33 research outputs found


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    The Korean Wave People's Smuggling Activities in the Northeast of China Instigated by Japan

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    采取对华走私的“特殊贸易”,是日本政府一贯推行的“大陆政策”的重要环节和必要补充。九一八事变前后,日本利用吞并朝鲜后的地理优势,策动朝鲜浪人大肆对中国东北地区进行猖獗的走私活动,这是20世纪30年代日本对华走私狂潮的前奏。与朝鲜接壤的龙井村、珲春、安东等海关辖区,朝鲜浪人的走私最为猖狂,也最具代表性。其走私的方式主要有徒步走私、骑自行车走私、通过铁路走私等几种。朝鲜浪人的走私如此猖狂,主要是因为关税的提高使走私者和商人有利可图,在日本的包庇与纵容下,朝鲜浪人充当了日本对华走私的马前卒,而中方缉私力量薄弱,缺乏法律保障对进出口货物进行有效的监管。"Special Trade" which involved smuggling towards China was one important part as well as the essential supplement of the "mainland policy" carried out by the Japanese Government.Before and after the"September 18th Incident",relying on its geographical advantage gained through invading and occupying Korea,Japan instigated Korean Wave People to carry out wild smuggling activities in the Northeast of China.This was the prelude to the high tide of Japan's wild smuggling activities in China in the 1930s.The most rampant and typical smuggling activities of the Korean Wave People took place in customs areas of Longjing Village,Huichun and Andong,etc.,these places bordered on Korea. The most common ways of smuggling included walking,cycling,railways,junks and steamers,etc.The main factors that resulted in the rampant smuggling activities by the Korean Wave People included that the increase in tariffs made it lucrative for the smugglers and traders;the Korean Wave People,under the shield and connivance of the Japanese,played the role of pawns,while the Chinese government at that time lacked both the essential power to suppress smuggling and the necessary judicial guarantee to provide effective supervision on imports and exports


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    本文主要探讨了福建九龙江口20A生人工秋茄红树群落C、H、n素的含量、贮备及年动态。结果表明:(1)秋茄植物体不同组分C、H、n素含量有一定差异,含量范围分别为:C43.81%─51.22%、H4.50%─5.68%、n0.23%─1.80%,组分间差异程度顺序为C<H<n。原子数率为C(1)H(1.11─1.48)n(0.004─0.034)。(2)群落C、H、n素现存总库量分别为7457.53g/M ̄2、837.48g/M ̄2和73.61g/M ̄2,其中地上部分别占59.31%、58.40%和59.54%,地下部分别占40.69%、41.60%和40.46%。(3)群落年净固定C素、结合H素和吸收n素分别为1113.41g/M ̄2、124.37g/M ̄2和16.83g/M ̄2,其中用于群落自身增长而存留的分别为684.88g/M ̄2、77.15g/M ̄2和6.65g/M ̄2,经凋落物年输出的分别为428.53g/M ̄2、47.22g/M ̄2和10.18g/M ̄2。(4)群落年能量净固定量为43544kJ/M ̄2,年O_2净释放量为2969g/M ̄2。he paper deals mainly with the contents, pool amounts and annual dynamics of C,Hand N elements in 20-year-old Kandelia candel mangrove community in Jiulongjiang RiverEstuary of Fujian,China.The results showed that: 1.The C,H and N contents(%dw )in the various Fractions of the plant were diFFerent.The range of content was:C 43.81%─5.22%,N4.50%─5.68%and N 0.23%─1.80%,withatom ratio C HN<0.004─0.034.2.In the standing crop of the community, the pool amounts of C,N and N were7457.53g/m ̄2, 837.48g/m ̄2 and 73.61g/m ̄2 respectively,among which the aerial part and un-derground part held 4423.36g·C/m ̄2, 489.11g·H/m ̄2, 43.83g·N/m ̄2 and 3034.17g·C/m ̄2,348.37g· H/m ̄2,29.78g· N/m ̄2 respctively.3.The annual dynamics of C, H and N For the community were annual net Fixing1113.41g· C/m ̄2, net binding 124.37g· H/m ̄2,and 16.83g·N/m ̄2;annual retention 684.88g· C/m ̄2,77.15g·H/m ̄2 and 6.65g· N/m ̄2;annual litter exporting 428.53g· C/m ̄2,47.22g·N/m ̄2 and 10.18g·N/m ̄2.4.For the community,the annual net energy production was about 43544kJ/m ̄2 and netO_2 giving out was about 2969g/m ̄2.国家自然科学基

    Self-adaptive fault localization algorithm based on predicate execution information analysis

