5,531 research outputs found

    Study on Flicker Automatic Adjustment for LCD Manufacture

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    液晶面板(LiquidCrystalDisplay简称LCD)的闪烁(Flicker)不仅会影响其品质,也会对人眼产生很大的危害。因此,每一台液晶显示器出厂前都需要严格的调校。随着技术的进步,闪烁的调校逐渐从模拟到数字化、从手动调校到视觉自动检测的转变。 Flicker调节是通过调整液晶分子偏转的参考电压(Vcom电压),消除正负周期电压差异造成的亮度不均,进而消除画面闪烁现象。自动Flicker调节是通过光电探测器(Sensor)检测LCD亮度值,利用逐级演算法找到最佳值,然后利用信号产生器的I2C通道写入到LCD的EEProm中,达到精确调整Vcom消除画面闪烁的目的。 本文设计并制备...Flicker means “shine unsteadily, moving back and forth very rapidly”. The Flicker of a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) seriously impacts both the quality of itself and the health of one who watch it. industry, it indicates a defect of pattern blinking, when the pattern is actually invariant. The causation of this defect is the AC signal, which connects to liquid crystal to control the LCD’s brightne...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:X201018101

    Using Genetic Algorithms to Pick Stocks and Manage Portfolio in Technical Analysis System

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    在投资领域,如何高效地进行资产配置、获得高收益并控制风险是每个投资者进行投资决策时最为关注的问题,如何有效地选股和进行投资组合管理是一个广泛存在的难题。技术分析是主流的选股方法之一,是通过分析历史的市场数据如股价、成交量等,来预测股票未来的趋势的一种投资分析方法;遗传算法是模拟自然界物种进化的随机全局搜索最优解的算法,目前广泛应用于组合优化、机器学习、自适应控制、信号处理等领域;证券投资组合优化问题的实质就是有限的资产在具有不同风险收益特性的证券之间的优化配置问题。 本文基于遗传算法构建了在技术分析系统中选股和管理投资组合的量化投资模型。进行选股时,遗传算法被用来优化多个技术指标间的比重,综...In the field of investment how to efficiently allocate a capital, have better returns and control risks is the primary concern of every investor when making investment decisions, how to effectively choose stocks and manage portfolio is always a widespread problem. Technical analysis is one of the most popular methods for stock picking, by analyzing historical market data such as stock prices, volu...学位:应用统计硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_应用统计硕士学号:2772013115281

    Design and Implementation of Tax Management Information System

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    随着近年来我们国家加大对机关单位管理信息化变革的重视程度,使机关事业单位的信息化管理改变方面有了很大的发展,几年来,随着国家对税务管理方面政策的不断完善,使得税务管理工作量日益增加。为了适应这一发展形式,在如今的税务管理过程中引入了信息化技术,以提升税务管理部门的工作效率,为了税务管理工作人员提供方便。本论文正是以此为目的而设计一套适应现在税务管理工作的信息化管理系统。 本论文通过对现阶段针对税务管理系统的开发背景以及当前国内存在的税务信息化管理系统存在的问题进行了详细的研究分析。对当前进行税务信息化管理系统的研究目的以及主要研究内容进行了介绍,并分析了在税务管理机关进行相关税务管理活动过程...As in recent years, our country increase to the attention of the authority unit change management information degree, make the information management of change in government institutions have great development, in recent years, with the constant improvement of the country for tax management policy, makes the tax management workload is increasing. Form, in order to adapt to the development in today...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323124

    Industrial Diversification, International Diversification and Firm Risk Relationship Research based on Chinese Firms’ Acquisition

