483 research outputs found


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    Since the dawn of history, a large number of cultural heritage have been lost or reported missing due to many reasons,including war and disaster. It is sure that clarifying the original coloring of such heritage will contribute to research in many fields such ashistory and art history. The aim of this study is to establish methods for deciding the original coloring and coloring materials of painted works from monochrome photographs taken as reference materials. Generally, the black and white contrasts of monochrome photographs are dependent on (i) the characteristic of photosensitive materials, (ii)illumination spectra of light source and (iii) characteristics of light reflection of subjects. Based on this assumption, it was found that taking monochrome photographs of coloring samples under the same conditions as the reference photographs and comparing the contrasts of both can lead to the decision of the original coloring. Using this method,decision of the original coloring of a portrait of a king of Ryukyu Kingdom, Sho-Iku (1813- 1847),which has been reported to have been lost during World War II, was carried out

    その先を「拓く」アプローチ --学際研究をより豊かにするURAの協働とは--

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    RA協議会第9回年次大会(八王子) : 9th RMAN-J Annual Conference(Hachioji)開催日時: 2023年8月8日(火)-2023年8月9日(水)開催場所: 東京たま未来メッセ主催: リサーチ・アドミニストレーター協議会近年、学際研究(異分野融合・文理融合とも)を「総合知」と捉えて推進する動きが加速している。ただし、「学際研究」という方向性は全く新しいものではなく、これまでにも数多くの取り組みが存在すること、またその多くがプロジェクトの企画や進行・運営において困難に直面してきたことも周知の事実である。本ポスターでは、機関・分野を超えた学際研究プロジェクトの企画・運営について、2021年度に研究大学コンソーシアムにて試行された共同研究支援DX「MIRAIプロジェクト」などを中心とした複数の事例の分析から、研究のその先を「拓く」ために、URAとして実践可能なアクションを抽出するとともに、学際研究をより豊かにするためにURAが果たすべき役割について考察したい

    A study on the image of independency of children : through a survey of adult residents of T housing complex

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    【目的】近年日本において,少子高齢化や地域のつながりの希薄化が進行している.地域住民が子どもを人的資源として期待する度合いを,子どもの「自律イメージ」として測定し,それに関連する社会的・文化的要因について明らかにすることを本研究の目的とする.【対象と方法】本研究では長崎市T町の自治会長から紹介を受けた20歳以上の自治会加入者717名を対象とし,無記名自記式調査票を配布した.155名の対象者から有効な回答が得られた(有効回収率21.6%).「自律イメージ」を規定する要因の分析には,ステップワイズ法を用いて重回帰モデルを構築した.【結果】対象者の平均年齢は58.5(標準偏差:14.3)歳,女性の割合は62.5%であった.自律イメージ得点(レンジ:6-24点)の平均値は14.65(標準偏差:3.21)点であった.重回帰分析の結果,「T町の子どもへの関心」「T町住民の子どもへの接し方(困っているときに相談にのる)」「地域住民に対する信頼度」の順に自律イメージ得点に影響していた.【結論】T町における子どもの自律イメージは,住民の態度や認識(T町の子どもへの関心の度合い,子どもが困っているときに相談にのること,地域住民に対する信頼度)によって規定されていた.The independency of children indicates the degree of independence in children’s behavior and is necessary to acquire the social role of being a human resource in communities. Its conceptualization is a prerequisite, especially in the “Engagement of All Citizens” project under the Abe Cabinet. This study aims to obtain basic data that may contribute to the policy of how to develop the children’s role in community settings. An anonymous questionnaire regarding the image of independence of children measured by an original self-rated scale was distributed to adult residents of T housing complex, locatedin a suburb of Nagasaki City. One hundred and fifty five respondents (response rate: 21.6%) answered the questionnaire. To investigate the construction of the image of children’s independence, a multiple regression model was applied using a stepwise method for choosing independent variables. The results indicated that the strongest indicator of scores for the image of children’s independence was “degree of interest toward children of T housing complex” (beta=-0.244, p=0.0145), followed by “degree of assisting children who are in need” (beta=-0.202, p=0.0226)and “degree of reliability towards T community residents” (beta=-0.184, p=0.0442). The results also indicated that the degree of interest in and contact with children is a key indicator of the image of children’s independence. Interestingly, the degree of reliability of the local community is also considered an indicator of the image of children’s independence. Thus, thereliability of the local adults can be transformed into the reliability of the children residing in the same community


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    症例は43歳、男性。IgA腎症による慢性腎不全にて16年間の血液透析を経て、生体腎移植を施行した(ドナー:45歳の姉、血液型適合(O型)、HLA:4ミスマッチ)。免疫抑制剤はバジリキシマブ、タクロリムス、ミコフェノール酸モフェチル、メチルプレドニゾロン(MPZ)の4剤で導入しMPZは3日間で中止した。移植後は即座に利尿がみられ、移植後4日目には血清クレアチニン(Cre)1.62mg/dlまで低下した。しかし、移植後9日目にCre1.85mg/dlと上昇し、腎生検したところボーダーラインチェンジの所見であった。MPZ、500mg/日を3日間施行し、Cre 1.45mg/dlで退院となった。その後経過良好であったが、移植後3か月目に2g/日の蛋白尿を認め腎生検を施行した結果、IgA腎症の再発と診断された。扁桃腺摘出術を行い、MPZパルス療法を施行した。現在、Creは低下し、尿蛋白も減少している


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    Through the physiological and the biochemical study, the effects of prostatic extract (Robaveron) were investigated on the rabbits with experimental motor neuron lesion by the perfect transsection of the spinal cord. Experiments were carried out with two groups, in which one was transsected the spinal cord at the level of the twelfth dorsal vertebra and another was transsected at the level of the fifth lumbal vertebra after two weeks of operation. The pattern of neurogenic bladder was established within two weeks. From the physiological experiments, it became clear that the sphincter was important as the factor for the lower urinary tract obstruction in the case of upper motor neuron lesion, whereas the bladder neck was more dominant than sphincter in the case of lower motor neuron lesion and that in the lower motor neuron lesion, the acceleration of the vas deferens motility was observed by the stimulation on the urinary bladder, and the regular low voltage contraction in the case of lower motor neuron lesion was the rhythmical contraction of the detrusor muscle itself, moreover it was not influenced by the electrical stimulation of hypogastric nerve. Prostatic extract (Robaveron) increased the elasticity of detrusor muscle and the voiding pressure regardless of upper or lower motor neuron lesion, furthermore in the case of lower motor neuron lesion increased action potential to the rhythmical characteristic contraction of the urinary bladder. On the biochemical study, Robaveron increased permeability of organic acid of TCA cycle member to the mitochondria membrane and result in the elevation of the respiration of TCA cycle. The potent activity of Robaveron was found in the experiment under succinate or oxalacetate, on the comparison of the both, succinate was more efficiently utilized than oxalacetate, while citrate was hardly utilized. Futhermore the respiration of urinary bladder under succinate especially decreased in the case of lower motor neuron lesion, and the decreasing respiration was recovered by injection of Robaveron. From these physiological and biochemical experiments, it was concluded that the beneficial effect of Robaveron on the urinary bladder function was thoroughly myotropic and Robaveron was extensively useful for the improvement in the neurogenic bladder