28 research outputs found

    The Experimental Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration Degree and Urbanization——Taking Guangdong Province in 1988~2003 as an Example

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    不论是产业集聚还是城市化问题,目前已经有很多研究成果和结论,但是对于二者相关关系的实证研究尚少。本文采用地理集中指数来衡量产业的集聚程度,并以广东省的城市化数据为例,对两者建立回归模型,发现二者存在正的相关关系,由此得出,由产业集聚带动的人口、资本、技术的区域集中,是我国当前城市化过程中应遵循的一个规律。Both the industrial agglomeration and urbanization have been discussed a lot.But the attention to the relativity of them has a little,especially in experimental way.This paper adopts the concentration degree of the region to measure the agglomeration degree,and take the urbanization index of Guangdong province as an example.And then it does a regression between them,and find the positive relativity of them.So the paper holds the idea that concentration of labor,capital and technology caused by industrial agglomeration plays an important role in urbanization

    Research on the Segmentation and Integration Process of the Chinese Stock Market in the Open Economy

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    我国的股票市场是世界上最主要的新兴资本市场之一。我国最早的公司股票出现在上世纪20年代,但真正的股票市场成形于改革开放以后。经历了近20年的发展,我国股票市场的规模和成长速度引起国内外众多投资者的关注。然而目前股票市场运行机制不完善,特别是若干个分割市场并存的情况已逐渐不适应发展的需要。这种分割将阻碍信息流动、降低市场运行效率;阻碍国内企业融资、影响企业发展;从宏观经济环境来看,会推迟国家的国际化进程,抑制经济发展。因此股票市场一体化,已经成为当下调整市场结构、促进市场发展亟待研究解决的重要课题。 过去的20年是我国经济从计划向市场转型的时期,市场经济的一个显著特征就是开放。加入WTO以后,...Due to the reforms of the economic system and the open policies introduced in the last two decades, China is experiencing a speedy growth in stock markets and trading activities. However, Chinese stock market has unique features in the segmentation of the A-, B- and H- shares in the way of being open to the outside world, which has negative effect on the development of equity market. The market se...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:1542006015302

    Research on Dimensional Reduction for SURF Algorithm

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    SURF(Speed-up robust features)算法进行图像特征点匹配时需要循环遍历待匹配图像所有特征点,计算特征点之间的SURF64描述距离,耗时大。本文对SURF算法进行了16维与4维的降维研究。实验结果表明,16维SURF算法性能与64维SURF算法基本相当,但能大幅度降低运算时间;4维运算性能降低较大,不能用于特征点匹配,但4维SUFR描述算法可以扩展到图像的各个像素点,用于ICP算法及图像的稠密匹配。Matching image feature point by SURF(Speed-up robust features) algorithm needs to loop through all feature points on the image to be matched, and compute the sixty-four dimensional distance of SURF between fea-ture points, which will take a long computation time. The sixteen dimensional SURF and four SURF are imple-mented. The experimental results show that the performance of the sixteen dimensional SURF is almost the same as that of the sixty-four dimensional SURF, moreover the sixteen dimensional SURF takes less time than sixty-four dimensional SURF. The performance of four dimensional SURF is much inferior to that of sixty-four dimensional SURF, so it cannot used to match feature point. However the four dimensional description of SURF can be ex-panded to all feature points, which can be applied in ICP algorithm and dense matching algorithm

    Hippocampal Automatic Recognition and 3D Segmentation Based on Active Appearance Model in Brain MR Images for Early Diagnosis ofAlzheimer's Disease

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    目的:研究磁共振(MAgnETIC rESOnAnCE,Mr)脑图像中海马的自动分割方法及海马的形态学分析方法,为阿尔茨海默病(AlzHEIMEr'S dISEASE,Ad)的早期诊断提供依据。方法:对20例Ad患者和60名正常对照者行MrI T1 WI 3d容积扫描,建立海马的三维主动表观模型,并以此模型对每个个体脑部磁共振图像上的海马进行自动识别和三维分割,分别建立正常对照组和Ad组的海马统计形状模型,比较Ad组与正常对照组间海马形状的差异性。结果:海马三维分割方法与手动分割方法在海马体积测量上无统计学差别(P>0.05);Ad患者海马头部发生萎缩(P0.05).Hippocampal head atrophy was found in AD patients(P<0.05).Conclusions: Hippocampal three-dimensional segmentation and automatic identification method based on active appearance model in brain MR image is accurate and reliable;the feature of hippocampal head atrophy can be used as a basis for diagnosis of AD.哈尔滨医科大学研究生创新基金(HCXB2010019);国家自然科学基金(81071219

