21 research outputs found


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    The Study of Criminal Liability and Punishment of “Insider Trading” of Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]內線交易係利用資訊不對等進行的套利行為,即利用未公開且對股價有重大影響的消息,在證券交易市場獲取私利,破壞股市交易的公平性及健全。我國證券交易法之內線交易規範於現行實務上,最為人所詬病之處,即在於相關法制規範不夠明確,會存在著許多解釋空間,往往導致實務的見解不同,使得被告不知所措,而有違反「法律明確性原則」之虞,而有違制定禁止內線交易行為之立法目的。雖現行本法已加重違反內線交易規定者之刑責,但如何使我國內線交易相關法令規範能更趨於明確化、合理化、而不至於牽連過廣,而能正確且有效地規範與取締制裁內線交易,達到真正維護證券市場公平性之要求。 本文首先簡單介紹內線交易之理論基礎與我國證券交易法關於內線交易與內線消息之規範;其次分析說明我國現行內線交易規範相關構成要件;再就我國證券交易法規範內線交易之刑責探究說明;並以「罪刑法定原則」所要求之「刑罰法規之明確性」「禁止溯及既往」等之要求來檢視現行證券交易法規相關之規範;最後本文以現行證券交易法內線交易規範相關之修法建議代結論,希冀能使我國證券交法法規關於內線交易之部分能夠更趨完善符合其他先進立法例國家之規範標準


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    The Study of Criminal Penalty Sanctions and Regulation Control for Internet Pornography

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    [[abstract]]當今因資通訊科技與堅實的資訊基礎建設快速發展下,所建構之網際網路資訊社會,網際網路的確帶來發展經濟與文化無限機會與優勢。但然而同時之間,不幸的是,因為網路的虛擬性與匿名性,彈指間滑動滑鼠搜尋,就會發現為數頗多且各種類的色情資訊存在與傳遞散布於網路空間中。探究其原因,係因人性對於情慾宣洩或慰藉與滿足性慾感關等相關需求,而產生的對各類網路色情資訊的需求與活動。因網路色情資訊所呈現之內容、傳遞與散布之方式或因其相關使用者等各種因素考量,某類的網路色情資訊傳遞獲取或相關活動之進行,是有可能被國家實體社會現行法律規範評價為犯罪,而科以相關的刑罰制裁。此等規範應為資訊社會之網路使用者,必須重視與注意的嚴峻法律問題。 不可否認地隨著資通訊科技的進步,網路有其便利性與低成本的通訊與無國界性與匿名性。國家面對在虛擬的網路空間中已為數氾濫與不斷產生各類的新興網路色情資訊與活動,國家社會之實體法律制度該如何規制甚至或科以嚴厲之刑罰制裁等議題,將會是一個複雜的議題的巨大的挑戰。觀察當今規範網路色情之相關法律規範,許多法律名詞都屬於不確定法律概念,富爭議性的「猥褻」就是一例。因此,如欲以此種不確定的刑事概念,來直接規範網路中多元型態資訊的傳輸,恐將造成許多網路使用者的困擾,而有害於資訊社會之發展與進步。 本文希冀從討論從過往國家以法律規制傳統色情的法律規制,來規制資訊社會中網路色情資訊的型態與在虛擬的網路空間相關的傳遞散布與相關利用行為,進一步討論國家對新型態網路色情資訊管制的新議題,希冀能對我國防制網路色情資訊散布之法律規範提供些許觀點與建議。[[abstract]]In the current information society with the rapid development of information technology and solid foundation of information infrastructure, the Internet does brought countless cultural and economic opportunities and advantages to develop. However, unfortunate at the same time, the virtual and anonymous natures of internet also encourage the existing and distribution of a huge amount of internet pornography in the cyberspace which is accessible for the seekers only a mouse-click away. Caused by the instinctual biological drives and libido of human beings, the existing and distribution of internet pornography seems inevitable. However, due to the nature of the content and the method of distribution internet pornographic activities, especially when it involves with users who access to the certain pornographic information, might have generated cyber crimes and in violation of the current penal codes. It’s necessary for government and law enforcement authority to impose criminal sanctions and condemn those who violate the laws. Thus, Internet users should pay more attention on this serious legal issue. Internet offers low-cost communication, the capacity to reach a global audience, and a presumptive veneer of credibility stemming from the anonymity of cyberspace. However, how should the government deal with “Internet Pornography " is a complex challenge and a serious legal issue. The scope of current criminal penalty of obscenity is such an uncertainty in legal determinations and which has caused a lot of discussions and debates. Without an appropriate legislative response for internet pornography, especially those new types of internet pornography through the highly and speedily development of information communication technology will cause internet users such burdens and might affect the development of informational society. This article deals with the issue of how Taiwan’s current legal system which imposed criminal penalty upon internet pornography should be amended and added more specific detailed definitions to solve current uncertain legal issues. This article starts with tracing the development of internet pornography and briefly discusses the current new types of internet pornography and its legal regulation issues. It aims to provide some possible control methods and proper regulation suggestions for the authorities seeking solutions to deal with the ever-advancing new formats and wild spread internet pornography problem in cyber space of the current informational society

