77 research outputs found

    Dharma’s Zen in the first place——The Study on Yung-ming Yen-Shou’s Thought of Zen

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    作为法眼宗第三代祖师,延寿的禅学思想无疑是其整个思想中最为重要的内容。通过其主要著作《宗镜录》的纲领“禅尊达摩”为视角研究其思想,会发现延寿的思想与著作都是依此为主线而展开,其内容虽分散但深刻,在本体论与方法论方面成就卓越。以延寿所提出的“禅尊达摩”为理论依据,通过发掘整合、诠释建构为主要方法,将延寿的教理与实践法门整合为一个完整的系统。延寿禅学思想的内容主要包括:本体上复归达摩禅的即清净心是佛,确定禅门正脉;方法上以复归达摩禅理、行二门为原则建构藉教悟宗的引教入禅,观心万善双行,充实禅门实践;以本体论与方法论两个层次,即理、行二门诠释禅宗理、事不二,体用一致之旨。对延寿“禅尊达摩”这一主题的...As the third patriarch of the Fayan sect, Yung-ming Yen-shou's Zen is undoubtedly the most important part of the whole thought.Through the program of the main book cases Zong Jing Lu, Dharma's Zen in the first place,to research his thought, will find the life extension of the thought and works are in line and started, although its content dispersed but profound. In the ontology and methodology on ...学位:哲学博士院系专业:人文学院_中国哲学学号:1042012015373

    Design and Implementation of Local Taxation Bureau’s Fixed Assets Management System Based on B/S

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    随着经济的发展,地税部门办公条件逐步得到改善,大量办公设备的增加,固定资产的数量日益增加。建立和健全固定资产管理及核算制度,对于提高资金的使用效率,正确反应固定资产的增减、变动和结存情况,防止固定资产的流失,提高固定资产的使用效率,促进地税部门征管工作的基础建设,都具有十分重要的意义。 地税系统资产管理的目标是合理分配,有效使用固定资产,提高资产使用效率,为地税系统履行征管工作提供有力保障。其业务内容围绕资产生命周期展开,履行资产的配置、使用、处置等管理环节,通过系统各项业务登记功能实现日常业务管理。本系统采用理论研究和实际的系统研究的方式,通过借鉴其他固定资产系统建设的成功经验,对系统架构...With the development of economy, the Local Taxation Bureau’s office conditions improved gradually. The number of fixed assets increases when more office equipment is used. Establishment and perfection of the fixed assets management and accounting system is important for improving the efficiency of funds use, reflecting the increase, decrease or balance of fixed assets, preventing the loss of fixed...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123104

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise LAN Monitoring System

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    随着IT技术的飞速发展,各企业广泛应用局域网实现内部资源共享展开日常工作。近年来,随着企业局域网的规模日益庞大,企业从计算机、服务器等硬件设备大量投入使用获利的同时也面临着前所未有的三大威胁:企业核心材料和图纸泄密情况严重、企业核心资产白白丢失无法统计、因员工上网频频造成企业局域网中毒瘫痪。现在,如何管理好企业的局域网已成为各大企业管理者重视的问题和各企业网络管理员所面临的挑战。 根据对企业局域网现状分析,结合目前流行的企业局域网监控软件的考察,本文主要研究如何在现有域管理基础上构建一套较为实用的局域网监控软件系统以适应互连网时代企业局域网对计算机硬件、软件、员工网络行为监控管理的需要。主要...With the rapid development of information technology, LAN(Local Area Network) is now widely used to manage various internal assets for many enterprises. Especially in recent years, more and more companies benefit from the implementation of new technologies. However, this change also brought new threats to them: the easy disclosure of companies’ key info, the unaccountable loss of company assets, a...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200623011


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    The Features of Mass Consumption Society in China -By Comparison with Japan-

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    With the economic development, it brought about that mass consumption society in the urban areas of China.This paper is discussing about the features of mass consumption society in China. First, I want to summarizeJapanese precedence researches. Next, analyse the features by comparing with Japan. Finally, as the conclusions ofthe paper, I want to summarize the points of resemblance between China and Japan, and the special points ofChina

    The Design and Implementation of the Distributed Quality Management Information System of Coal

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    针对煤炭企业质量检验管理流程的分析研究,采用C#.nET、dElPHI及SQl SErVEr数据库技术,结合C/S与b/S体系构造煤炭质量管理信息系统,系统整合质检业务、统计分析、查询决策,已正式投入企业生产运营,提高了企业的生产效率及决策支持能力。With the analysis of the quality testing flow for the management of coal enterprises,using C#.NET,Delphi and SQL Server database technology,structure quality management information systems of coal combined with C/S and B/S,the system integrate with quali- ty business,statistical analysis,query the decision-making,has officially launched production operations,improve enterprise productivity and decision-making support


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    Surrounding moving obstacles detection using onboard binocular stereo vision

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    提出一种基于多视几何约束的车载双目立体视觉运动障碍检测算法。研究结果表明:多视极线约束有效地解决了当相机和障碍同方向运动时对极几何无法检测运动障碍的问题。在粒子滤波框架下,以多视极线约束为状态观测,可同时检测和跟踪多个运动障碍。不同场景实际数据集上的实验结果证明:该方法具有鲁棒性和有效性。A multiview epipolar constraint based algorithm was proposed for moving obstacles detection using onboard binocular stereo vision.The results show that a multiview epipolar constraint is derived from the relative camera positions in pairs of consecutive stereo views for independent motion detection.A dimensional variable particle filter for joint detection and tracking of multiple moving obstacles is presented.Experimental results on real-world driving sequences demonstrate that the method is effective and robust.教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20124307120013


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    目的:基于水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)立即早期蛋白IE62与酶联免疫斑点检测技术(ELISpot)建立一种新型的VZV感染性滴度的快速检测方法。方法:应用生物信息学方法设计并合成VZV-IE62蛋白的多肽抗原,牛血清白蛋白偶联后免疫BALB/c小鼠,筛选和制备抗VZV-IE62单克隆抗体,应用Western blot和免疫荧光法等开展抗体性能评价,继而应用酶联免疫斑点技术(ELISpot)结合生物素-亲和素放大法建立新型的VZV感染性滴度检测方法,并与经典空斑计数法进行比较。结果:获得抗VZV-IE62的单克隆抗体1B7,应用于ELISpot方法可特异识别VZV感染后的细胞,以之为基础建立了新型的VZV感染性滴度检测方法。相比经典空斑计数法,该方法可显著缩短检测时间(从5至7 d缩短至32 h)检测结果具有较好的一致性。结论:本研究建立了一种新型的基于VZV立即早期蛋白IE62与酶联免疫斑点技术的VZV感染性滴度检测方法(VZV-IE62 ELISpot),具有潜在的转化应用前景,可为VZV的防治研究提供支持。国家自然科学基金项目(81601762)资