482 research outputs found

    A Study of North Sumatra Chinese Society in the Early Period of Post WWII (1945——1958)

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    本论文以苏门答腊北部(简称苏北)发行的中文报纸、民国时期的苏北地方档案以及本人对印尼著名归侨的采访调查获得的资料为主要史料来源,通过对苏北华侨华人人口数量、分布、职业、侨团侨校、政治分化的考察,揭示了二战后初期苏北华侨华人社会发生的变化及其特征。 因地理条件的适宜和世界市场的需求,19世纪60年代末种植园经济在苏北蓬勃兴起,苏北成为荷属东印度经济作物的出口贸易基地,包括华侨、爪哇人和其他外来人涌入苏北,苏北形成了以新客为主的华侨社会。华侨在苏北的经济生活中占据重要地位,但仍是以马来语系民族为主的多元社会中的一个人口比例较小的部分。 二战后,在城市化和冷战背景下,苏北华侨华人社会出现明显变化...The paper examines the changes and features of the overseas Chinese community in the north Sumatra in Indonesia in the periods of 1940s and 1950s by focusing on social structure, population, trade, industry, education as well as political identity of Chinese community. Due to the favorable conditions and soaring world market, the plantation economy have been flourishing in the north Sumatra sinc...学位:历史学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界史学号:2552013015401

    A Study of the Evolution of the Imperial Guard System in Ming Dynasty

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    明代的京营制度从永乐年间的三大营制一变为景泰、成化时的团营制,二迁形成武宗时期的东西两官厅制,再到嘉靖年间设立戎政府。在此演变过程中,内外官虽然都曾参与到对京营的改革,但是由于他们不能解决权力政出多门、兵役占用、文官任职短暂等一系列的问题,京营制度逐渐走向了崩溃的边缘。The imperial guard system changed lots of times in Ming Dynasty, from Three-Ying system in Yongle period to Tuanying system in Jingtai and Chengua periods, from Two-Ying system in Wuzong period to Rong government in Jiajing period. In the process of evolution, the civil officials, military officers and eunuchs all participated in the reform of the system. However, they could not solve the problems of overlapping operations by different departments, military service encroached by power and wealth, taking office briefly and so on, so the imperial guard system gradually walked to the brink of collapse


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    Diversity of bacterial community structure and its driving factors in three bays of Bohai Sea

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    [Background] Sustainable development of coastal ecosystem has become one of the most important concerns for people nowadays. Riverine output and anthropogenic interrupt have important impacts on the coastal environment. [Objective] In this study, we collected 12 samples from three transects including Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and Laizhou Bay to explore the microbial community and diversity in summer of 2015. [Methods] DNA was extracted from water samples by using DNA extraction kit. Samples were analyzed by Illumina HiSeq sequencing technology. We compared the differences among these three transects according to the analysis results. [Results] The diversity index and rarefaction curves showed significant differences among these three transects. The order of diversity value was Laizhou Bay>Bohai Bay>Liaodong Bay. The distribution of the dominant community was as follows: the proportion of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria and Planctomycetes in the Bohai Bay was 39.8%, 25.7%, 22.4%, 5.85% and 4.38%, respectively. The dominant community proportion in Liaodong bay was Proteobacteria (37.8%), Bacteroidetes (25.7%), Cyanobacteria (17.8%), Actinobacteria (10.4%) and Planctomycetes (5.64%). While in Laizhou Bay there were only four dominant communities as follows: Proteobacteria (59.0%), Bacteroidetes (17.5%), Cyanobacteria (8.2%), Actinobacteria (7.88%). By using the principal component analysis (PCA) and Heatmap correlation analysis, we found that environmental factors were key roles in controlling the microbial diversity in the Bohai Sea. Among them, the concentration of nitrate was particularly significant according to the Mantel test analysis. [Conclusion] The microbial diversity in the three bays of Bohai Sea was very rich and multifarious. The population structure and species in the Laizhou Bay is the most complex and abundant among these three bays, and then it is Bohai Bay and Liaodong Bay. There was a significant correlation among microbial diversity, environmental factors and the spatial distribution. Above all, this study will provide a theoretical basis for further protection and ecological development of Bohai Sea