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    随着我国经济不断增长,改革开放日益深化,越来越多的企业运用多元化战略扩大发展,以跨行业、跨国际并购等方式整合资源、拓展市场。然而,近年来逐渐呈现的失败案例显示公司多元化面临着诸多风险,多元化战略与风险的关系研究是当前值得进一步探索的议题。因此,本论文从企业微观风险的角度,研究公司跨行业多元化、跨国多元化对其总风险、系统风险、特有风险的影响机制与影响程度,致力于以理论论证与实证检验,为公司风险管理、投资者决策提供建议启示。 基于前人研究,本文主要进行以下拓展:一是交叉运用行业多元化、国际多元化的类型划分,来研究我国公司多元化的风险效应;二是基于我国公司的境内并购与出境并购事件,来拓展多元化衡量...As China's economy is growing, deepening reform and opening up, more and more companies use diversification strategy to expand, using industry diversification and international acquisitions and other means to integrate resources, expanding market. However, many recent failures show diversified company faces enormous risks, thus reasearch the relationship between diversification strategy and risk i...学位:国际商务硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际商务硕士学号:1572013115199

    Research and application of heavy metal leaching of waste concretein Xiamen area

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    重金属是我国“十二五”规划中重点防控的污染物,重金属对环境和人体极具潜在的威胁,它不但不能被微生物分解,反而可以被生物体富集,或与某些阴离子(团)形成其他毒性更强的金属化合物。重金属在环境中将经历地质和生化双重循环迁移转化,并通过各种渠道(如大气、饮水、食物等)进入人体,这种摄取将对人体造成极大危害。重金属的过量能抑制生物酶的活性,影响人体正常的生物化学反应。重金属与人体蛋白质、核糖、激素等反应,形成金属络合物或螯合物,使其丧失或改变原来的生理化学功能而产生病变。 我国建筑产业飞速发展,建设过程中产生了大量建筑垃圾,造成城市固体废弃物量的急剧增加,混凝土等建筑垃圾的再利用是解决上述问题的有效...National “12th-5 years plan” had an emphasize on the control and treatment of heavy metal element pollution, which can not be decomposed by microorganism and can be enriched in living things. The heavy metals in the environment will participate in geological and biochemical double circular, finally through the atmosphere, water, food and other forms of human intake destroy the healthy of human bei...学位:工程硕士院系专业:材料学院_工程硕士(材料工程)学号:X201219301

    A Study of Cross-border Renminbi Reflux in Qianhai District

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    随着中国经济的快速发展,人民币作为中国的法定货币在国际贸易结算中的使用程度越来越高,同时,2008年“次贷危机”后,美元从不断贬值到近来升值强劲,美元汇率波动剧烈,汇率大战的风险不断提升,凸显了美元作为单一的国际货币的风险,因此,人民币国际化既是中国的国际竞争需要,也是中国国力达到一定水平的必然结果。在人民币国际化进程中,香港作为我国的特别行政区,具有得天独厚的优势建立人民币离岸市场。目前,香港人民币离岸市场遇到的主要问题之一即为人民币的回流渠道问题,为此本文以深圳前海深港合作区的跨境人民币回流问题作为研究对象,探索合理的人民币回流机制。 本文在回顾其他学者关于货币跨境回流机制的研究的基础上...With the rapid development of economy, the total amount of imports and exports keeps rising for the last two decades.The extent of Renminbialso keeps rising in International trade settlement.Since the "subprime crisis" in 2008, the US Dollar’s value decreased a lot until just one year ago when it raised in a very fast way. The exchange rate of American dollar changed so fast that it caused great d...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:X200815607

    Elemental and Isotopic Characteristics of Sedimentary Organic Matter from the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea

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    在大陆边缘五十到两百年以来的沉积物中,量化海源与陆源有机物能够帮助理解气候角色和人类活动在现代碳的埋藏中所起的作用。本研究于东海内陆架共采集了三根短柱状沉积物(DH-1、DH3-3和DH5-1),并分析其有机碳(OC)和总氮(TN)的含量以及其碳、氮同位素的组成(δ13C、δ15N),同时测定了沉积物粒径和其中碳酸钙(CaCO3)的含量,以此来描绘有机物的不同来源并评估其现代的埋藏速率。结果表明位于靠近长江口的DH1-1沉积物柱中有机碳和总氮的含量较低,并且平均粒径较大,而相对远离长江口的DH5-1沉积物柱中有机碳和总氮的含量较高且平均粒径较小。这表明富含有机物的细颗粒物质从长江口被向南输送到...Quantification of terrestrial versus marine organic matter in sediments accumulated in the river-dominated continental margins for the last 50-200 years is crucial for understanding the role of climate and the impact of human on the modern carbon burial. In this study, three box sediment cores, namely DH1-1, DH3-3 and DH5-1, collected from the inner shelf of East China Sea (ECS) were analyzed for ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋地质学号:2232014115137

