162 research outputs found

    Dialectical solutions to the dilemmas of economic ethics ——On Deng Xiaoping’s economic philosophy

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    这篇文章在以往对效率与公平问题研究成果的基础上,探究邓小平经济伦理思想中所蕴涵的解决这一经济伦理困境的思路和办法。 全文共分四章,第一章论述我国改革开放前后我国在处理经济效益与社会公平问题上误区及困境,针对这一困境,邓小平提出了解决经济伦理困境的一个卓越的思想——坚持经济效益与社会公平的辩证统一。接下来的主体部分第二章、第三章是对这一思想的具体阐述,首先论述了邓小平关于经济效益与社会公平的辩证统一思想具体表现的三个方面:经济效益与社会公平的同时性平衡、整体性平衡和历时性平衡。其次论述的是经济效益与社会公平平衡机制的具体应用。邓小平在谈到如何处理经济规律与价值取向、公有制与非公有制、市场配置与...Based on research findings about the problem of efficiency and fairness, Teng Hsiao-ping’s economic ethics which contains solutions to the dilemmas of economic ethics will be discussed in this paper. This article contains four chapters. In chapter one, misunderstanding and dilemmas people came acrossed around the reform and opening will be examined. Thus this paper holds that Teng Hsiao-ping’s...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_马克思主义哲学学号:1042007115269

    ワタシ ノ ケンコウホウ

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    Infrastructure Construction in China and Scheme of Project Financing

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    从项目融资的角度,首先介绍了BOT、ABS、TOT这三种主要用于基础设施项目建设的融资模式的基本思路,总结了它们在我国基础设施建设方面的一些具体运用,最后分析了目前所存在的一些问题。对解决当前我国基础设施建设的发展严重滞后于国民经济的发展,资金短缺与投资需求的矛盾提供了有益的思路。In this paper, at first introduction BOT 、ABS、TOT three kinds scheme based on project financing, these are chiefly used in the infrastructure construction , Then some example are on display at the china,Furthermore discuss the problem that they are carried on in our country .How to solve our country infrastructure is later than national economy's development and the problem about the investment demand and short of capital, This paper will provide some implications

    Gamification of crucial subordinate skills training in working life

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    The purpose of this thesis was to explain how gamification can be utilized when learn-ing crucial subordinate skills. The term gamification, its advantages and challenges are determined in this paper. Furthermore, subordinate skills are discussed together with the responsibilities and rights of employee. Finally, factors influencing on work well-being are described. The above-mentioned subjects were covered to be able to create content for game-like working place training. The project was done in cooperation with company called Varamiespalvelu. The results of the project made by the author can be found as attach-ments. The created content includes subordinate skills, different sectors of work well-being such as rest, nutrition, exercise and work environment. Tasks in training encom-pass also improvement ideas for work wellbeing. The thesis was made about this spe-cific topic because usage of gamification is increasing, and work wellbeing gain more and more attention all the time. Relevant theory was searched from many different sources, books, webpages, videos, articles and blog posts. Both English and Finnish sources were used. Main phases of the thesis were theory collection, creating content for the training and analyzing the experiences of first users. The training experiences of the first users were collected by questionnaires. When it comes to research methods, a qualitative approach was chosen to be most suitable for study. Five university students tested the training and answered to the questionnaire about their experiences of the training. The purpose was to figure out the general user experience, what was good, was the training useful, if there was some-thing missing, what were the advantages the training was implemented by using gam-ification and to gain development ideas. Questionnaire results confirmed gamification is interesting and meaningful way to learn subordinate skills. One of the best sides of it was it can be played in own speed and continued whenever it is suitable for an employee. Many testers reported that in comparison to lectures, gamification was more interesting since it required own activity. There occurred several development ideas. Ideas concerned to both content and user interface

