553 research outputs found

    A Study on Sequencing Problem of Mixed-model Assembly Lines in Company Y Based on Genetic Algorithm

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    混流装配线通过对装配生产线的合理组织与排产优化,实现多品种共线装配,以较快的响应速度向客户提供定制的产品和服务。客车需求的多样化和客车市场的细分化,使得混流装配线成为Y公司普遍采用的一种生产方式。由于混流装配线复杂的装配过程会涉及不同的产品以及品种繁多的物料,因此,Y公司在努力改善其生产物流系统,以使混流总装线的运行更加平稳和高效。 本文在此背景下,以Y公司承装车间的Z总装线为研究对象,对其建立排序优化模型并利用遗传算法进行求解。首先,从装配流程和生产规划两方面分析Y公司总装线的管理现状,提出其中存在的问题。通过对产生问题的原因进行分析,最终明确本文的研究重点,即总装线的投产排序。其次,以承...Mixed-model assembly lines (MMALs) are capable of producing a variety of products to yield customized products and services with response speed, provided that MMALs are well balanced and sequenced. With the diversification and subdivision of the bus market demand, MMALs are widely used in company Y’s production lines. Since MMALs’ complicated assembly process involves various materials and differe...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程硕士(物流工程)学号:1772013115108

    Research on Methods of Modeling and Fault Diagnosis for Micro Direct-Current Motors

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    直流微电机以体积小、重量轻、便于控制等优点被广泛应用于生产消费领域,在微型精密仪器中尤为重要。为了保证产品出厂品质,生产过程必须对直流微电机进行100%检测。目前检测主要依靠人工的经验来判断电机的好坏,其工作量大,生产效率低,漏检现象严重,导致电机出厂质量不稳定。因此有必要寻找一种简便和可靠的直流微电机在生产线上的故障检测技术。该技术即可以对出厂前的直流微电机进行自动在线检测,以保证直流微电机的出厂合格率;又可以推广应用于其他永磁直流电机的故障检测与诊断。 通过分析空载下直流电机的动态数学模型,假设稳态下dω⁄dt=0,推导出永磁直流电机稳态电枢电流的解析式,其揭示了电枢电流与电...Micro direct-current motors (MDCMs) are increasingly used in industry fields and consumption fields, especially in micro precision instruments. Compared to other motors, smaller size and simpler control scheme are achieved. MDCMs must be screened at 100% detection efficiency on the production line to ensure the quality of outgoing products. Currently, fault detection of motor is mainly based on th...学位:工学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械电子工程学号:1992012015387

    The financing problems and suggestions of the development of Chinese private-owned enterprises

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    内容摘要改革开放以来,民营企业的崛起与迅速发展是中国经济发展过程中最富活力、最引人注目的部分,也是推动中国经济实现转型、保持持续高速增长的主要动力之源。但中国民营企业在发展的道路上,充满了风险和艰辛,存在着许多人为及非人为的阻滞因素,使民营企业的发展受到一定的影响,尤其是民营企业融资难问题已经成为制约其发展的瓶颈。本文对当前我国民营企业的融资需求及供给理论进行了分析,目前我国民营企业的主要资金供给渠道是内源融资,对于民营企业的另一资金供给渠道外源融资来说,因为我国金融体制的弊端及民营企业自身的种种问题,民营企业获得的间接融资尤其是银行贷款非常有限,与其对国民经济的贡献极不相称。在分析了民营企业...Abstract From the reforming and opening policy effective in China, the rapid development of Chinese private-owned enterprises is the most attractive part under the process of Chinese economic development, and also is the most important reason why China economy keeps the continuous rapid development. But under the development road of Chinese private-owned enterprises, there exist plenty of ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20001505