    取消经济适用房 完善住房保障体系

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    建设和销售经济适用房是我国住房供应体系的重要一环,是我国进行住房体制改革的产物,同时具有社会福利房和商品房的性质。随着房改的深入,经济适用房存在的一些问题逐渐暴露,其去留也颇受争议。所谓的经济适用房,一要经济:要满足中低收入群体的购房需求,价格上就要有一定的优势二要适用:造价可以不高, 户型可以不豪华,但在建设标准及住房适用效果上不能降低

    The Way to Deepen Financial Cooperation across Taiwan Strait: Empirical Analysis Based on the Regional Financial Competitiveness

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    Dynamic Conditional Correlation among the A-share, the B-share and the H-share Markets in China

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    文章将沪市(深市)A股、沪市(深市)B股和H股纳入一个研究框架,采用1995-2008年样本数据,运用GJR-GARCH-ADCC模型对三个市场的收益率条件相关性进行了实证分析。结果表明,A股和B股,B股和H股相关性受非对称信息影响,而A股与H股间不受非对称影响。本文还检测了三个主要的市场开放政策对市场间相关关系影响,发现B股市场开放后,A、B市场相关关系有明显的结构变动,联动性增强;QDII政策的实施加深了深市A股和H股,深市B股和H股的联系;但QFII政策对各市相关性影响不明显。整体说明国内证券市场,特别是A股和B股,A股和H股,融合度加深,联动性增强。This paper investigates the dynamic conditional correlation among the A-share, the B-share and the H-share markets in China. By applying the GJR-GARCH-DCC with asymmetric term model , we analyze three return indices during the period of 1995-2008. We find that the correlation between the A-share and the B-share markets, as well as the one between the B-share and the H-share markets are dynamic and asymmetric. However, the correlation between the A-share and the H-share markets is dynamic but not asymmetric. The results are important to portfolio diversification and for financial market participants. We also find that the A- and B-share markets as well as the A- and H-share markets are increasingly integrated

    A Test of the Relationship between the Discount of Closed-end Funds and the Operation Performance of Funds

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    笔者以我国的封闭式基金为样本,利用面板数据建模,综合考量了基金折价率与基金绩效指标间相关关系。研究结果发现,基金绩效指标对当期折价指标有显著的负的影响;而当期的基金折价指标不能准确预测未来绩效水平,即基金折价率并没有提供对未来基金绩效的有价值信息。t: Using the closed- end funds of our country as samples, the author makes a model of Chinese closed- end funds with panel data, considering comprehensively the mutual relationship between discount rate of funds and fund performance index. The research result shows that the fund performance index has obvious negative effect on the discount index of the period and the fund discount index of a period can't predict accurately the future performance level that is, fund discount rate doesn't provide valuable in formation about future fund performance

    A Study on Undergraduates' Satisfaction with Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Program of Independent College

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    本研究采用问卷调查的方式,针对厦门某独立学院中外合作办学项目的学生对教学质量及其各个维度(课程设计、师生互动、教学方法、教师能力、教学态度)的满意度、对教学管理的满意度进行调查,得出以下结论:学生在教学质量与教学管理的总体满意度方面表现为"一般";学生对外籍教师在师生互动与教学方法上的满意度得分较高,而对中国教师在课程设计、教师能力与教学态度上的满意度得分较高;不同年级的学生在教学质量的各个维度以及教学管理方面存在着异同。根据研究结果,研究者提出建设中外师资队伍以及针对不同年级的学生采用不同教学策略的建议。In this study,the investigator has distributed questionnaires to the undergraduates participating in the Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Program of one Xiamen independent college to evaluate their satisfaction towards teaching quality(including curriculum setup,teacher-student interaction,teaching method,teachers' ability and teachers' attitude)and teaching management.Based on the survey,we found that in general,the undergraduates' attitudes towards teaching quality and management are divided.To be specific,these undergraduates felt more satisfied with the teaching method and class interactions of foreign teachers but prefer the curriculum setup,teaching ability and attitude of Chinese teachers.Moreover,undergraduates from different grades hold different opinions on the teaching quality of foreign teachers and Chinese teachers,as well as the teaching management.Finally,the author proposes several suggestions to promote the development of both Chinese and foreign faculty as well as some teaching strategies which could be applied to different students.福建省社会科学规划项目青年项目“福建省不同高校新生课余时间管理差异研究”(2012C035)的研究成