164 research outputs found


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    Research progress on osteoporotic vertebral collapse with delayed neurological deficits

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    随着世界人口老龄化,骨质疏松已成为一项全球化的健康问题。骨折是骨质疏松最严重的后果,而骨质疏松性椎体骨折是最常见的骨折类型。骨质疏松性椎体骨折大; 多数可通过保守治疗获得骨折愈合,但仍有约10%~ 30%并发骨折不愈合,并渐进性出现骨质疏松性椎体骨折塌陷(osteoporotic; vertebral collapse,OVC); 其中约3% 的OVC伴有迟发性神经损害(delayed neurological; deficits,DND)。有关OVC并发DND的具体机制以及其治疗策略,文献报道不尽相同。笔者就此相关问题综述如下


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    藻类发育的许多方面受光的调控,且多种多样的光受体参与藻类的光形态建成过程。本文就近年来藻类光形态建成领域的研究进展简要综述,内容以海洋藻类为主,主要包括光周期、非光周期控制的藻类发育类型,以及藻类的光受体的种类及分子特性,并兼顾与高等植物的相关特性进行比较。Many aspects of algae development are controlled by light,and a wide range of different photoreceptors appear to be involved.This review summarizes recent advances in photocontrol of development in algae.We focus mainly on photomorphogenesis in marine algae,including photoperiodic responses and nonperiodic responses,and photoreceptors (phytochromes in particular) in algae.We also compare algae with higher plants in some aspects of photomorphogenesis when necessary.国家自然科学基

    Characteristics of PAHs in PM_(10) aerosols collected from different districts in Xiamen

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    2004年冬季在厦门市4个不同功能区连续10d采集并分析了PM10中16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs).研究发现,各个功能区大气PM10中多环芳烃总浓度(ΣPAHs)存在明显差别工业区(湖里)10.87~27.54ng·m-3、旅游区(鼓浪屿)7.79~21.14ng·m-3、居民区(洪文)6.52~13·39ng·m-3、森林区(小坪)5.20~11.43ng·m-3;但各个功能区PM10中各种PAH化合物的相对组成趋于一致,所占比例最高的前4种化合物为菲、芘、和芴,表明冬季不同功能区PM10中PAHs的主要污染来源在很大程度上相似或相同.根据典型污染来源中特征化合物比值如苯并(a)蒽/、荧蒽/芘和芘/苯并(a)芘及其有机碳/元素碳的值,推断厦门市PM10中的PAHs主要来源于汽车尾气的排放. 【英文摘要】 An intensive sampling program has been undertaken in the absence of precipitation at four different sites, Xiamen, to characterize the atmospheric concentration of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM_ 10 aerosols during 2004 winter. There was significant difference in the average value of ΣPAHs (defined as the sum of 16 PAH compounds) during the sampling time among four sites. ΣPAHs value is as follows: Huli at 10.9~27.5 ng·m -3 , Gulangyu at 7.8~21.1 ng·m -3 , Hongwen at 6.5~13.4 ng·m -3 , a...国家自然科学基金项目(No.40476048)~

    Analysis of Epistatic and QE Interaction Effects of QTLs for Grain Shape in Rice

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    本研究利用基于明恢86x佳辐占水稻重组自交系(rECOMbInAnT InbrEd lInE,rIl)构建的SSr遗传图谱,总标记数为131。联合两季的稻米粒长(gl)、粒宽(gW)、长宽比(l/W)表型数据,应用混合线性模型方法进行QTl定位,并作加性效应、上位效应以及加性QTl、上位性QTl与环境(QTl-by-EnVIrOnMEnT,QE)的互作效应分析。检测到粒长、粒宽和长宽比的加性效应QTlS分别为6个、4个和4个,贡献率分别为23.67%、21.41%和25.78%;检测到8对粒长的上位性QTlS,5对粒宽的上位性QTlS,2对长宽比的上位性QTlS,贡献率分别为16.75%、22.36%和7.55%;环境互作检测中,发现共有9个加性QTlS和7对上位性QTlS与环境发生了互作。结果表明,上位效应在粒形性状的遗传与加性效应一样起了重要作用,环境互作效应对粒形性状有一定的影响。A linkage map consisting of 131 markers was constructed by using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the indica-indica rice cross Minghui86×Jiafuzhan.Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) was located with a mixed linear model (QTLmapper1.6) based on the grain shape parameters such as grain length (GL), grain width (GW) and length-width ratio (L/W), and made analysis of additive effects, epistatic, and the interaction effects of QTL-by-environment (QE).Six, four and four QTLs were detected to have significant additive effects for GL, GW and L/W, and the contribution rate were 23.67%、21.41% and 25.78%, respectively.Eight, five and two pairs of epistatic QTLs with significant additive-by-additive (AA) interaction effects were identified for three traits, and the contribution rate were 16.75%、22.36% and 7.55%, respectively.Significant QE interactions were found for nine additive QTLs and seven pairs of epistatic QTLs.The results indicated that the epistatic effects played an important role on the inheritance of grain shape, and the environmental factor had certain effects on the three traits.福建省自然科学基金项目(X0750053);厦门大学科技创新计划项目(XDKJCX20063004)共同资

    Mapping QTLs for Rice Grain Shape with QTL×Environment Interactions and Epistatic Effects Analysis

