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    建立了采用表面增强拉曼光谱对香肠等食品中亚硝酸盐的快速筛查方法。检测样品经简单提取、衍生后直接进行拉曼光谱检测,整个前处理时间不超过15分钟。通过亚硝酸盐衍生物的指纹图谱定性,本方法能够对各种食品中的亚硝酸盐含量准确筛查,检出限为30 mg/kg,能够满足国家卫生标准的限量要求。该方法前处理简便快速,结果准确,可以作为一种高灵敏、无假阳性的非定向快速筛查手段。该方法可用于检测食品中亚硝酸盐的滥用添加,满足职能部门的现场执法和实验室预检需求。国家自然科学基金(21703187)厦门大学校长基金(20720170102)江苏省产学研前瞻项目(BY2018200


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    A Study of the Paintings of Ladies' Dressing and Making-up in the Song Dynasty of China

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    宋代梳妝仕女圖屬於婦女畫的一環,它的發展脈絡可自婦女畫中看出。依婦女畫中的女性活動內容可分成「歷史故事」、「神話傳說」、「人物故事」與「生活」四大畫類。漢代時女子對鏡的墓室畫像石,是梳妝圖的雛形,主要功能為避邪,屬於生活畫類。魏晉南北朝時,梳妝圖被當作提醒婦女重視德性的鑒戒圖像,屬於歷史故事畫類。唐時,梳妝圖是畫家描繪婦女生活情態的題材,婦女梳妝的姿態動人,重在吸引觀者的目光,屬於生活畫類。北宋梳妝圖以墓室壁畫為主,代表婦女盡婦職及象徵婦德,介於生活畫與歷史畫類間。南宋梳妝仕女圖以小幅作品為主,使用小型庭園為背景,屬於婦女生活畫。其中,背景元素的佈局與描寫美女的話本文學在形式上有著異曲同工的效果。不僅話本文學如此,宋詞與繪畫亦同時出現使用美女與庭園相結合的內容,梳妝圖和南宋文學間似乎有著不可思議的關聯。 今日流傳下來四幅南宋梳妝仕女圖,分別是《調鸚圖》、《靚妝仕女》、《盥手觀花》和《繡櫳曉鏡》,作品皆表現女子伴隨著銅鏡、桌案、花卉、床榻等各種元素在小型庭園中梳妝的場景。《調鸚圖》表現楊貴妃鸚鵡雪衣娘即將飛上鏡臺的情節;《靚妝仕女》描繪高潔、清雅的女性形象;《盥手觀花》的作者將陳德武〈水調歌頭〉詞牌下的四首詞的內容濃縮,繪製春天晚上美人在庭園中欣賞牡丹花與金盆撈月的情景。《繡櫳曉鏡》則由畫家挑選南宋一些仕女畫的元素,重組成一幅團扇。在這些梳妝圖的個別意涵之外,宋末至元初的文人常將梳妝仕女圖賦予閨怨情思,因此對南宋人而言,看見婦女梳妝的圖像時,通常會聯想到女子孤寂地思念情人的意象。The Women Paintings can be classified into four categories, including "historical stories," "fairy tales," "fictitious personages," and "scenes from life." The Paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up in the Song dynasty is part of it and we can trace it back from the history of The Women Painting. The "scenes from life" in Han Dynasty was regarded as prototype of The Woman Painting which was used for repelling evil spirits. In Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up represented virtue of women and the core of those paintings were based on "historical stories." In the Tang Dynasty, the subject of the Paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up is based on "scenes from life," depicting the beauty and attracted movement of dressing and making-up women, aiming to attract audiences’ attention. The subject of The Paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up in Southern Song Dynasty was combined the spirit of "scenes from life" and "historical stories," representing the virtue and responsibility of women. An incredible finding from these paintings was that there existed a mysterious relationship between literature and the Paintings of Ladies’ Dressing and Making-Up in Southern Song Dynasty. Many paintings and literature works contained the garden, beautiful women, and the surroundings which closely related to the subjects of Painting of Ladies’ Dressing and Making-Up. There are four Paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up left in the Southern Song Dynasty, including Hanchen Su, Lady at Her Dressing Table in a Garden, anonymous; Lady Watching a Maid with a Parrot, anonymous; Looking in a Mirror by an Ornamental Box and anonymous, Flowers Viewing and Washing Hands, which are all based on the subject of "scenes from life," with backgrounds of little gardens, beauties doing making-up and dressing. The compositions of these all four paintings corresponded with literature in Song Dynasty. The painting “Lady Watching a Maid with a Parrot” described that concubine Yang''s (楊貴妃) parrot were flying to dressing table. The painting “Lady at Her Dressing Table in a Garden” alluded a noble as well as virtuous lady. The painting “Flowers Viewing and Washing Hands” described the content of Dewu Chen''s(陳德武)poems depicting that ladies appreciated peonies and tried to scoop the moon from a golden basin. The painting “Looking in a Mirror by an Ornamental Box” were composed of motifs from other paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up in the Southern Song Dynasty. In Southern Song Dynasty, men usually thought of their wives and beloved women when they saw paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up. Therefore, the paintings of Ladies'' Dressing and Making-up were regarded as the works that women missed their husband

    When time goes by:A study on life adjustment of middle-aged single female former caregivers.

