298 research outputs found

    Commentary on School-Running Funds When Cai Yuanpei Was the President of Beijing University

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    民国初期,经费严重匮乏是困扰高校办学的一大难题。蔡元培执掌北京大学期间,在经费极端困难的条件下,多方筹措经费,优先保障教学改革、学科建设和学术研究活动,取得了丰硕的办学成果。In the initial period of Republic of China,most universities had severe money shortage.When Cai Yuanpei managed Beijing University,he raised the funds in many ways though they were under the extremely difficult condition to guarantee the teaching reform,the discipline construction and the academic research.As a result,Beijing University made fruitful achievements

    Postmodernist Narratives of Identity in Ronald Sukenick’s Fiction

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    1968年,诺纳德•苏克尼克的第一部小说面世。苏克尼克就将他此后40余年的生命全部奉献给了文学。其足迹遍布文学的各个领域:小说创作、文学批评、文学理论、小说编辑、出版以及文学教育。 作为小说家,苏克尼克出版了9部长篇小说,3部短篇小说集以及散布各个文学期刊的70多篇短篇小说,为他赢得了1988年和1999年的美国国家图书奖和2003年的摩顿•扎别儿奖等奖项。同时苏克尼克也是美国20世纪60和70年代发出最强音的理论家之一。他的文学批评主要收录在《叙事对话》,《形式:小说艺术中的偏离》以及《华莱士•史蒂文斯:对晦涩的思考》中。他还在不同的文学批评期刊上发表批...Ronald Sukenick’s first novel, Up, appeared in 1968. Since then, Sukenick has dedicated his remaining forty years of life to literature. And his efforts extend to almost every aspect of literature. He is a novelist, critic, theoretician, editor and educator. First of all, as a novelist, Sukenick has published nine novels, three collections of short stories and more than seventy short stories, wh...学位:文学博士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1192006015296

    Research on the Enrollment Examination Reform of Postgraduates for Professional Master Degree in China——A Case of MPA

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    20世纪九十年代专业学位的设置,适应了国家经济建设和社会发展对于多样化、高层次专门人才的需要,丰富和发展了我国的学位制度。作为我国学位与研究生教育的入口,专业学位研究生招生考试日益为世人所关注。本论文以公共管理硕士(MPA)为例,系统考察和分析专业硕士学位研究生招生考试的创立过程、主要特点和存在问题,并提出相应的改革对策。 全文共分四章。第一章是历史回顾,阐述了我国专业学位设置的背景和发展历程,对16种专业学位招生考试现状进行分析,总结专业硕士招生考试的特点及共性问题。第二章是国际比较,以美国、法国、韩国、新加坡四个国家著名的MPA院校为例,对比分析其招生考试流程,总结国外MPA招生考试的成...The establishment of professional degreein the 90s of the 20th century has met the need of economic and social development for diversity,senior professional talents. It has enriched and developed the academic degree in our country. As the entrance of academic degree and graduate education, the examination of postgraduates for professional master degree is getting more and more attentions. By study...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:20041703

    Formation and Characteristics of Heteroatom-containing Carbon Clusters

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    近年来,团簇科学得到迅猛的发展。由于杂碳原子簇具有独特的性质并对星际物质的研究有重要意义,本文从实验和理论角度研究了几个系列的杂碳原子簇的性质。主要的结果分为以下三个部分进行讨论。 1、用飞行时间质谱记录激光蒸发产生的CnSe-簇离子,只有检测到含偶数个碳的簇离子。诱导碰撞解离实验确定了簇离子的分子式并发现较小簇离子容易失去一个硒原子,而相对较大的簇离子则倾向于失去CSe小碎片。为了探讨它们独特的性质,进一步在ROHF和B3LYP水平上对这些簇离子作了相应的从头算,计算结果与质谱结果吻合得相当好。此外,相邻簇离子结构的差别随着碳链的生长而减小。理论计算还表明计算中应考虑电子校正的影响,密度...Recently, Cluster Science has undergone an explosive growth in activity. Stimulated by the astrophysical interest and the special properties for the carbon clusters doped by heteroatoms, several series of heteroatom-containing carbon clusters have been studied both experimentally and theoretically. Main results and conclusion could be summarized in the three parts. 1. Polycarbon selenides CnSe- ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:19982500

