century,the tourism in China development rapidly. China's tourism has become prosperous industry .In this process,a lot of tourism tv programs was sprung up in the TV screen. However television and other traditional media is facing a serious survival issues, compared to the tourism industry, how to make the tourism tv program is a huge challenge. The first chapter an...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201115605


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    在现代汉语中,区分多义词与同音同形词是一项难度非常大的工作。历史文化源头梳理对辨识同形词具有不可替代的重要性。“圣母“在《现代汉语词典》(第五版、第六版)均被处理为多义词,实际上“圣母1“与“圣母2“没有引申关系,应该被处理为同形词。国家社会科学基金重大项目“东亚珍藏明清汉语文献发掘与研究”(12&ZD178); 福建省社会科学研究规划青年项目“明末传教士文献所见的汉语外来词研究”(FJ2015C196

    Effect of Notch-1 gene uprugulation on AKT-m TOR signal of U251 cell

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    目的:观察上调Notch-1基因对人胶质瘤U251细胞生学物行为及AKT-m TOR信号通路的影响。方法:采用p NL-NICD慢病毒感染U251细胞,以RT-PCR和Western-Blot检测Notch-1基因mRNA和蛋白的表达,以MTT检测细胞增殖能力,流式细胞术检测细胞周期变化,Transwell实验检测细胞侵袭能力,同时检测Notch-1上调对AKT、m TOR、P70S6K、4Ebp-1蛋白的影响。结果:与对照组比较,NICD慢病毒转染72h后,Notch-1基因mRNA和蛋白表达明显增高(P<0.01);Notch-1上调明显促进U251细胞增殖、侵袭、促进细胞进入S期,增加周期蛋白Cyclin D1、CDK-4的表达,促进AKT、m TOR蛋白磷酸化。结论:上调Notch-1基因促进U251细胞增殖、侵袭,其机制和活化AKT-m TOR通路有关。Objective: To investigate the effect of Notch- 1 gene up- regulation on biological hehaviors of U215 cell and explore its effects on AKT- m TOR signal. Methods: U251 cells were infected with over- expression NICD or control lentivirus,the mRNA and protein expression of Notch- 1 gene were examined with RT- PCR and Western-Blot,the cell proliferation was assayed with MTT,cell cycle was determined by flow cytometry,the effects of Notch- 1gene on U251 cell invasion were studied using matrigel coated Transwell chambers,the effects of Notch- 1 up- gulation on AKT,m TOR,P70S6 K and 4Ebp- 1 protein expression were also analyzed. Results: Compared with the untreated and empty group,after 72 h of infection,the protein and mRNA expression of Notch- 1 increased( P < 0. 05).It was found that up- regulation of Notch- 1 promoted U251 cell growth,invasion and S- phase cells were increased( P < 0. 05). Up- regulation of Notch- 1 promoted Cyclin D1,CDK- 4 protein expression,and p- AKT and p-m TOR also increased in Notch- 1 up- regulated U251 cells. Conclusion: Up- regulation Notch- 1 promotes U251 glioma cell proliferation and invasion,the mechanism was partly through regulating AKT- m TOR signaling.福建省卫生厅青年基金资助项目(编号:2012-2-76

    The Exploration of the Locale Network Construction based on Strategic Transition of China Telecom

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    中文摘要 当前,中国电信的企业战略转型已经进入新的阶段。集团公司2008年初提出:今后三年要“实施聚焦客户的信息化创新战略,努力成为业界领先的综合信息服务提供商”。本文以中国电信W市分公司为背景应用麦肯锡业务“三层面理论”探索和研究本地网[1]在市场竞争日趋激烈,固网话音业务不断下滑的大环境下,如何实现集团公司战略转型尤其是核心的业务转型在本地网落地和执行。我们针对工作中所遇到的问题进行调查研究,认识到当前重要的是要做好集团战略转型的战术组织和业务转型的有效实施提高团队执行力,要注重基础和转型业务组合营销,确保企业持续发展。最后还对全业务经营后的转型之路提出了自己的观点。 文章坚持以市场为...Abstract At present, China Telecom's business strategy in transition has entered a new stage. Group early in 2008 has announced: the next three years to "focus the implementation of information technology, innovative strategies, and strive to become the industry's leading integrated information service providers." Based on McKinsey’s “Three Dimensions Theory”, this paper has China Telecom W City ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200715602

    Ethnicity in Multicultural America: A Multicultural Reading of Gish Jen’s The Love Wife

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    20世纪60年代美国的反越战运动,黑人民权运动,女权主义运动为多元文化主义的发展提供了契机。作为文化载体之一的文学不可避免的呈现多元化倾向。任碧莲的创作常表现出对多元文化背景下美国少数族裔之间的联系及族裔身份不定性的独特见解。多元文化语境下各个少数族裔及其与主流文化之间的文化冲突不可避免,作为解决方法之一,任碧莲提出其文化身份及族裔性的自由流动的独特见解,认为“同化”更多的指的是各族裔之间的互相借鉴,而不是对各自文化根源的疏离。“文化多元主义”可以用来涵盖美国文化的基本特征,即对差异容忍的本身就是文化的一部分。论文试图通过分析任碧莲2004年出版的小说《爱妻》,探索其对少数族裔文化身份在多元文...The notion of “multiculturalism” in the USA in the 1960s emerged as a consequence of the Civil Rights movement, anti-war campaigns, women’s liberation movement, student upheavals and lesbian movement. Through her works Gish Jen shows her special thoughts on the issue of American identity and ethnicity in the multicultural context. Under the multicultural social environment culture conflicts among ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:S20040404