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    利用广陆矮4号x佳辐占水稻重组自交系构建了SSr标记的遗传图谱.联合2007年和2008年获得的两组稻米粒长(gl)、粒宽(gW)、长宽比(l/W)数据应用混合线性模型方法进行QTl定位,并作加性效应、加性x加性上位互作效应以及加性QTl、上位性QTl与环境的互作效应分析.结果显示;(1)在加性效应分析中两个群体共检测到4个控制粒长的QTl,4个控制粒宽的QTl,5个控制长宽比的QTl,贡献率分别为13.81%、15.36%和16.29%.(2)在上位互作效应分析中两个群体共检测到2对控制粒长的互作QTl,1对控制粒宽的互作QTl,3对控制长宽比的互作QTl,贡献率分别为5.77%、2.59%和7.42%.(3)环境互作检测中,发现共有13个加性QTl和4对QTl的加性x加性上位性与环境产生了互作效应.结果表明,上位性效应和加性效应都影响稻米粒形遗传,QE互作效应也对粒形有着显著的影响.In this study,a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the indica-indica rice cross ‘Guangluai 4’בJiafuzhan’ was used in mapping of Quantitative trait loci (QTLs).Based on mixed linear model QTLmapper1.6,mapping was carried out for grain shape such as grain length (GL),grain width (GW) and length-width ratio (L/W) in rice in 2007 and 2008.QTLs were determined at the one-locus and two-locus levels,and QTL-by-environment (QE) interactions were analyzed.Four,four and five QTLs were detected to have significant additive effects for GL,GW and L/W,and the contribution rate were 13.81%,15.36% and 16.29%,respectively.Two,one and three pairs of epistatic QTLs with significant additive-by-additive (AA) interaction effects (epistatic effects) were identified for the three traits,and the contribution rate were 5.77%,2.59% and 7.42%,respectively.Significant QE interactions were found for thirteen QTLs with additive effects and four pairs of epistatic QTLs.The results indicated that the epistatic and additive effects played an important role on the inheritance of grain shape,and the environmental factor had significant effects on the three traits.国家863计划项目(2007AA10Z179);福建省科技计划重点项目(2008N0122);厦门大学科技创新项目(XDKJCX20063004

    Preliminary pharmacodynamic study of STS as an adjuvant ofthe chemotherapy drugs in Vitro and in Vivo

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    目的:研究硫代硫酸钠(STS)是否能在体内、外作为化疗药的辅药。方法:应用MTT法研究STS分别与AdM、MMC和CddP等6种抗癌单药合用时对bEl-7402和MgC80-3细胞的细胞毒性作用;应用小鼠肝癌腹水瘤(H22)模型判断STS与AdM等3种药合用时的抗癌疗效;20例人原发性肝癌病人肝动脉插管化疗(AdM、MMC和CddP)前30MIn静脉推注STS(125~25g/M2)考察STS作为化疗药辅药的作用。结果:除了CddP以外,STS(500μg/Ml)与AdM等5种抗癌单药合用时对抗癌药的抗肿瘤细胞活性无明显影响(P>005)。当不同剂量STS(350Mg/kg、35Mg/kg)分别与AdM(6Mg/kg)、MMC(14Mg/kg)和CddP(45Mg/kg)合用或仅这3种化疗药合用时,这3组腹水瘤小鼠的存活期比对照组者显著延长(P<0001),但3组之间无明显区别(P>005)。人肝癌肝动脉插管化疗时,STS与AdM、MMC和CddP抗癌药合用,肝癌治疗总有效率达60%,且可减少70%病人的恶心、呕吐等副作用。结论:在体内,低浓度的STS(125~25g/M2)可与AdM,MM?Objective: To study whether sodium thiosulfate (STS) can be used as an adjuvant of the chemotherapy drugs. Methods: The cytotoxicity of STS combined with ADM, MMC, CDDP, 5Fu, MTX and VCR (1PPC/ml) respectively on the cells of BEL7402 and MGc803 was studied by MTT test in vitro.The ascitic hepatoma (H22) in mice were adopted to determine the anticancer effect of STS adjuvant of ADMMMC and CDDP.Being treated with STS(12525 g/m2) 30 min before drug administration,20 patients of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were carried on transcatheter arterial chemoembolization with ADMMMC and CDDP to observe the adjuvant effect of STS. Results: The anticancer activity of ADM and the other agents respectively adjuvant with STS (500 g/ml) were not obviously influented (P >005), but that for CDDP was influented .It was proven that the survival time of ascitic hepatoma treated with ADM (6 mg/kg),MMC (14 mg/kg) and CDDP (45 mg/kg) alone or three drugs in addition to STS (350 mg/kg,35 mg/kg) respectively was not significantly different (P >005).The survival time of each groups was significantly longer than that of control group (P< 0001).It have also been proven that STS adjuvant of ADM, MMC and CDDP was not decreased the chemotherapry effect (RR=60%) by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in HCC, simultaneously it alleviated the nausea and vomiting in 70%patients. Conclusion: The study provides evidence that in vivo, STS (12525 g/m2) can be used as an adjuvant of chemotherapy drugs,such as ADM,MMC, including CDDP, and so on , for decreasing nausea and vomiting effects, espacially for transcatheter chemotherapy .福建省“八五”肝癌攻关课