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    查找程序中缺陷代码所在的位置是一项值得深入开展的研究,同时也是实际软件调试过程中所面临的一个难题,这一过程往往需要耗费大量的时间和人力资源.研究 软件缺陷定位的一类重要方法是基于谓词的统计学缺陷定位方法(简称PBSFL).PBSFL通过比较程序运行成功与失败时谓词的执行信息差异来获得谓词与 缺陷的关联程度.然而实验研究发现,固定算法中信息利用的强度会造成信息利用不足或过分利用现象的发生,导致现有PBSFL方法对某些缺陷定位不够准确. 针对这一问题,文中设计了一种基于谓词执行信息分析的自适应缺陷定位算法,该算法通过分析测试用例运行时谓词的执行情况来动态地为每个谓词选择合适的信息 利用强度.实验结果表明,该方法在Siemens和space两个程序包上表现出很好的定位效果以及定位稳定性.Finding the location of a fault in code is an important research and practical problem, which often requires much time and manual effort. Predicate-based statistical fault localization (PBSFL) is a promising method, which obtains the correlative relationship between predicates and faults by comparing the predicate execution information in both correct and incorrect runs. However, experiment results show that existing PBSFL methods fail to locate some faults because they use predicate execution information in a fixed intensity, which may cause insufficient or excessive usage. To solve the problem, we propose a new method, called self-adaptive fault localization algorithm based on predicate execution information analysis, which dynamically select the intensity of information utilization for each predicate through the analysis of test cases run. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach performs well in both accuracy and stability for localizing faults in subject programs of the Siemens and space suites

    Self-adaptive fault localization algorithm based on predicate execution information analysis

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    查找程序中缺陷代码所在的位置是一项值得深入开展的研究,同时也是实际软件调试过程中所面临的一个难题,这一过程往往需要耗费大量的时间和人力资源.研究 软件缺陷定位的一类重要方法是基于谓词的统计学缺陷定位方法(简称PBSFL).PBSFL通过比较程序运行成功与失败时谓词的执行信息差异来获得谓词与 缺陷的关联程度.然而实验研究发现,固定算法中信息利用的强度会造成信息利用不足或过分利用现象的发生,导致现有PBSFL方法对某些缺陷定位不够准确. 针对这一问题,文中设计了一种基于谓词执行信息分析的自适应缺陷定位算法,该算法通过分析测试用例运行时谓词的执行情况来动态地为每个谓词选择合适的信息 利用强度.实验结果表明,该方法在Siemens和space两个程序包上表现出很好的定位效果以及定位稳定性.Finding the location of a fault in code is an important research and practical problem, which often requires much time and manual effort. Predicate-based statistical fault localization (PBSFL) is a promising method, which obtains the correlative relationship between predicates and faults by comparing the predicate execution information in both correct and incorrect runs. However, experiment results show that existing PBSFL methods fail to locate some faults because they use predicate execution information in a fixed intensity, which may cause insufficient or excessive usage. To solve the problem, we propose a new method, called self-adaptive fault localization algorithm based on predicate execution information analysis, which dynamically select the intensity of information utilization for each predicate through the analysis of test cases run. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach performs well in both accuracy and stability for localizing faults in subject programs of the Siemens and space suites

    Dynamics of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen elements in Rhizophora stylosa mangrove community at Yinluo Bay of Guangxi, China

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    探讨了广西英罗湾70年生红海榄红树林C、H、n含量、现存贮量、年能量及年O2的净生产.结果表明,红海榄植物体不同组分,C、H、n含量范围分别为43.86—51.65、4.35—5.72和0.28—1.44%.群落C、H、n现存量分别为14117.7、1446.4和158.5g·M-2.群落年净固定C798.51g·M-2、结合H86.31g·M-2和吸收n12.33g·M-2.其中,用于群落增长而年存留C、H和n分别为441.22、45.01和5.37g·M-2,年经凋落物输出C、H和n分别为357.29、41.30和6.96g·M-2.群落年能量净生产量为31227kJ·M-2,年O2净释放量为2129g·M-2Studies on C, H and N contents and storages, annual energy and annual Oz net productions in a 70 years old Rhizophora stylosa mangrove community at Yinluo Bay of Guangxishow that the C, H and N contents in diFFerent parts of the plant are 43.86-51.65%,4.35-5.72% and 0.28-1.44%, and their storages in the community are 14117.7,1446.4 and 158.5g·m-2 respectively.The annual net Fixed C, H and N by the communityare respectively 798.51, 86.31 and 12.33g·m-2, among which, annual reserved C, Hand N are 441.22, 45.of and 5.37 g·m-2, and annual outputs through litter are 357.29,41.30 and 6.96g·m-2 respectively.The annual net production of energy by the community is 31227KJ·m-2, and annual net release of O2 is 2129g·m-2.国家自然科学基


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