8,888 research outputs found

    On the thought of "valuing life" conceived in hexagram Fu and its actual significance

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    复卦是《周易》的十二消息卦之一,约天时为农历十一月冬至日,阳光直射点开始向北半球回归;约卦象呈“雷在地中”欲震、阳刚复长之象:“阳复、阳来”,有一阳来复,万象更新之意,故复卦的卦德为阳为生。关于复归何处的问题,历来是见仁见智,不一而足。本文拟从“复见天地之心”着眼,对复卦的“贵生”思想及其现实意义试作阐发。Hexagram Fu复■(Returning,the 24~th hexagram in the received version of Zhouyi) is one of the twelve waning and waxing hexagrams and approximately corresponds to the Winter Solstice when the sun's straight radiating point begins to return to the Northern Hemisphere.It manifests an image of "thunder under the earth"which symbolizes the rebirth of Yang and the myriad things.So,the attribute of hexagram Fu is Yang and growth.A consensus has never reached on the issue of which place it returns to.By the saying of that "Fu reveals the heart of heaven and earth" cited from the Tuan彖(Judgment) of the hexagram,this paper attempts to elaborate the thought of "valuing life" conceived in the hexagram and its actual significance

    A Study on Yongming-Yanshou's Mind Philophy

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    永明延寿是唐末五代宋初吴越国高僧,现存有一百多万字的著作,主要有《宗镜录》、《万善同归集》和《注心赋》等等。本文主要从“举一心为宗”、“照万法如镜”、“一心生万行”和“道法一心成”等四个方面入手,对延寿心学的心体论、心相论、心用论和心境论展开研究。 首先,本文诠释了延寿心学的本体论,厘清了延寿以真心缘起会通阿赖耶缘起、一心二门、一心三观和法界缘起的理路,揭示了延寿心学立足心宗而折中教下的理论圆融性。其次,本文阐释了延寿心学的生成论,理顺了延寿以真心会通阿赖耶识来解释万法成因的逻辑次第,总结了延寿心学的唯识观。再次,本文从哲学的视野诠释了延寿心学的实践论,通过对延寿的观心思想、菩萨戒思想、六度...Yongming-Yanshou was a renowned monk living in Wu-yue State from late Tang Dynasty, Wudai Period, till early Song Dynasty. His masterpieces, more than one million words, contain Zong Jing Lu, Wan Shan Tong Gui Ji and Zhu Xin Fu, etc. The main ideas of his works are “Taking mind as the basic principle”, “Contemplating all phenomena as a mirror reflection”, “Ten Thousands Activity induced by one mi...学位:哲学博士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_中国哲学学号:2005140278


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    The Effect of the Positive and the Negative Stimulus on Post Performance

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