514 research outputs found

    The Analysis on Symbiosis Model of Banking in China Mainland and Taiwan under New Circumstances: Based on the Perspective of City Commercial Banks

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    两岸金融合作由来已久,但由于受到经济和政治上的重重阻碍,一直处于缓慢的发展之中。近几年,随着《海峡两岸金融合作协议》、《金融监管谅解备忘录》(MOU)以及《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》(ECFA)的等一系列制度化协作机制的建立,标志着两岸金融合作正式迈入了新的历史阶段。 由此,两岸的金融合作特别是银行业的合作出现了新的变化,鉴于当前两岸政治环境相对宽松、大陆银行业实力的不断发展壮大,加之台湾银行业来大陆发展的意愿日趋强烈。在这种情形之下,非常有必要从理论和实践两个层面,对两岸银行业合作模式进行研究和补充,以适应新的形势发展的客观需要。 本文围绕着两岸发展新的形势下两岸银行业合作模式演化这一问...There is a traditional deference fanacial cooperation between China mainland and Taiwan. Howerver, the cooperations move forward slowly because of the every economic and political obstacles. In recent years, with the foundation of a series of institutional cooperative mechanism, such as Cross-Strait Financial Cooperation Agreement, Financial Supervision Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Econom...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562008115207

    Research on the Relevancy Between Search Query and Advertisement

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    随着搜索引擎技术的蓬勃发展和搜索引擎用户的不断增多,搜索引擎广告作为一种新兴的广告形式,近几年得到了较快的发展。搜索引擎广告收入已成为各大搜索引擎公司的主要收入来源,因此搜索引擎公司都投入大量人力物力进行搜索引擎广告技术的研究。 搜索查询词与广告的相关性是搜索引擎广告提供商决定广告在搜索结果显示位置时的主要考虑因素:越是能满足用户需求的广告,越是能够吸引用户去点击,并真正转化为消费。因此对搜索查询词与广告之间的相关性的探讨研究是一项有重要意义的课题。本论文主要从词语匹配、网页内容扩展方面考察,探求有效衡量查询词与广告之间相关性的各种特征,并基于实验结果,详细分析各种特征的性能。 论文的主要...In recent years, the search-based advertising service has thrived because of the spur of the technical development of search engines and the increase of online users. As search-based advertising makes the growth of revenue, more and more search engine companies invest large manpower and material resources into research on the search-based advertising technology. The relevancy between search quer...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20042802

    Statistic Research on the Modern Producer Services——Ningbo Experience

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    AbstractDuring the past decades, some second tier cities have been performing so outstanding economic increase that they have been prevailingly focused on by the researchers. And the further researches suggest that the second tier cities achieve their rapid development mainly with the support of manufacturing industry. But the services industry, especially the modern service industry has been prov...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:20031002

    A Study Of The Development Strategies Of Fujian Motor Industry Group Co.,

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    本文通过对福建汽车工业集团公司进行深入的调研分析,探讨其经营环境、企业优劣势、发展战略以及战略实施中存在的主要问题,并就如何解决这些战略问题提出作者的建议。全文分为六部分,各章的主要内容如下:第一章:福汽集团基本情况。扼要地介绍了公司发展沿革、组织框架、近年发展数据概要以及公司目标和发展愿景。第二章:福汽集团经营环境分析。文章对宏观经济形势、汽车行业发展情况以及福建省汽车发展环境进行详细的分析。第三章:福汽集团公司的SWOT分析。运用SWOT分析方法对福汽集团的优、劣势,存在的竞争机会与威胁进行分析评价。第四章:福汽集团发展战略分析。文章详细介绍了福汽集团的产品发展战略、合作战略、平台战略,并...This paper makes a deep study of FJMG and analyzes the operating environment, SWOT, development strategies as well as the primary problems which FJMG is facing. At last, this paper provides the author`s suggestions according to the problems. This paper consists of six chapters. with each chapter containing the following contents. Chapter 1: This chapter introduces the development history, or...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20021514

    Dell APJ Service Center Incoming Call Volume and Human Resource Demand Forecast Research

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    呼叫中心在中国的发展已经将近二十年了,运营管理上也慢慢地从以前的粗放式发展进入集约式发展的道路上。合理的呼叫中心的业务量预测,进而合理的呼叫中心的人员需求预测并进行人员的合理储备,是实现高效率的呼叫中心运营管理、降低整体运营成本、保证客户服务的质量和服务水平、提高呼叫中心生产力的重要一环。 与此同时,目前个人电脑的发展也已经进入了一个白热化的竞争阶段。个人电脑各厂商之间的竞争已经更多是在运营效率上的竞争,而不是在产品上了。因此,如何在各自的运营管理中提高自己的运营效率、降低运营成本,就成为各个个人电脑巨头厂商间竞争的焦点。 本论文主要从实证研究戴尔公司的具体案例着手,首先通过研究目前业界主...Call centre has been developed in China for almost 20 years. The operation management system has been also developed from previous extensive management system to intensive management system gradually. Therefore, as the call centre management team, the accurate business demand forecast, then followed by further accurate resource requirement forecast, are keys to achieve the high efficient & effecti...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:2005130150

    A Note of Frattini Subgroup

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    Kirtland在论文[15]中提出这样一个问题: 设P表示一种子群类型或子群性质.如果G的所有不包含在Frattini子群中的子群都满足性质P,那么G的所有子群是否都满足性质P呢? 本文研究了P分别表示子群的正规性,与有限群G的所有p子群的交换性,s-拟正规性,与G的所有Sylow子群及其极大子群的交换性,子群的次正规性,与G的所有Sylow子群的极大子群的交换性,与G的所有Sylow子群的2-极大子群的交换性时的问题. 对于前面6种情况,本文给出了肯定的解答;对于最后一种情况,本文解决了当有限群没有 正规Sylow子群时的情况.同时本文还得到了Iwasawa群的一个等价...Kirtland has put forward such a question in Paper[15]: Consider a subgroup type or subgroup property P. Is it TRUE that If every subgroup H of a group G that is not contained in the Frattini subgroup satisfies property P, then every subgroup of G satisfies property P? In this paper,we investigate the question when the property P respectively denotes that a subgroup is normal,that a subgroup...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_基础数学学号:1902009115226