83 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Integral Management System for Public Security Law Enforcement in Ruian City

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    当前,我国正处于社会转型期,社会治安形势十分复杂,各类违法犯罪活动多发易发,公安机关打击犯罪的任务十分繁重。特别是公安民警工作量与日俱增,如何科学评价民警执法办案工作的完成情况,如何科学衡量“质”与“量”的关系,以便实行科学的绩效考核管理,激发单位和个人的工作积极性,成为摆在各级公安机关特别是基层公安机关面前的重要课题。 近年以来,各地相继出现了以分值权重量化执法办案工作的做法,我所在的瑞安市公安局根据省公安厅的统一部署,在全省率先推出执法积分制,推出了新型执法积分应用平台,对每个民警所办的案件,根据难易程度、复杂程度、工作耗时以及经办案件的质量、效果等进行量化评分。本文通过对当前公安执办案...At present, our country China is in the period of social transition, as all know the social security situation is very complex, all kinds of crime prone, public security agencies to fight crime task is very onerous. Especially, grow with each passing day police work, how to scientifically evaluate the police handling the case of law enforcement work, how to scientifically measure the relationship ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323045

    The High Precise Wafer Stepper on The Basis of C/S Frame

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    半导体器件制造技术是本世纪中期发展起来的一门新技术。精缩机是集成IC器件制造的关键设备之一。其主要问题是要满足不断提高的工作分辨力、套刻和生产效率三项技术指标,其中光刻工作台系统的定位精度和重复精度,是决定光刻线条粗细和曝光图形套刻精度的重要因素。目前国内外研制成功计算机辅助制版系统和由它控制的自动制图机、光学图形发生器等高精度自动制版设备,以及激光图形发生器、电子束图形发生器等新的制版设备。基于此,利用计算机丰富的资源,采用先进的开放式运动控制技术,以及基于C/S构架的网络视频技术对高精度分布重复精缩机的控制系统进行了研制,同时开发了相应的应用软件。 本文的研究内容主要包括: 1、研究半...Semiconductor Manufacture is a new developing technology. Wafer Stepper is one of the key equipments for large scale integration parts producing. It’s main duty is to solve increasing demand for high resolving power, high overlapping accuracy and efficient performance. Among them the motion position accuracy of the exposition worktable is determinable for thickness of the graphic lines and the deg...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械电子工程学号:20042903

    Method of incrementing updating FreeCube

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    数据立方体是联机分析处理的一个重要应用。如何对数据立方体(CUBE)进行更新目前研究相对较少。给出了CUBE的一种新颖的存储结构——FreeCube的定义,该结构大大降低了CUBE存储的空间,分析了它的相关性质,提出了增量更新FreeCube的理论,并给出了具体的算法,以实例说明了该算法的正确性,总结了下一步的工作方向。Data cube is an important application in OLAP system. The study on how to update data cube lags behind at present. A kind of the novel structure of CUBE— — Free is described that can reduce the size of CUBE quickly. And then the characteristics of the con- strictive freecube is analyzed. The theory of incrementing updating freecube is proposed, and algorithm for it and then a instance to indicate the correctness of the algorithm is provided. At last, the directions in the future is summarized.福建省自然科学基金项目(A0310008);; 福建省高新技术研究开放计划重点基金项目(2003H043

    The History Change of Wushu Value Orientation and Modern Needs

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    以不同时期的社会需要对武术价值的影响为研究对象,分析武术价值变化的影响因素和规律,提出武术价值在不同历史时期发展中的变动不是杂乱无章的,而是有着内在的规律性,其主导因素在于社会价值观对武术发展的导向作用,当今社会核心价值观决定了武术发展的现代化需要。Taking the impact of different period of the society needs on Wushu value as the research object,this paper analyzes the influential factors and regularities of the variation of Wushu value.It puts forwards that the development of wushu value changes in different historical periods is not messy, but exists the inherent regularity.The dominant factor is the social values guiding role to the development of Wushu.Modern core values determine modern society needs of Wushu development

    SPT—Method of Fast Calculation FreeCube

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    文章首先分析了目前国内外数据立方体计算的研究现状,指出其优缺点。接着在free-set的概念上,给出了一系列相关定义,挖掘了free-set的性质,建立了FreeCube的概念结构。就FreeCube的计算而言,充分考虑到free-set的性质,结合BUC算法的特点,提出了高效的算法SPT(Selecting-PartitionandTrimmingComputationofFreeCube),并从多个角度进行了实验,与相关工作做了对比,说明该算法的优越性。First of all,the current domestic and international research situation of Data Cube calculation is analyzed.Then the thesis points out its merits and demerits.And it gives out a series of related definitions on the free-set conception,excavates the free-set property and establishes the concept construction of FreeCube.With regard to FreeCube calculation,fully considering the free-set characteristics while combining the characteristics of BUC’s calculation,the thesis puts forward an efficient calculation way SPT(Selecting-Partition and Trimming Computation of FreeCube),and while comparing with related work,it engages in experiments from many aspects,which illustrates the superiority of the algorithm.FreeCube maintenance problem is also discussed theoretically.福建省自然基金资助项目(编号:A0310008);; 福建省高新技术研究开放计划重点资助项目(编号:2003H043