    Exploration of Single-Scan Ultrafast 2D NMR Methods Based on Spatial Encoding Technique

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    空间编码单扫描快速采样方法利用空间编码技术,只需单次扫描就能获得二维(2D)及多维(mD)核磁共振(NMR)谱数据,极大地缩短了2D和mDNMR谱的采样时间,有望在NMR领域得到广泛的应用。 本论文详细介绍了空间编码单扫描快速采样方法的基本原理,分析了空间编码单扫描快速采样方法的发展,总结了各种不同的单扫描快速采样脉冲序列在NMR中的应用。在总结前人方法和原理的基础上,提出了新的基于恒时相位调制空间编码的单扫描快速采样序列,快速获得了2D1H-1HCOSY谱。本文还详细介绍了空间编码单扫描快速采样方法的信号处理方法,并利用Java编程语言开发了UltraNMR信号处理软件。本论文主要研究成果...Single-scan ultrafast NMR method can be used to obtain a two-dimensional (2D) and multi-dimensional (mD) NMR spectrum within a single scan via spatial encoding technique, thus greatly shortening the experimental time. It may find extensive application in NMR field. In this thesis, the basic principles of single-scan ultrafast NMR method were elucidated. Some single-scan methods were discussed....学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_无线电物理学号:1982007115232

    Research on Small Claims Procedure

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    在法治国家,民众的利益无大小。小额事件如何处理决定了人民对司法的信赖程度以及法院的公信度。在当今世界性司法改革的浪潮中,简化诉讼程序,提高诉讼效率是各个国家民事诉讼发展的共同趋势。小额诉讼程序以低成本、高效率的诉讼方法解决了大量的小额纠纷,保障了人民接近司法。其产生是民事诉讼改革的必然要求。笔者在借鉴国内外小额诉讼程序已有研究成果的基础上,论述了小额诉讼程序的基本涵义、特征及它的产生发展,对小额诉讼程序存在的法理基础进行探讨,并比较分析世界各国小额诉讼程序的立法例,在阐述我国构建小额诉讼程序必要性的基础上,对我国构建小额诉讼程序提出了一系列具体设想。除引言和结语外,全文分为四章。第一章:小额诉...People’ interests are very important in legal society. The way to deal with small claims disputes determine the extent of people reliable to justice and court .Simplifying of the procedure and rising of the litigation efficiency is the result of the development trend that simplifies continuously of the civil procedure. The legal procedure of small claims can solve a great quantity of small claims ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:2005130057

    Design and Implementation of Data Interface for Hospital andMedicare System

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    本文主要从医院的角度出发介绍了医院端医保接口的设计和实现。以现有医 院医保患者就诊流程的改造及数据库的优化和重建为出发点,通过医保接口改善 医保患者在医院就诊效率。 论文系统地对其社会背景及研究现状、必要性、及其设计目标和设计原则等 方面进行了综述,详细介绍和分析了本系统的相关软件技术、功能的设计与实现 及系统结构组成。着重介绍了医保与医院数据共享与流程优化的设计及实现方 式,在对医院的医保接口信息系统方案详细比较的基础上,设计了详细的设计方 案及数据库设计方案,并在设计方案的基础上实现软件接口功能要求。依据医保 和医院系统的集成理论、软件开发模式,应用项目管理理论制定详细开发...This dissertation introduces Medicare interface design and implementation of hospital port from the perspective of hospital. With the renovation of process of the existed Medicare patients treatment and database optimization and reconstruction as starting point, it improves the treatment efficiency of Medicare patients with Medicare interface. This dissertation systematically reviews the soci...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023052

    The Defections and Perfection of Legislation on Crime of Transporting Drugs

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    本文以“运输毒品罪的立法缺陷和完善”为题,首先分析了运输毒品罪的行为特征、行为本质、侵犯的直接客体、及与非法运输危险物质罪的区别,此后阐述了运输毒品罪在罪状、罪名、作为选择性罪名、刑罚方面的缺陷。在此基础上,提出完善运输毒品罪的立法建议。 除前言和结语外,本文共分三章,主要内容如下: 第一章为运输毒品罪的概述。本章分析了运输毒品行为的特征、本质及侵犯的直接客体,指出运输毒品罪与非法运输危险物质罪的区别。同时,说明运输、走私、贩卖、制造毒品罪,为选择性罪名。以此为下文奠定基础。 第二章为运输毒品罪的立法缺陷。本章从四个方面阐述了运输毒品罪的缺陷。第一,基本罪状未体现“非法”,不符合明确性要...Titled as “The Defections and Perfection of Legislation on Crime of Transporting Drugs”, this thesis firstly analyzes the behavior characteristics, behavior essence, direct object violated and the difference between it and the crime of transporting hazardous substance, then the article expounds the defects in crime of transporting drugs concerning criminal accusation, charge, as an alternative cha...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_刑法学学号:X200512018