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    本研究目的係為探索中年未婚女性畢業照顧者之生活經驗,以瞭解其生活調適情形與對未來生活的規劃,促使社會工作者對畢業照顧者有更深層的認識,並作為未來擬定處遇計畫及支持性福利措施或方案的參考。本研究採用質性研究中的深度訪談法,以立意取樣選取8位符合研究條件(照顧失能家人之時間至少需達1年以上;且被照顧者已逝世,照顧者脫離照顧身份時間已達6個月以上)之受訪者。主要研究結果分述如下: 一、成為「畢業照顧者」的心情包含:卸下重擔的輕鬆感、感傷自己孤獨一人、慢慢釋放的壓力等三種類型,因應受訪者的照顧年資、畢業年限、被照顧者的自我意識是否清楚,以及自身適應能力等差異,呈現出迥然不同的情緒反應。 二、中年未婚女性畢業照顧者之生活重心移轉情形,依「程度」劃分出:頓失生活重心、摸索生活重心、重拾生活重心等三類,並將「場域」劃分為:職場工作、志工、社交與休閒娛樂等。呈現出畢業照顧者的生活重心由「逝者」漸轉移至「生者」,進而開始重視自身需求的情形。現階段遇到的挑戰包含:(1)不易重返職場;(2)孤獨與寂寞;(3)處理內心解不開的結。 三、對於老年生活的規劃,研究結果指出:(1)理想居住型態有二,以與單身未婚的朋友共居為主,進住養老院為輔;(2)為降低個人在晚年生活的風險,體認保健、保險與儲蓄的重要性。(3)作好面對死亡的準備,包括預立遺囑、遺產分配、接受安寧療護的意願釐清,以及身後歸屬與處理方式等。本研究彙集了受訪者分享「當照顧已成往事」的心得,有感於畢業照顧者淬鍊過後的人生智慧益發顯得寶貴,本研究歸納出:重拾原有的夢想和興趣、把握當下與志工生活,以及注重生命品質等三項重點作分享。 根據研究結果進一步討論發現:(1)中年未婚女性畢業照顧者面臨喪親時的調適方式與一般人相去不遠,相異之處在於照顧工作帶給她們身體、心靈、社交活動上的影響,導致畢業照顧者容易出現「筋骨酸痛」、「失落又解脫的矛盾心情」與「不易重返職場」等特殊需求,進而需要「職能治療與復健」、「專業心理諮商」以及「提供友善政策以支持重返職場」等專業服務或福利政策;(2)畢業照顧者因提前接觸老年與臨終生活,彷彿替自己預習了老年生活與死亡的課程,這種經驗將有助於自身面對老年生活的態度與適應;(3)中年單身者擔憂未來失去生活自理能力後的照顧問題,我們必須正視此一中高齡單身族群的照顧議題,文末並依結果分析提出對社工實務、政策與未來研究之建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the life experience that former caregivers which were unmarried middle-aged female, to understand the life adjusting and future planning, and to promote social workers to get deeper understanding for the former caregivers in order to help draft the action plans and supporting welfare measures or projects. This research employed qualitative methods. The researcher conducted semi-structural interview with eight former caregivers individually, and collected in-depth data. 8 interviewees who conform to research conditions (time of taking care of disabled family members is at least more than 1 year; if care receiver passed away, the time that caregiver loses care-giving status has been more than 6 months) are selected by purposive sampling. The study findings after data analyzed are listed below: First, the feelings of became former caregivers were three types: The relaxation of unloading the heavy responsibility, loneliness and strain was slow down. Research results demonstrate totally different emotional responses according to differences, including interviewee’s care-giving seniority, years of graduation, whether care receiver’s self awareness is clear or not, and self adaption ability. Second, As for middle-aged single female former caregiver’s life center shift condition, it can be divided according to “level”: three kinds including losing life center, exploring life center, and regaining life center. In addition, it can also be divided according to “field”: workplace, volunteer, social and leisure entertainment. The conditions that former caregiver’s life center gradually shifts from “dead” to “living”, and begins to attach importance to self requirements are demonstrated. The challenges in current stage include:(1)Not easy to go back to workplace,(2)solitude and loneliness, and(3)dealing with the untied knot in heart. Third, Concerning the planning of old age life, research results indicate that:(1) There are two ideal living styles, which is mainly living together with single friend supplemented with living in House for the Aged,(2)in order to reduce individual risk in old age life, and realize the importance of health care, insurance, and saving.(3) Prepare for facing death, including living will, estate distribution, clarification of willingness to accept hospice care, after-death ownership and disposal method. This study summarizes interviewees’ experiences of sharing “when care giving has become bygones”. Realizing that former caregiver’s life wisdom is valuable, it is summarized in this study: Sharing the three points including regaining the original dream and interest, seizing the moment and volunteer life, and focusing on life quality. Based on the findings of this research, the researcher finds three points:(1)middle-aged single female former caregiver’s adjustment method when facing bereavement is quite similar to general people. The difference is the effect of care giving work on their body, mind, and social activity, which easily induces former caregiver’s special requirements including “aching muscles”, “ambivalence of loss and relief”, and “not easy to go back to workplace”, and then professional service or welfare policy including “occupational therapy and rehabilitation”, “professional psychological counseling” and “providing friendly policy to support going back to workplace” are required.(2)Former caregivers contacts old age and death life earlier, so it is just like to preview the lesson of old age life and death for themselves. This kind of experience will be helpful for the attitude and adjustment of facing old age life.(3)Middle-aged single people worry about the care giving problem when they lose life providing ability in the future, and we must face the care giving issue of this elderly single group. The outcome could be the suggestions for the social work practice, social policy and future research