22 research outputs found

    Indoor toxicities of several insecticides to 2 parasite wasps

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    就平腹小蜂、荔枝蒂蛀蛾白茧蜂对几种常用农药的敏感性进行了测定。结果表明:生物性农药的印楝素、定虫隆、灭幼脲对2种寄生蜂均较安全;B t对平腹小蜂的毒性较小;杀虫双对平腹小蜂的影响较小,但对蒂蛀蛾白茧蜂有较高毒性(2 h内死亡率70%);拟除虫菊酯类农药对平腹小蜂有一定的毒性,而对蒂蛀蛾白茧蜂有很高的毒性(2 h内死亡率均为100%);2种寄生蜂均对有机磷杀虫剂如敌百虫、辛硫磷、敌敌畏及氧乐果等极度敏感。表明蒂蛀蛾白茧蜂比平腹小蜂对化学杀虫剂更敏感。因此在综合防治中,尤其是当田间释放平腹小蜂时应合理选择使用杀虫剂,应以生物源性农药为首选,避免使用菊酯类农药,尤其要禁止使用有机磷类农药,以减少对平腹小蜂等寄生性天敌的杀伤。The indoor toxicities of some insecticides to Anastatus japonicus and Phanerotoma sp.were tested.The results showed that,(1) biological insecticides including Azadiractin(plant derivative),chlorfluazuron and dimilin (insect growth regulators) were all safe to the 2 wasp species;(2) Bacillus thuringiensis had low toxicity to A.japonicus;(3) the toxicity of dimehypo was low to Ajaponicus but high to Phanerotoma sp.(mortality rate reached 70% within 2 h after treatment);(4) synthetic pyrethroids were moderately toxic to A.japonicus,but highly contact toxic to Phanerotoma sp.(mortality rates all reached 100% within 2 h after treatment) and(5) the 2 wasps were both extremely sensitive to the tested organophosphorus insecticides such as trichlofon,phoxin,omethoate and dichlorvos.Compared with A.japonicus,Phanerotoma sp.was more sensitive to chemical insecticides.To reduce the negative effects,especially while releasing A.japonicus,biological insecticides should be considered first in IPM and chemical insecticides especially organophosphorus insecticides should be tried to be avoided.厦门市集美区科技局项目“无公害龙眼生产中主要虫害生态控制配套技术的研究”资助(350211z20022B02

    Occurrence and Distribution of Organotin Compounds in Thais clavigera from Xiamen Coast

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    采用戊基化格式衍生法,gC-fPd分析了厦门港周边海域9个小岛屿分布的疣荔枝螺(THAIS ClAVIgErA)体内3种丁基锡化合物(buTylTInS)和3种苯基锡化合物(PHEnylTInS)的存在形态与分布特征.结果表明,丁基锡化合物总浓度(ΣbTS)为0.3~70.6ng.g-1,平均值为28.8ng.g-1,以一丁基锡化合物(MbT)为主.苯基锡化合物总浓度(ΣPHTS)为nd~18.8ng.g-1,平均值为7.9ng.g-1,以三苯基锡化合物为主.厦门港周边海域以丁基锡化合物为主要污染物,占到总有机锡化合物(ΣOTS)的74.3%~96.8%.疣荔枝螺体内(ΣbTS)和(ΣPHTS)呈现从厦门港内到港外逐渐降低的趋势.疣荔枝螺体内TbT和TPHT的浓度显示良好的相关关系(r2=0.7109,P<0.01),说明TPHT和TbT来源趋同,即来源于船舶防污涂料,或水产养殖污染源.与我国东南沿海港口相比,厦门海域疣荔枝螺体内丁基锡化合物的污染处于一个较低水平但比2002年有所加重.Occurrence and distribution of 6 organotin compounds including butyltin and phenyltin species were detected in Thais clavigera which were collected from 9 coastal areas sites around Xiamen Coast,by pentylized derivatization,GC-FPD.Results indicated that all Thais clavigera samples were contaminated with organotin compounds.The concentrations in Thais clavigera soft bodies varied from 0.3 to 70.6 ng.g -1 with a mean value of 28.8 ng.g -1 for butyltin compounds,and from nd to 18.8 ng.g -1 with a mean value of 7.9 ng.g -1 for phenyltin compounds,respectively.MBT and TPhT were high levels in butyltin compounds and phentyltin compounds,respectively.In addition,butyltin compounds were the dominant contaminates in all samples with high percentage from 74.3% to 96.8%.There was a significant correlation between TBT and TPhT (R2 = 0.710 9,p < 0.01).This result showed that both TBT and TPhT came from antifouling paints for ships or for mariculture nets.Compared with those data reported from the other regions around southeast coast of China,present study reveals that contaminated level of organotin compounds in Thais clavigera are relatively lower in Xiamen Coast.But it is higher than those in 2002.国家自然科学基金项目(40476048;20777060