    HPLC and MALDI-Tof-MS Analysis of Hydrolysates of Xylan

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    利用HPlC结合MAldI-TOf-MS对1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮(PMP)衍生化后山毛榉木聚糖水解产物进行分析,检测到了难以获得标准品对照的木聚糖水解产物。结果表明,稀硫酸水解山毛榉木聚糖的主要水解产物有木糖和4-O-甲基葡萄糖醛酸-木糖(b2),以及少量4-O-甲基葡萄糖醛酸(b1)。内切重组木聚糖酶An Xyn10C水解山毛榉木聚糖产生木糖、木二糖和4-O-甲基葡萄糖醛酸-木三糖(b3),而内切重组木聚糖酶HO Xyn11A水解山毛榉木聚糖主要产生木糖、木二糖、木三糖、4-O-甲基葡萄糖醛酸-木四糖(b4)和4-O-甲基葡萄糖醛酸-木五糖(b5)。基于PMP柱前衍生化的HPlC结合MAldI-TOf-MS方法能高效地分析复杂的木聚糖水解产物。The hydrolysis end products of beechwood xylan,which were released by sulfuric acid or enzymes and then labeled at their reducing ends with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone( PMP) derivatization,were analyzed by HPLC assisted with MALDITof-MS.Some of the hydrolysates,which were lack of related commercial available standard substances,were determined.It was found that the xylose and 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid-xylose( B2) were the main products with minor amounts of 4-Omethylglucuronic acid( B1) in the hydrolysates of beechwood xylan by sulfuric acid.Recombinant endo-β-1,4-xylanase An Xyn10 C released xylose,xylobiose,and 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid-xylotriose( B3) as the main hydrolysates from beechwood xylan,whereas recombinant endo-β-1,4-xylanase Ho Xyn11 A released xylose,xylobiose,xylotriose,4-O-methyl-glucuronic acidxylotetrose( B4) and-xylopentaose( B5),and aldohexaouronic acid.These results revealed that HPLC assisted with MALDITof-MS based on PMP derivatization was a very useful and robust method for the determination of products in hydrolysis of xylan.国家自然科学基金资助项目(31170067); 厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金项目(14GZP59HJ29); 福建省海洋高新产业发展专项项目(闽海洋高新[2014]25号


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    Theoretical Studies of Metal-N-C for Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution Reactions in Acid and Alkaline Solutions

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    单原子催化剂(SAC)由于其低成本和在各种电催化反应中潜在的高催化活性而被认为是铂族金属的有前景的替代材料,但仍然缺乏对不同金属氮碳材料催化剂之间活性差异的原子机理的理解。在此,通过实验和理论研究相结合,研究了非贵金属氮碳材料(Me-N-C,Me = Fe和Co)作为模型催化剂,以探索在普遍的pH值下氧还原反应(ORR)和氢析出反应(HER)的催化活性以及相对应的反应机理。原子理论模拟表明,Fe-N-C具有比Co-N-C高的ORR活性,这是因为其速率决定步骤的反应势垒较低,而HER的活性趋势却相反。我们的模拟结果与实验观察结果一致。Single atom catalysts (SAC) have been regarded as the promising alternatives to platinum group metals due to their low costs and potentially high catalytic activities in various electrocatalytic reactions. The atomic mechanism understanding of activity discrepancy among different metal and nitrogen co-doped carbon-based catalysts is still lacking. Here, non-precious metal and nitrogen co-doped carbons (Me-N-C, Me = Fe and Co) as the model catalysts are investigated by combining experimental and theoretical studies to explore the catalytic activities and corresponding reaction mechanisms toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at universal pHs. Atomic theoretical simulations suggest that Fe-N-C has higher ORR activity than Co-N-C due to its lower reaction barrier of the rate-determining step, while the activity trend is reversed for HER. Our simulation results are consistent with experimental observations.通讯作者:秦雪苹,邵敏华E-mail:[email protected];[email protected]:Xue-PingQin,Min-HuaShaoE-mail:[email protected];[email protected].化工与生物工程系,香港科技大学,香港 9990772.能源材料与电信研究中心,魁北克 加拿大1. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 999077, China2. INRS-énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, 1650 Boulevard Lionel Boulet, Varennes, Québec, Canada J3X 1S