29 research outputs found

    Adaptive management of aquatic germplasm reserves

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    针对我国水产种质资源保护区在现行管理模式下普遍存在的资源难以恢复、保护效果不明显等问题,基于生态系统管理的理念,借鉴国内外有关自然保护区适应性管理研究实践经验,探索水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理。水产种质资源保护区的适应性管理可分为模式建立和反馈两个阶段,包括问题识别、目标制定、方案设计与实施、动态监测、绩效评估、反馈与调整等过程,以全面提升保护区对外界环境变化的不确定性和复杂性的快速反应能力。并以福建长乐西施舌资源增殖保护区为例,分析该保护区的管理现状,探索适应性管理模式的构建与应用。There were some common issues of the current management model in domestic Aquatic Germplasm Reserves( AGRs),such as the difficulty of resources recovery and the insignificant efficiency of protection.An Adaptive Management( AM) framework of AGRs was constructed according to the theoretical researches and practices of Ecosystem-based Management( EBM) and Adaptive Management both in domestic and foreign nature reserves.The AM framework of AGRs could be divided into two stages as model establishment and feedback: the former included problem identification,strategic planning,program design and implementation,while the later comprised of dynamic monitoring,performance evaluation,feedback and adjustment.The practice of AM framework could strongly enhance the rapid response to the uncertainty and complexity of external environment of AGRs.Furthermore,the Changle Xishi Tongue( Coelomactra Antiquata) Resource Enhancement and Protected Area was used as an example to analyse the current situation of management in AGRs and explore the construction and application of adaptive management model.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905019;201005012


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    甲藻门藻类是一类重要的浮游植物,广泛分布在淡水和海水中。它们也是形成水华的主要优势种类之一,其中不少种类还能产生毒素,海洋藻毒素种类中的73%-75%由甲藻类产生;淡水产毒甲藻种类稀少,目前确切记载的只有波兰多甲藻(Peridinium polonicum)一种。通过光学显微镜和电子扫描显微镜观察,我们确认在湖北香溪河高阳镇河段发现的一种甲藻为波兰多甲藻,中国新记录,这种甲藻可以在水库或池塘形成水华,造成鱼类死亡,因此其对环境和生态的影响值得关注。 一直以来,基于形态学的甲藻的类鉴定都非常困难,对甲藻进行分子系统学研究,一般需要大量的甲藻纯培养物,由于淡水甲藻实验室培养非常困难,我们尝试用单细胞PCR技术扩增甲藻的某些分子标记,实验结果表明,冻融法是最适合单细胞PCR的细胞裂解方法,在单细胞PCR扩增酶系统的选择中,TakaRa Ex Taq及其配套系统具有明显的优势。从材料的保存方法来看,80%乙醇是单细胞PCR最好的材料保存方法。细胞数量并不是影响单细胞PCR结果的主导因素。 单细胞直接PCR技术虽然有许多优越性,但是其成功率较低,每次挑选的细胞只能用于一次分析,难以分析多个位点,为此我们使用多重置换扩增法从甲藻单细胞中扩增出了甲藻全基因组DNA,产物片段大,产量和纯度高,足以满足绝大多数基因组分析需求。另外,我们还对比了单细胞直接扩增和先进行多重置换扩增然后进行二次PCR扩增结果的差异,试验表明,在某些容易扩增的区域,两种方法可以达到相当的效果,但是对某些较难扩增的区域,则只有先通过全基因组扩增后才能获得理想的结果


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    目前的频谱感知算法以模型驱动为主,其感知性能过于依赖预定的统计模型,这使得其在信道环境复杂的卫星通信场景中的部署变得困难。对LEO卫星过境期间的信噪比波动情况进行分析,结果显示信噪比的波动达到14 dB。针对该复杂场景提出了一种基于双向长短期记忆网络及贝叶斯似然比检验联合的频谱感知算法。该算法不需要任何主信号的先验知识,可自动从主信号中学习隐藏特征并做出决策。基于Neyman-Pearson准则,在神经网络输出端设计了一种基于阈值的检测方案,可方便地控制恒定的虚警概率。仿真结果表明,所提算法在信噪比为–14 dB的情况下,仍能达到83%的检测性能,且始终优于卷积神经网络、多层感知机和基于模型驱动的能量检测算法


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    板片形态和排列格式是有壳甲藻的重要分类依据,荧光染色法和扫描电镜在显示板片排列上具有独特优势。通过这两种方法,并结合光学显微技术,对我国淡水多甲藻属Peridinium 11种的形态结构和板片排列进行了描述,其中6种为中国新记录,它们是加顿多甲藻P.gatunense Nygaard、古氏多甲藻P.gutwinskii Woloszynska、拉氏多甲藻P.lomnickii Woloszynska、腭状多甲藻P.palatinum Lauterborn、线纹多甲藻P.striolatum Playfa