    Forum Platform of No.1 Hospital of Xiamen

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    摘要 随着Internet在中国的迅速发展,人们日常生活中越来越多地使用这项新的技术来为自己的工作和学习服务。由于WEB页面能把文本、图像、声音、动画、视像等多种媒体信息集于一体,不但使信息的显示更加生动,而且使信息的浏览更为方便,同时WEB页能实现网上交易平台、客户信息反馈方便企业与客户之间信息交流。 网络带给我们带来了无穷的信息。以论坛系统平台这种新的交流模式来增强游戏用户的交流,以最大程度满足用户的需求,充份体现信息时代的优越性。传统意义上人与人之间的交流,必须要满足统一时空的条件。随着科学技术的发展,人与人的交流已发展到网络这一领域。为用户之间交流提供条件,是一项不可忽视的工作。 ...Abstract With the rapid development of Internet technique in China, more and more people use the new tech as a tool severing their life and study. Because WEB page can collect text, image, sound, animation, video together. And the hypertext property of homepage can not only make the display of information pages lively, but also make the browse of information more convenient. So Many enterprises a...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923003


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    根据传统的Koch曲线;我们建立了节理剖面的理论分形模型来模拟节理剖面的粗糙性。由这个模型;节理的分形维数D可以直接由两个统计参数L*和h*(这里L*和h*分别为节理粗糙度的平均基长和平均高度)来估计;即 D=log4/log[2(1+costg~(-1)(2h*/L*))]。 这个分形维数很强地相关于岩石节理粗糙系数(JRC)值: JRC=85.2671(D-1)~(0.5679)。 这样本文所提出的分形分析为岩石力学中JRC值的定量估计提供了一个新的方法


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    Analysis Based on the Simplified Sequence Component Method

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    分析了对称分量存在不足,结合平衡线路的模变换数学特性,得出简化序分量法在输电线路的故障分析原理。提出了简化序分量法在短路和断线故障分析及选相原理,解决了距离保护作为yd变压器远后备保护存在的问题。On the basis of an analysis of the disadvantages of symmetrical component,under consideration of mathematical characteristics of the modular transformation of a balance line,this paper obtains the principle of application of the simplified sequence component method for fault analysis on the power transmission line.It further discusses the principle of application of the simplified sequence component method in short-circuit and open-circuit fault analysis and phase selection,and solves existing problems in using distance protection as distant backup protection for Yd transformers


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    摘要:唐初漳州的创建者陈元光来自何方、凭什么力量平定闽粤之交的动乱,历来存在重大分歧。对所见陈氏族谱所列陈元光“先祖”与“后裔”各十余世进行辨析可以发现,陈元光来自光州固始说属于伪托与虚构,不足为据。又据较可靠的历史文献推定,陈元光先世来自河东,落籍岭南,成为漳潮一带本地豪帅。由此可见,福建文化曾深受中原文化的影响,是不争的事实,但这个“中原”,是个比较宽广的概念,绝不限于河洛,更不限于河南固始一隅之地。 关键词:唐初 岭南道 陈元光 谱牒造

    On the bankrupt of the private higher institutions in China

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    近年来我国民办高校的倒闭问题日益严重。究其原因,对民办高校“合法性”的质疑和外部竞争强度的加剧固然对民办高校的发展影响很大,但从根本上讲,还在于民办高校自身在发展过程中存在着重重问题,是外部环境和内部原因综合作用的结果。我们必须站在民办高等教育可持续发展、民办高校学生健康发展的高度,切实转变观念,为民办高校的发展提供良好的外部环境;正确认识“我国的高等教育是一个卖方市场”这一命题,客观估计我国民办高校的发展空间;以“善前”机制为核心加强制度建设,为民办高等教育的发展提供制度保障。In recent years,it becomes more and more serious of the problem of closing down in Chinese private higher institutions.The reason seems to include the doubt for the "rationality" from the internal and the severe competition from the external.But the primary reason depends on the many problems existing in the process of self-development of private higher institutions,a result of comprehensive function between the internal and the external.It is necessary for us to stand on the point of sustainable development and healthy development of students to change the idea and provide the good environment.We should recognize well that "Our higher education field is a seller market" and estimate objectively the development space for our private higher institutions.We can improve the system centered with the "good prediction",so we can provide the system ensurance for the development of private higher institutions.厦门大学“985工程”“中国特色高等教育体系”项目的研究成果之


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