    Imposex of Thais clavigera and Cantharus cecillei in the coastal waters of Xiamen

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    海产腹足类性畸变以其对有机锡的敏感性、特异性和不可逆性而成为海洋有机锡污染的理想指示种。调查研究了厦门海域岩相海岸带疣荔枝螺(THAIS ClAVIgErA)和甲虫螺(CAnTHAruS CECIllEI)的性畸变情况,通过生物学指标IOI(性畸变率)、rPSI(相对阴茎发展指数)、VdSI(输精管发展指数)及SrI(性比指数)综合评价其性畸变发展程度,间接指示厦门周边海域的有机锡污染程度。研究结果发现,在采集疣荔枝螺的17个站点中有5个站点种群性畸变率为100%,其中宝珠屿种群性畸变程度最为严重,VdSI达4,采集甲虫螺的4个站点的种群性畸变率均为100%。性畸变程度较严重的种群普遍集中于厦门西港,并且表现出由港内到港外逐渐减轻的趋势,而白城、会展中心和大嶝岛等位于开阔的厦门东海域的种群性畸变程度最轻,与往年厦门西海域有机锡污染监测数据相比一致,体现出性畸变程度与有机锡污染程度及海港码头远近之间的相互关系。The degree of imposex,i.e.the imposition of male characteristics onto females,in neogastropods can be used as a sensitive and accurate biomarker to evaluate organotin contamination in coastal marine environment.Now,the imposex status in females of Thais clavigera and Cantharus cecillei in 17 sites was investigated to evaluate the organotin contamination along Xiamen Bay during 2006 and 2007.The four indices including incidence of imposex(IOI),relative penis size index(RPSI),vas deferens sequences index(VDSI) and sex ratio index(SRI) were used comprehensively to assess the imposex status in order to ascertain the extent of organotin bioavailability in Xiamen Bay.Based on this research,T.clavigera in 5 sites and C.cecillei in all survey sites exhibited the IOI of 100%.At Bao ZhuYu Islet,the imposex level was the most serious with maximum VDSI value of 4.In general,the imposex level decreased from the inner to the outer of Xiamen Western Harbour,and the populations in the open Xiamen Eastern Waters including Bai Cheng,Convention and Exhibiton Center and Dadeng Island showed a lower imposex level.These results were accordant with the concentrations of organotins in 2005.The imposex degree also increased with increasing organotin contamination and decreasing distance from shipping facilities.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40476048);厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目;厦门大学新世纪优秀人才计划基金资助项

    Analysis on Psychological Panic Phenomenon of SARS

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    Design of Robotic Visual Servo Controll Based on Neural Network

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    Design of H-infinity feedback controller and IP-position controller of PMSM servo system

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    Using H&infin; control theory to design feedback controller can enhance the anti-disturbance capability and servo precision of AC permanent magnetic servo motor. Consequently, the system robustness can be ensured even with the existence of model perturbations and external disturbance. H&infin; feedback controller design using robust control theory can be a guarantee of system robustness when the control object is subject to model perturbations and external disturbances. Compared with traditional PI-controller, IP-controller can increase response speed and meet the desired position of the system more accurately. Both the H&infin; feedback controller design to elevate the operation precision and the design approach for IP-controller is discussed in this paper


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    Advances in Cell Biological Researches on Male Sterility of Higher Plants

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    通讯作者(E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: 0592-2186486)。[中文摘要] 高等植物的雄性不育有多种类型,发生的原因复杂。对高等植物雄性不育机理的探索一直是一个活跃的研究领域。近年来采用多种细胞生物学方法对植物雄性不育的研究取得了一些新的成果,从绒毡层细胞结构与功能的分析以及Ca2+、ATP酶的分布特征、细胞骨架的排列方式、细胞程序性死亡等不同的细胞生物学研究角度探索了雄性不育花药的败育过程。雄性不育的细胞生物学研究结果起到了将分子水平研究与个体水平研究结果相联系的纽带作用,有助于全面地了解高等植物中各种雄性不育的发生机理。[英文摘要] Male sterility of higher plants is multi-form in pollen abortion and has varied and com-plicated mechanisms. It is an active field to probethe mechanisms. Recently, some new results in thisfield have been obtained by using the methods ofcell biology, including the structure and functionof tapetal cell, the changes in Ca2+ distribution,ATPase activity distribution, cytoskeleton array andprogrammed cell death in anther cells. All of theresults gave us some new understanding for theprocess of pollen abortion. These results will makea link between the researches of individual andmolecular level in male sterility of higher plants,and help us understand the mechanisms of malesterility of higher plants. This paper summarizesthe knowledge about aborting process of male ster-ile anther obtained by the methods of cell biology.国家自然科学基金项目(No.30570104)资助