106 research outputs found

    State-owned banks into marketing strategy:The road of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

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    本文通过对相关竞争理论和市场营销理论的研究发展回顾,使用HHI指数等实证分析工具进行的实证分析,可以看出我国商业银行业存在市场集中度相对较高、行业壁垒高等特点。随着银行业的对外开放和市场经济的不断深化,我国银行业已显现出从寡头垄断向垄断竞争市场结构过渡的趋势,而且随着政府对银行业的行政管制的放松和培育多元化的银行产权形式的政策导向,商业银行原有的垄断格局会进一步被打破。作为国内最大的国有银行,工商银行由于受政策的影响较大,使得银行自身的市场营销策略不能完全按照市场导向或企业经济效益导向来进行制定。另一方面,由于受到长期计划经济下政策保护的影响,使得工商银行的市场观念相对淡薄,缺乏未来面对自由竞...Based on the relevant competition theory and the theory of marketing research and development to recall that the use of HHI index, such as tools for empirical analysis of the empirical analysis, we can see that the existence of China's commercial banking market concentration is relatively high, industry and high barriers. With the banking sector opening up and deepening the market economy, China's...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20041540

    Limited Rationality and the Dynamic Model of Altruistic Behavior——On the Assumption of Homo Economicus

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    自亚当·斯密以来,主流经济学家都把经济人假设作为经济学研究的基础。这种过于简化的假设在解释人类的利他行为方面遇到了很大的困难。西蒙的有限理性模型提出,人们并不是总在追求自身利益的最大化,而是常常通过模仿别人的行为来改进自己的处境。在西蒙的有限理性模型的基础上,通过对"囚徒困境"博弈的分析,建立了利他行为的动态模型。当下,发扬利他主义精神对于我国社会健康发展的重要意义。Since Adam Smith, the mainstream economists have regarded homo economicus as the basis of economic research. This simplistic assumption has encountered great difficulties in the interpretation of altruistic behavior of humans. Herbert Simon's model of limited rationality argues that people is not always in pursuit of the maximization of their own interests, but often improve their situation by copying other people's behavior. Based on Simon's model, a dynamic model of altruistic behavior is built, and the conclusion of the model analyzed. At last, the importance of altruistic behavior to the development of our society is emphasized

    Managing Medical Insurance——Medical behavior under the multiple information dissymmetry

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    医疗保险涉及投保人、保险机构和医疗机构三方利益,且三者之间存在多重信息不对称。在传统的医疗保险模式中,控制医疗成本的主导权掌握在医生手中,存在着促使医疗费用上涨的驱动因素。这不仅造成了医疗资源的极大浪费,而且成为促使医疗保险费用急剧上涨的主因。管理式医疗保险模式通过保险机构与医院或医生签订的契约,整合了保险机构与医疗机构之间的利益,从而达到了降低医疗费用的目的。本文通过模型的建立,分别描述了在两种医疗保险模式下医生的行为方式,并通过模型求解,分析了管理式医疗保险模式的利弊之处。Medical insurance refers to the common interest of policy-holder,insurance institution and medical institution,and there is the multiple information dissymmetry between the three of them.However,in traditional mode of medical insurance,physicians take a leading role in medical cost,which can lead medical cost to rise.It not only wastes medical resources,but also the main factor of forcing the medical insurance cost to increase rapidly.Medical insurance through insurance institution signing a contract with hospital or physicians integrates the interest between insurance institution and medical institution,and obtains the purpose of reducing medical cost.This article uses the principal-agent theory to analyze the physician behavior under the two different modes of medical insurance,and analyzes the advantages and drawbacks of managing medical insurance


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    目的构建高表达的抗CD5单链抗体(scFv anti-CD5)工程菌,为开展以抗CD5单链抗体为构件的肿瘤免疫治疗研究奠定基础。方法从Genbank中获得抗CD5单克隆抗体H65的重链可变区(VH)和轻链可变区(VL)的基因序列,用连接肽的编码序列连接,用重叠PCR技术获得目的基因,酶切后插入pET22b(+)构成重组质粒。测序正确的重组质粒转入E.coliBL21(DE3)诱导表达,产物经Ni-NTA柱纯化后复性,流式细胞术和Western blot-ting检测活性。结果获得序列正确的重组质粒,工程菌表达量高,产物复性后具有识别CD5抗原的活性。结论成功构建了高表达scFv anti-CD5的工程菌,为scFv anti-CD5的应用奠定了基础

    Correlation between Outdoor-exposure and Indoor-accelerated Ageing Test for Epoxy Coating