    Research of High-Tech Crime and Investigation in Taiwan--Regarding on the Legal Issues of Digital Forensic Evidence

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    [[abstract]]在當今高度資訊社會中,高科技導向的資訊犯罪、電腦犯罪、網路犯罪都可被歸為高科技犯罪的類型之中。此類高科技導向的資通訊電腦網路犯罪案件,主要是由於電腦與相關電子資訊設備使用性地擴大與普及,再加上網際網路的高度便利性與大量電子商務交易活動,犯罪者利用進步的資通訊科技與電腦網路等資訊系統進行各種犯罪活動。故立法者對犯罪者利用高科技所進行的各項犯罪行為,在刑事實體法上應有明確妥善的規範與制裁。但因高科技犯罪的偵查與防制工作實屬不易,此等刑事犯罪偵查因有其獨特性,與司法警察機關所為傳統的犯罪偵查有所差異。犯罪偵查機關於高科技犯罪偵查時,數位證據的偵蒐與相關鑑識工作,對高科技犯罪的防制極為重要。 本文主要係基於對當今資訊社會中不斷增加與衍生新型態的高科技犯罪案件的關切與憂心。首先,應重視在高科技犯罪案件於刑事司法體系偵查審判等相關程序進行時,所必須使用的數位證據相關法制建置與問題探究,希冀我國刑事司法體系真正有效地因應日新月異不斷產生新的高科技犯罪案件,並採取確實可行且有效防制手段。同時,在相關法律與規範面,建議應對數位證據及鑑識進行相關專責立法、以及針對司法警察機關妥善建構高科技犯罪鑑識標準作業程序,來面對新型態的高科技犯罪的挑戰。[[abstract]]With advances in technology and sustainable development of the advanced technology make daily social life of mankind are more convenient and facilitate, but the accompanying high-tech crime is constantly rising. In today’s highly information society, information technology-oriented crime, computer crime, Internet crime can be classified into the types of high-tech crimes. The offenders use advanced information and communication technology and the Internet for committing various criminal activities. Thus, legislators who focus high-tech crime carried out by the criminal laws, such as criminal substantive law should have clear norms and sanctions properly. However, high-tech crime investigation and prevention are not easy, because these criminal investigations are unique, and the judicial police authorities for traditional criminal investigations vary. Therefore, criminal investigation agency for high-tech crime investigations, digital forensics evidence gathering and related work on high-tech crime prevention is extremely important. This article is based on concerning of current highly information society and rising new types of growing high-tech crimes, and then discuss the control of high-tech crimes on the research and discussion related criminal justice system. This article will focus on whether in criminal substantive law with clear sound sanctions for high-tech crimes against the criminal penalties imposed by the relevant criminal justice policy. Meanwhile, in the relevant laws and regulations, it is proposed digital evidence and forensics should be relevant is responsible for legislation and judicial police authorities for the construction of high-tech crime, forensics standard operating procedures, to face new types of high-tech crime challenges


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    [[abstract]]刑事被告於刑事司法程序中,有權接受公平的審判,司法院釋字654號明確宣示,受辯護權是刑事被告的基本權利,刑事被告於訴訟程序中享有憲法第16條所保障的訴訟權,依正當法律程序的要求,辯護人與被告間可以進行充分且自由地溝通。 本文在充分肯定該釋字將被告的辯護權明確憲法化,並對於我國刑事辯護制度與相關實務運作的發展,產生了積極深遠的影響。但值得思考與討論的是,後續相關刑事訴訟規範與制度的修正,如何落實並積極貫徹體現刑事被告的司法人權保護,是否有達到法治國司法的標準。故本文擬先簡要說明刑事程序中受羈押被告的憲法權利與限制,受羈押之被告與辯護律師規範有接見與通信,但同時也有相關之限制規範。進而論述受羈押被告與辯護律師之接見通信溝通的重要,與過往司法實務上的流弊與不當,尤其事監察羈押被告之律見,嚴重侵犯羈押被告刑事司法人權。繼而討論監察羈押被告律見之違憲宣告與後續相關修法,是否達到法治國司法保障刑事被告司法權的標準。最後並重申且再次呼籲,羈押被告司法人權應體現於與辯護人之秘密溝通權,才能後續貫徹落實刑事被告的司法人權與公平正義的實踐