    The Methods of Solar House in the Works of Thomas Herzog

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    托马斯·赫尔佐格是世界杰出的绿建专家,他的作品以技术与建筑完美结合而著称。本文旨在首先介绍太阳房的一些基本手法与原理,进而对赫尔佐格作品中的太阳房手法进行分析总结,进而找出其中的一些特点。Thomas Herzog is the specialist of green building all over the world. His works are famous for combining architecture with technology. This article analysizes some methods of solar house which works of Herzog uses basing on principles of glasshouse so that finds out some common characteristics

    Knowledge Creation in Extreme Programming

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    通过识别极限编程中的知识创造活动,分析了极限编程的知识创造机理和特点,从而解释了极限编程的有效性。Based on knowledge management theory, this paper profiles the eXtreme Programming method by identifying knowledge creating activities in it, illustrates the mechanism of knowledge creation in it, and analyzes the effectiveness of it.国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:70372070


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    援助和贸易是中国对外经贸合作的重要方式,将二者结合则是中国对外援助的典型特征。中国对非援助与贸易相结合的经贸合作方式有利于充分发挥中非双方的比较优势,推动双边贸易的发展,实现互利双赢。然而,以欧盟为主的西方国家却将中国在非洲的经贸活动视为掠夺非洲资源和抢占当地市场。2004年,英国《经济学家》杂志将中国在非洲的经贸活动视为\"新殖民主义\";2011年,BBC记者Justin Rowlatt制作的纪录片\"The Chinese ar

    Expression of the Fused Pili and Ovine IL-2 Gene in Pseudomonasaeruginus

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    用改进的 Mg Cl2 法制备宿主菌株PAK/ 2 pfs感受态细胞 ;由 JM10 5工程菌中提取纤毛蛋白与绵羊白细胞介素 2 ( Pilin-IL-2 )融合基因表达载体 ,转化宿主细胞 PAK/ 2 pfs,筛选出具有 Pilin-IL-2融合基因表达载体的阳性克隆菌株 ;在营养肉汤中进行 Pilin-IL-2融合基因的表达。培养 16~ 18h后 ,离心 ,向上清液中加入饱和 ( NH4) 2 SO4提取 Pilin-IL-2融合基因表达蛋白。用羊抗兔 E型节瘤拟杆菌抗血清与提取的融合蛋白进行对流免疫电泳 ,证明该融合蛋白具有特异性The pmPilin IL-2 was transformed into the host competent cell PAK/rpfs and the recombinant pmPilin IL-2 was expressed in the supernatant of the culture of the transformed cell PAK/rpfs.The recombinant pmPilin IL-2 was purified by (NH_4)_2_SO_4 from the supernatant of the culture of the transformed PAK/rpfs. The specific reaction of the recombinant pmPilin IL-2 and antiserum of B.nodosus serotype E pilin was demonstrated by cross electrophoresis.国家科技部研究所技术开发研究专项资金项目[国科财字(1999) 592号

    Effect of Jianpi Liqi Method on neurotransmitter of Functional Dyspepsia Rats

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    目的:观察健脾理气法对功能性消化不良(FD)大鼠胃肠组织神经递质表达的影响,探讨该法治疗FD的作用机制。方法:采用大鼠胃电节律失常模型,随机分为4组,应用免疫组织化学方法分别检测胃窦及十二指肠组织乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的表达水平。结果:FD大鼠胃窦及十二指肠组织AchE及NOS的表达较正常对照组明显减少(P<0.01)。枳术饮可显著增加胃窦及十二指肠组织AchE、NOS的阳性表达(P<0.05~0.01)。结论:健脾理气法治疗FD的作用机制可能在于调节胃窦及十二指肠神经递质Ach、NO的表达水平。 【英文摘要】 Objective:To investigate the effect of Jianpi Liqi Method on neurotransmitter in rats with functional dyspepsia and its mechanism.Methods:The rat model of electrogastric dysrhythmias was used.All model were divided into 4 groups at random.The distributions of acetylcholine esterase(AchE),nitric oxide synthase(NOS)in the sinus ventriculi and dodecadactylon were observed by immunohistochemistry.Results:Compared with the normal control group,the distributions of AchE and NOS positive nerves decreased significa...黑龙江省科技厅攻关项目资助(No.GC05C31604