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    通过室外海洋大气暴晒和室内紫外线照射对环氧涂层进行了老化试验,并运用光泽、颜色、粉化率、SEM以及电化学多重动电位扫描(MCPDP)等手段测试了涂层在室外大气暴晒和室内紫外加速老化下的表面形貌和对金属保护性能的变化,初步探讨室外海洋大气暴晒和室内紫外人工老化试验的相关性。发现对于环氧涂层室内紫外人工老化降解的效果强于室外海洋大气天然老化,基于光泽测试的加速因子约为5;基于颜色和粉化率测试的加速因子都大于12。The outdoor-exposure test and indoor-accelerated ageing test were carried out,and a series of performance evaluations such as gloss,color,the degree of chalking,SEM and MCPDP were applied to test the transformation of the surface topography and protection properties of epoxy anticorrosion paint.The correlation between indoor-accelerated ageing test and outdoor-exposure test was discussed preliminary.It indicates that the results of degradation in the indoor-accelerated ageing test are greater than those in the outdoor-exposure test,the accelerating factor according gloss is about 5 and the accelerating factors according color and the degree of chalking are above 12

    Design on Optimizing Configuration of Savonius Rotor

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    对传统SAVOnIuS型垂直轴风力机各几何参量进行优化,在此基础上加入一种半自动阀门装置,得到的新型SAVOnIuS风力机,在设计风速10 M/S下,对其各项空气动力学性能参数进行计算。结果表明,这种风力机具有很好的开发意义,可应用于沿海地区民宅的小型风力发电,城市公共照明及景区夜景工程的离网供电。This paper mainly optimized the different parameters of conventional Savonius rotor and further attempted to insert valves on the concave side of blade.The aerodynamic performance of this optimum configuration of Savonius rotor was calculated on the basis of the nominal velocity V=10 m/s.The computing results indicated that the optimum Savonius rotor could be used in these fields such as small-scale production of electricity for home use in seaboard,city public lighting and beauty spot night lighting.福建省重大科技项目资助(No.2006H0092


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    Raman Spectroscopy Study on Coadsorption of 1 Methyl 2 Thiourea with Electrolyte Anions at Ag Electrodes

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    本文用电化学现场表面增强拉曼散射光谱(SErS)技术研究了MTu在HClO4、H2SO4和HnO3介质中分别与一种或两种无机阴离子的共吸附行为,发现ClO-4、SO2-4和nO-3等弱吸附无机阴离子均能被MTu诱导物理吸附在其质子化了的氨基(nH+3)上,这三种无机阴离子被MTu诱导物理吸附的强弱顺序是:在电极电位位于-0.2V~-0.7V区间时,SO2-4>ClO-4>nO-3,在电位位于-0.8V~-1.2V区间时,ClO-4>SO2-4>nO-3。Using surFace enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), we have studied the coadsorption of 1 methyl 2 thiourea (MTU) with one or two kinds of inorganic anions in perchloric acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid medium respectively at silver electrodes.The results indicate that inorganic anions with weak coadsorbability such as ClO - 4,SO 2- 4 and NO - 3 can be physically induced to absorb through the protonated amino group of MTU.It was Found that the coadsorbability of these anions with MTU is in the order of SO 2- 4>ClO - 4>NO - 3 in the potential region From -0 2V to -0 7V and ClO - 4>SO 2- 4>NO - 3 in the potential region From -0 8V to -1 2V.国家自然科学基金;江西省自然科学基


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    在水温(21±1)℃下,给体重(592.5±52.5) g的日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)雌亲鱼投喂每千克体重含0.034 g淫羊藿和0.034 g菟丝子浸膏的饲料90 d,对照组投喂人工配合饲料,研究淫羊藿和菟丝子对卵巢发育的影响。结果显示,饲料中添加淫羊藿和菟丝子的雌鱼卵巢大部分卵母细胞属第Ⅱ时相,性腺指数和肝体比均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);卵母细胞油滴明显增多,部分卵母细胞胞质已充满油滴,核仁变小增多;血清雌二醇(E2)和11-酮基睾酮(11-KT)水平显著升高(P<0.05),实验组11-KT含量约为对照组的4倍;肝脏卵黄蛋白原基因vtg表达量升高,实验组和对照组卵巢cyp19a1仅微量表达,肝脏未检测到erα和erβ的表达;实验组肌肉总脂肪酸、饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),最主要的高度不饱和脂肪酸花生四烯酸(AA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。本研究表明,在亲鱼培育饲料中添加中草药淫羊藿和菟丝子促进了日本鳗鲡卵母细胞油滴和肝脏卵黄蛋白原增加,提高了肌肉高不饱和脂肪酸的积累,为卵黄生成和卵母细胞进一步发育做好更充分的准备。国家自然科学基金项目(41806193);;厦门市科技局项目(3502Z20133015);;鳗鲡现代产业技术教育部工程研究中心开放基金项目(RE201604,RE201503


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