    One-pot synthesis of core-shell Cu@M nanosilks and the application as flexible transparent ohmic electrode in Deep-UV devices

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    随着LED照明、智能手机、平板电脑、液晶电视、智能穿戴等光电子技术器件产品的全面普及,光电子器件技术在日益趋于成熟的同时,仍然面临着诸多尚未解决的核心难题。透明电极作为光电子器件中的重要组成部分,一直备受关注和研究,特别是深紫外波段,透明电极材料极少存在。面对ITO为代表的传统电极材料的稀缺与高成本等问题,新型广谱透明电极材料已成为研究者们竞相追逐的目标。其中,Cu纳米线凭借其低成本(ITO的百分之一)和高性能,被公认为新一代的透明电极材料的希望之星。但在Cu纳米线的研究和应用中,其仍面临着稳定性、兼容性和拓展性方面的关键问题,亟待解决。针对这些问题,本论文从不同金属包裹的核壳结构超细Cu纳米...Recently, optoelectronic devices such as LED, smart phones,and wearable intelligent devices have been widely used in our daily life, however, several unresolvedcritical problems still hinder their further development due to the limitation by traditional technology. One of them is the transparent electrodes (TEs), which plays an important role in the construction of optoelectronicdevices. Uptodate,...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_光学学号:1982014115296

    Enterprise Fund Control——Case Study Based on the ‘Exchange of Deposit and Liquor’ Model in Liquor Industry

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    近年来,受反腐倡廉、宏观经济下滑等因素影响,白酒行业经营业绩大幅下降,尤其在产品销售方面承受较大压力。同时,资本市场资金供给面较为紧张,银行之间吸揽储户竞争极为激烈,民间借贷资金需求也非常旺盛,大量资本掮客应运而生并活跃于急需吸收存款的银行与拥有大量闲置资金的企业之间牵线搭桥、谋取私利。在资本掮客的撮合下,白酒企业产品销售需求、银行存贷业务需求与民间借贷市场的资金使用需求促成了三方之间的业务合作,“购酒+借款+贴息”的“存款卖酒”模式盛行,白酒企业通过银行给予的渠道销售积压产品,银行获得白酒企业的大量闲置资金作为存款,而民间借贷市场上的用资方则暗中从银行中转移存款、贴付利息以获得资金的实际使用...In recent years, by the anti-corruption, macroeconomic downturn and other factors, the operating performance of liquor industry dropped significantly, especially in product sales bearing greater pressure. At the same time, the capital supply in capital market is becoming more and more tense, the competition for depositors between banks is extremely fierce and the demand of funds in private lending...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115113

    Research on Managerial Process Design of Company A

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    随着A公司规模的不断扩大,A公司的流程已经不能适应其发展的需要,因此需要对业务流程进行优化设计。 本文将流程管理理论与研究调查方法相结合,主要对A公司核心流程的现状进行细致的分析,通过分析法诊断、发现存在的问题,根据客户服务与业务发展的需要重新设计核心流程。在设计流程过程中,本人在初步了解A公司的基础上对其进行深入调查,并对其存在的问题进行对比研究,分析出问题形成的根本原因,并根据问题原因进行流程优化设计。在得到较为完善的业务流程图之后,进行流程规范,并同时根据业务流程相应地调整公司的组织结构,使其更加适应现在的流程管理。另外本文又按照标准化的原则对优化后的流程建立了流程评估体系,对业务流程...The process of Company A has been unable to adapt to the needs of its rapid development as its scale expands continuously. Thus we need to optimize the business process. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of its core process by combining the theory of process management with the method of research. We find the potential problems through the analysis of diagnosis and redesign a core ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315608