    Energy Budget of Juvenile Pseudosciaena crocea During Starvation and Satiation

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    在25±1℃的室温下,测定了在不同摄食水平(1.2%,2.5%m/m)下大黄鱼幼鱼SDA的三个主要参数:SDA总耗能分别为263.4 J/g和467.7 J/g;SDA持续时间分别为8 h和14 h;峰值分别为2.85 mgO2/g.h和3.23 mgO2/g.h.得到了在饱食状态下的能量收支方程:100C=64.5R+20.7G+10.6F+4.2U.饥饿状态下大黄鱼幼鱼排泄能与温度成线性关系,代谢能与温度之间为二次函数关系.同时对饱食状态和饥饿状态下的能量收支进行了比较.Three main parameters values of SDA of juvenile Pseudosciaena crocea were calculated in different feeding levels((1.2)%,2.5% m/m)at 25±1℃SDA total energy consumed was 263.4 J/g and 467.7 J/g respectively;SDA duration was 8 h and 14 h respectively;the peak of increased metabolism rate of juvenile Pseudosciaena crocea after feeding was 2.85 mgO_2/g·h and 3.23 mgO_2/g·h respectively.Energy budget equation was determined under satiation condition:100C=64.5R+20.7G+10.6F+4.2U.During starvation,excretion energy was positively linearly correlated with temperature,and the energy allocation models changed remarkably with temperature.At last the energy budgets of juvenile Pseudosciaena crocea were compared between during starvation and satiation.厦门大学自选课题(Y07009);; 福建省农科教结合项目省直(99)14

    Cassava pest in retreat

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    The battle against the cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) has turned and the pest is in retreat. After 13 years of painstaking research scientists are confident they have found the right natural enemies to control the pest. In 1971, cassava green mites were found in Uganda. Within eight years they had spread right across the continent, causing crop losses as high as 80% in some places. In 1983 national and international scientists began their search in South America for biological agents to control the pest. A predatory mite, Typhlodromalus manihoti, was released by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ghana and Benin in 1990 and it has gradually spread out and reduced populations of the cassava green mite. Three years later a second predato mite, Typhlodromalus aripo, was released in Benin and after that in other countries of East and West Africa. Initially it spread at a rate of about 12 km/year but in subsequent years has dispersed much more rapidly. One reason for this rapid spread is that T aripo has remained on planting material as it is has been moved from one farm to another. probably unbeknown to farmers. From a release site in Benin it has quickly moved 400 km into Nigeria, and this includes moving some 350 km from the coast up to the northern limits of the cassava green mite. Once T aripo has become established it has reduced pest populations by two thirds, and scientists expect this could lead to a 30% increase in cassava yields. On the cassava plant, T aripo spends its productive life in the shoot tips but in those where cassava loses its leaves due to low temperatures or drought, the predatory mite is unable to survive. IO overcome this problem scientists are going back to South America, to areas that are climatically similar, to search for more natural enemies. In the meantime IITA is testing a fungal pathogen, Neozygites floridana. The advantage of using T aripo is that it does not require a mass breeding programme. It can be transferred to new locations on the shoot tips, established in the field for multiplication and later the shoot tips can be picked and moved to the release sites. This makes it very easy for national programmes to organize and implement. Biological Control Centre for Africa IITA BP 08-0932 Cotonou, BENINThe battle against the cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) has turned and the pest is in retreat. After 13 years ofpainstaking research scientists are confident they have found the right natural enemies to control the pest. In 1971, cassava..


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    由于水体富营养化等原因,在全球范围内,水华频繁爆发.近来,发现武汉东湖出现了一种拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis sp.)水华,该藻是广温性种,水华持续时间较长,最高细胞密度达2541.44×10~4cells/L.研究了武汉东湖拟多甲藻水华种群动态及其与环境因子之间的关系.相关分析表明,拟多甲藻密度和表层总磷、1.2m处的总氮以及表层硝酸盐浓度成显著正相关,但是总磷、溶解性磷酸盐、总氮、磷酸盐以及氨氮浓度在形成明显水华前大幅度升高,水华消亡时,处于低谷.适合的光照条件,也是拟多甲藻水华形成的刺激因

    The Impact of Mariculture on the Marine Ecosystem and Studies on Bioremediation

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    海水养殖业的迅速发展对海域生态系统产生了一系列的严重影响,本文综述了海水养殖带来的营养盐污染及沉积环境变化、药物使用污染、对天然生物的影响等问题.对于海水养殖造成的问题,有着多种治理方式,基于养殖生态系统的生物修复,是近年来新兴的安全有效的修复方法.本文介绍了微生物修复、大型海藻修复、贝-藻修复、人工湿地修复等生物修复方法及其研究进展.随着研究的不断深入,治理的方式也越来越多,但要想从根本上解决海水养殖带来的污染及影响,基于生态系统的海水养殖管理乃是实现海水养殖业可持续发展的关键.The development of mariculture has brought serious problems to the marine ecosystem,including water eutrophication,impacts on the sediment,chemical pollution,and other impacts on marine organisms.Some methods has been developed to solve the problems during recent years,especially the methods of bioremediation,including using microorganisms,marine plants,shellfish-aquatic plants,and constructed wetlands,which have advantages of safety and effect.In conclusion,to achieve sustainable development of mariculture,we should manage the fishery not only using traditional methods but basing on ecological principles