24 research outputs found

    以超像素為基礎之影像分割與區域合併;Superpixel-based Image Segmentation and Region Merging

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    [[abstract]]在計算機視覺及影像處理的領域中,影像分割占了一個很重要的地位。影像?割技術雖持續?斷地被提出,然而,目前影像?割仍存有許多困難,而現今有些方法可以被應用於彩色影像之?割,大多的思維只將影像從一維空間擴充到三維色彩空間,並沒有討?色彩資?中所提供的其他相關訊息。因此,色彩空間對於影像分割也是一個很值得深入研究的主題之一。影像分割的目的,是希望能夠從影像中找出我們所感興趣的區域,或者是有意義的區域。超像素能夠取得像冗餘資訊,且降低後續處理任務複雜度,目前已受到了國內外研究者的日益關注。本研究提出一個分割方式,以SLIC超像素方法劃分影像為多個子區域,再依照本研究所提出之合併方法,結合紋理與 H、S、V、R、G和B色彩特徵進行特徵值相差最小的子區域合併,針對多物件、背景複雜與物件及背景差異性低等類型之彩色影像進行區域分割。根據實驗結果,本研究提出方式可成功分割複雜背景影像中之突出之物件。最後對本研究的方法與應用進行了結果討論和未來展望。 In the field of computer vision and image processing, image segmentation occupies a very important position.Image segmentation technology is constantly being put forward, however, the current image cutting still has many difficulties, and now some methods can be applied to the color image segmentation, most of the thinking only the image from one-dimensional space expansion to three-dimensional color space, and did not discuss other relevant information provided in color data. Therefore, the color space for image segmentation is also a very worthy of one of the topics of in-depth study.The purpose of image segmentation is to be able to find areas of interest from the image, or a meaningful area. Superpixel can achieve redundant information, and reduce the complexity of follow-up processing tasks, has been the growing concern of researchers at home and abroad. This study presents a segmentation approach to the SLIC superpixel approach and the sub-regions with the smallest of the eigenvalues of the H, S, V, R, G and B color characteristics combined with the texture are combined with the sub-regions, and the background is complex and the background is complex. Object and background difference of low type of color image for regional segmentation. According to the experimental results, this study suggests that the way to successfully segment the complex objects in complex background images.Finally, the results of this study and application of the results of the discussion and future prospects


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    [[abstract]]咖啡的起源來自於衣索比亞高原,時至今日,不管是非洲、亞洲貨是南美洲等地方,儘管咖啡豆品種不一樣,但實際上咖啡的起源可追溯至百萬年以前,真正的年代已不可考,因此後來漸漸被應用當作提神草藥,而這紅色果實便是最早的生咖啡史事記載。最近幾年,受西方文化影響,國人的生活形態逐漸改變,至咖啡店消費的人口日漸增加,街訪中的咖啡店如雨後春筍般林立街頭,各大國外咖啡連鎖店進駐台灣,台灣也慢慢開起連鎖咖啡店,台灣咖啡廳競爭也越來越激烈。不論哪種咖啡豆都有喜愛的客群。 本研究探討國內喜愛咖啡口味的差異性,發現受訪者在飲用咖啡時會因為人口統計變項(性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、居住地、區域)、背景變項(職業、教育程度、個人月收入、工作年資、飲用咖啡頻率、合理價位認知),及中介變項(購買場所、沖調方式)的不同,對於口味偏好(口味、咖啡口感、喜愛味道)、品牌偏好、購買慾望及飲用感覺均呈現出顯著差異,尤其以中介變項的影響特別明顯


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    报道了寄生于黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)胃、肠中的黄颡前驼形线虫(Procamallanus fulvidraconis)的成熟和感染丰度的季节动态。从2001年2月到2002年7月的18个月中,对来自于湖北省梁子湖的900尾黄颡鱼进行了调查,结果表明:该线虫的感染率除在2002年1月比较低(32%)外,其他月份都在90%以上,且没有显著的季节性变化(G=16.96F0.01[17,882]=1.98)。在对黄颡前驼形线虫雌虫成虫的三个阶段(成熟期、怀卵期和怀幼期)和雄虫成虫


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    为了探讨鱼类寄生嗜子宫线虫的系统发育关系,测定了8种嗜子宫线虫的ITS rDNA(核糖体转录内间隔区核 糖核酸)序列和9种嗜子宫线虫的18S rDNA(小亚基核糖体核糖核酸)部分序列,并构建了18S rDNA序列的系统发 育树。在比较和分析ITS rDNA和18S rDNA两种分子标记对嗜子宫科线虫系统发育适用性的基础上,分析了嗜子 宫线虫的系统发育关系。结果表明:中国嗜子宫线虫是单系起源;黄颡鱼似嗜子宫线虫、赣州似嗜子宫线虫和棍头 嗜子宫线虫亲缘关系非常接近,可能是较晚形成的种;似嗜子宫线虫属可能应该


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    报道了中国鲤蠢目纽带科绦虫1新纪录属和1新纪录种,即梭形纽带属Atractolytocestus Anthony,1958及该属矢梭形纽带绦虫A.sagittaus(Kulakovskaya et Akhmerov,1965)。梭形纽带绦虫与该科中国已记录的纽带属和许氏属绦虫的区别分别在于其卵巢后有卵黄腺存在;卵黄腺在子宫和卵巢侧面连续大量分布,睾丸向后延伸到子宫两侧,头节球状或圆锥状。细颈许氏绦虫Khawia tenuicollis Li,1964的分类学地位在该报道中被重新讨论