    A Join and Aggregate Algorithm for Complex Multi-Dimensional Hierarchies

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    由于数据仓库中存储着不同粒度、容量巨大的数据记录 ,所以如何有效地执行联机分析处理 (OLAP)查询操作 ,特别是连接和聚集操作 ,便成为数据仓库领域的核心问题之一 为此 ,提出了一种降低连接和聚集操作的新算法 (joinandaggregationbasedonthecomplexmulti dimensionalhierarchies,JACMDH) 算法充分考虑了复杂多维层次的特点 ,在原有的位图连接索引 (bitmapjoinindex)的基础上 ,采用层次联合代理 (hierarchycombinedsurrogate)和预先分组排序的方法 ,使得复杂的多维层次上的连接和聚集操作转化成事实表上的区域查询 ,从而在处理多维层次聚集的同时 ,提高了连接和聚集的效率 算法性能分析和实验数据表明 ,JACMDH算法和目前流行的算法相比 ,其性能有显著的提高Enormous volume of data reside in data warehouse, so it is important to process efficiently expensive queries including join and aggregate operation. In this paper, a new method (JACMDH algorithm) is proposed for processing time-consuming join and aggregate operation. This algorithm takes into consideration the characteristics of the complex multi-dimensional hierarchies and adopts hierarchy combined surrogate/pre-grouping and pre-sorting on the basis of bitmap join index. It improves the join and aggregate efficiency by translating join and aggregate operation of complex multi-dimensional hierarchies into range queries of fact table. The performance analysis and the experimental result, show that the performance of JACMDH algorithm can be improved dramatically, compared with current method for aggregation query evaluation.福建省自然基金项目 (A0 3 10 0 0 8) ;; 福建省高新技术研究开放计划重点基金项目 ( 2 0 0 3H0 43

    LSNCCP:A Clustering Algorithm Based on the Largest Set of Not-Covered Core Points

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    聚类在数据挖掘、模式识别等许多领域有着重要的应用 提出了一种新颖的聚类算法 :一种基于最大不相含核心点集的聚类算法LSNCCP(aclusteringalgorithmbasedonthelargestsetofnot coveredcorepoints) 在密度定义的基础上 ,考察核心点之间的距离关系 ,定义相含、相交、相离这 3种核心点之间的关系 ,最后找出一个最大不相含核心点集 ,在此基础上进行聚类 ,并且找到解决丢失点问题的快速方法 该最大不相含核心点集只是全部核心点集合的一个很小的子集 ,因此有效地缩减了同类算法中搜寻核心点的时间 理论和实验上证明了这种算法的可行性和优越性Clustering is an important application area for many fields including data mining, pattern recognition, etc. In this paper, a novel clustering algorithm LSNCCP(a clustering algorithm based on the largest set of not-covered core points) is proposed. On the basis of the definition of density, the distance between the core points is discussed. And then, the three essential distance relation: covered core points, intersectant core points, and separate core points. Finally, the largest set of not-covered core points is found and based on the set the data can cluster very well. Because the largest set of not-covered core points is a lesser subset of the all core points, the new algorithm cuts short the time of searching all core points in the similar algorithms. The feasibility and the advantage or the new algorithm are proved in theory and experiment.福建省自然科学基金项目 (A0 3 10 0 0 8) ;; 福建省高新技术研究开放计划重点项目 (2 0 0 3H0 43

    model reasoning method for developing equality comparison sql query statements

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    An Aspheric Surface Measurement System Based on the Technology of Motion Control

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    为满足非球面光学元件表面精度的测量要求,设计和实现了一种高效数控非球面测量系统.系统基于运动控制技术,构建了四轴联动的测量工作平台.根据数据采集原理,实现对非球面工件表面形位参数进行连续采样.整个系统采用工控微机作为上位机非实时控制,下位机采用高速DSP进行实时控制.在Windows操作系统下,用Visaul C++开发工具完成了测量系统的软件开发.最后通过实验对测量系统的稳定性及其误差进行了分析.实验结果表明,系统行程为100~120 mm,系统误差小于5μm,能满足普通光学非球面元件测量精度的要求,同时系统体现了较好的通用性和可靠性.国家“8638042416”基金资