    The Research of Financial Shared Services in Multinational Corporation – Based on the case of K Company

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    随着经济全球化的进程加快,跨国企业面对日益增大的竞争压力和挑战,促使企业从全球的角度进行更加合理的资源配置。财务共享服务作为跨国企业国际化经营过程中的一种有效管理工具,越来越受到企业的青睐和重视,财务共享服务中心是一个应用灵活且具有成长性的平台,它对企业内部的后台服务进行重新整合和优化,建立统一的后台服务中心,以降低企业的后台服务运作成本和提高运作效率。共享服务的出现对财务行业的发展产生了重大影响,传统财务管理的思路无论是理念还是行动上都有所颠覆。 财务共享服务研究是一个既具有理论价值又有现实意义的研究课题。本文通过理论研究首先介绍了共享服务理论产生的背景、特征和积极作用等,以及财务流程再造...With the rapid development of economic globalization, multinational corporations have to allocate resources more reasonably from the global perspective, while facing increasing competitive pressures and challenges. As an effective management tool of international operation in multinationalcorporations, financial shared services is becoming more and more favorable and attention-getting. Financial s...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200815708


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    Analysis and Design of Educational Administration System for a College

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    随着教育模式的持续改革,高校的规模不断扩大,内涵深化,办学模式也呈现多样化的态势。这使得高校的教务管理工作量和工作难度都有所增加,原来的教务管理模式已不能很好的适应高校教育工作的发展变化。本文从学校的教务工作的实际情况出发,探讨基于B/S结构的,.NET平台的教务管理系统的设计。本文首先分析对比了国内外研究现状,系统采用B/S的三层架构和.NET平台,数据库使用SQLServer2008。 本文详细阐述了教务管理系统系统的需求分析,首先详细阐述了用户管理、学生基本信息管理、教学管理、选课管理、课表管理、成绩管理、评教管理的业务分析,然后详细阐述了用户管理、学生基本信息管理、教学管理、选课管理...With the continuing reform of educational model, the scale of colleges and universities get expanded, the connotation is deepened and the mode of school-running pattern presents diversified. The original educational management model cannot adapt to the development of the educational work in colleges and universities well, which increases the workload and difficulty of the educational administratio...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223006

    <エッセイ>在唐新羅人社会の一瞥 : 『入唐求法巡礼行記』開成四年四月二六日条を読んで

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    Challenges and Strategies for China Customs on Optimizing Clearance Environment after China’s Entry into WTO

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    海关担负着为国家把守经济大门的神圣职责,在国家参与国际经济竞争中发挥着十分重要的作用。我国已成为世贸组织的正式成员,海关工作必须尽快同国际规则相接轨,在有效监管的前提下加快通关速度,推进合法贸易的便利化。面对国际贸易量迅猛增长、信息技术广泛使用、跨国犯罪日益增多等经济全球化带来的新挑战,海关如何利用其有限资源来提高作业效率、优化口岸通关环境已成为不可回避的课题。本文探讨了入世后海关在优化通关环境中面临的挑战,分析了影响通关环境的因素,并提出了应对挑战的措施。全文分为四个部分,各部分的要点如下: 第一章探讨了入世后海关在优化通关环境中面临的挑战。海关管理任务的加重和国际贸易方式的转变要求海关优...China Customs is shouldering the holy task of guarding our country’s economic door, it also plays an important role in our country’s participation in global economic competition. As China has become a regular member of World Trade Organization, the Customs must adapt its work to the rules of global economy as quickly as possible so as to expedite the flow of commerce and facilitate legitimate trad...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19991505


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