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    为了探讨鱼类寄生嗜子宫线虫的系统发育关系,测定了8种嗜子宫线虫的ITS rDNA(核糖体转录内间隔区核糖核酸)序列和9种嗜子宫线虫的18S rDNA(小亚基核糖体核糖核酸)部分序列,并构建了18S rDNA序列的系统发育树。在比较和分析ITS rDNA和18S rDNA两种分子标记对嗜子宫科线虫系统发育适用性的基础上,分析了嗜子宫线虫的系统发育关系。结果表明:中国嗜子宫线虫是单系起源;黄颡鱼似嗜子宫线虫、赣州似嗜子宫线虫和棍头嗜子宫线虫亲缘关系非常接近,可能是较晚形成的种;似嗜子宫线虫属可能应该被细分为更多的属

    simulated data matching based on schema covering

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    研究仿真数据优化匹配传输效率问题,随着分布交互式仿真规模的扩大,如何高效地对仿真数据进行分发和过滤成为一个重要的问题。针对分布交互式仿真领域数据类型固定和属性个数跨度较大的特点,在分析和研究已有事件匹配算法的基础上,提出了模式覆盖集的概念,并设计了一种采用模式覆盖技术的仿真数据匹配算法。改进算法综合考虑了谓词之间的相互关系和订阅条件所属模式之间的覆盖关系,从减少无关的谓词匹配和高效组织订阅条件两方面加速了仿真数据的匹配过程。实验结果表明与谓词计数算法相比,改进算法能较大地提高匹配性能。中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目(yyyj-1125)With the expansion of distributed interactive simulation, the efficient dissemination and filtering of simulated information become important problems. Considering the fixed type of simulated data and the broad span of attribute number in distributed interactive simulation field, and based on the study and analysis of current event matching algorithm, a new structure of schema covering set (SCS) was proposed. A Simulated Data Matching algorithm based on the schema covering was then designed in this paper. By considering the relationship among predicates and the covering relation among subscriptions' schemas synthetically, the algorithm accelerates the matching performance by reducing redundant predicates matching and organizing subscriptions efficiently. Finally, experiments show that compared with counting method, the algorithm has considerable improvement in matching performance


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    Relationship between post-traumatic symptoms, life satisfaction and positive affect, negative affect in survivors after the Yushu earthquake

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    目的:了解玉树震后幸存者的创伤后应激症状和生活满意度状况及其与积极情感/消极情感的关系。方法:在地震后3.5个月,对玉树地震灾区505名幸存者采用自编一般情况调查表和创伤后应激障碍检查量表平民版(PCL-C)、霍氏症状核查表(HSCL-25)、积极情感/消极情感量表(PANAS)、生活满意度量表(SWLS)进行评估。结果:PCL-C得分显示创伤后应激症状的阳性率为32.7%;HSCL-25得分显示焦虑症状的阳性率为53.3%,抑郁症状的阳性率为47.1%。女性、藏族、低文化水平幸存者有较高的创伤后应激症状阳性率(均P<0.05)。结论:玉树灾后幸存者的消极情感可能是发生创伤后应激症状的危险因素,且对幸存者的生活满意度有消极影响。积极情感有助于减轻焦虑症状并提高生活满意度。Objective: To investigate the relations of positive affect and negative affect to postraumatic symptoms and the life satisfaction in survivors after the Yushu Earthquake. Methods: Totally 505 residents in Yushu earthquake disaster area were assessed with the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Check List-Civilian Version (PCL-C), Hopkins Symptom Checldist-25 (HSCL-25), Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Results: The PCL-C score showed the prevalence of post-traumatic symptoms in this sample was 32. 7%, the HSCL-25 score showed the prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms was 53.3% and 47.1%, respectively. Women, Tibetan and survivors with low education level had higher preva-lence of the above symptoms (P 〈 0. 05). Linear regression analysis showed that the NA score of PANAS had posi- tive correlation with PCL-C score, the depression and anxiety symptomsscore of HSCL-25 (β = 0. 59, 0. 62, 0. 59; Ps 〈0. 05), and had negative correlation with SWLS score (β = -0.15, P 〈0.05). The PA score of PANAS had negative correlation with the anxiety symptoms score of HSCL-25, had positive correlation with the depression symptoms" score of HSCL-25 and SWLS score (/3 = 0. 10, 0. 38; Ps 〈 0. 05). The elders" PCL-C and SWLS score were higher than the young (β = 0. 10, 0. 12;Ps 〈 0. 05). Women's PCL-C scores, depression and anxiety symptoms "scores of HSCL-25 were higher than men" s (β = 0. 11,0. 11 ; Ps 〈 0. 05). The Tibetan" s SWLS score was higher than the non-Tibetan" s (β =0. 16, P 〈0.05). Conclusion: It suggests that after the Yushu Earthquake, the negative affect in survivors may be the risk factor for post-traumatic symptoms, and have negative effect on life satisfaction, while the positive affect could relieve survivors" anxiety symptoms and improve their life satisfaction