18 research outputs found


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    目的以标准剂量的聚乙二醇干扰素(Peg IFN)α-2a联合利巴韦林作为阳性对照,评价新型试验药物Y型Peg IFNα-2b注射液联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)患者的疗效和安全性。方法采用多中心、随机开放、阳性药对照的Ⅲ期临床试验,筛选符合要求的2型/3型CHC患者,按照2:1的比例随机分配到Y型Peg IFNα-2b组和Peg IFNα-2a组,同时口服利巴韦林,疗程24 w,停药随访24 w。采用Abbott Real Time HCV Genotype II检测HCV基因型,采用Cobas Taq Man实时定量PCR法检测血清HCV RNA水平。详细记录不良事件。主要疗效指标为持续病毒学应答(SVR),并进行非劣效检验。结果本试验实际入组2型/3型CHC患者255例,实际治疗241例。全分析集(FAS)数据显示,158例试验组和83例对照组患者SVR分别为85.4%(95%CI 79.94%~90.94%)和79.5%(95%CI 70.84%~88.20%,P=0.2402);对符合方案分析集(PPS)人群分析显示,试验组和对照组患者SVR分别为87.9%(95%CI 82.45%~93.27%)和85.9%(95%CI 77.82%~94.01%,P=0.7060),率差的95%可置信区间均符合非劣效标准;对PPS人群分析显示,85.8%受试者获得了早期病毒学应答(RVR),RVR的阳性预测值为90.1%;试验组和对照组不良事件发生率相似,分别为95.6%和95.2%,严重不良事件发生率分别为3.8%和3.6%。结论应用Peg IFNα联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型CHC患者,新型试验药物Y型Peg IFNα-2b具有与对照药物Peg IFNα-2a相似的疗效和安全性。国家科技部“十二五”重大专项(编号:2012ZX10002-003);“重大新药创制”十二五科技重大专项(编号:2012ZX09303019)

    The Inorganic Element Analysis on of Actinidia indochinensis

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    本文利用离心注浆成型法成膜,热压烧结制备了Al2O3/W层状复合材料,研究了Al2O3层、金属W层厚度对材料性能的影响,利用XRD、SEM对金属W层的组成及材料微观结构进行了分析和观察,探讨了层状复合材料的微观结构和金属层的组成变化对材料性能的影响.Abstract This article reported the analysis result of ino rganic elements in Actinidia indochinensis It show ed that 21 inorg anic elements exist in Actinidia indochinensis among w hich 12 inorganic element s are necessary for peoples health

    Preparation of Alumina /W Laminated Composites

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    采用流态成型-离心注浆成型、热压烧结成功地制备了Al2O3/W层状复合材料,研究了Al2O3层、金属W层的厚度对层状复合材料力学性能的影响.结果表明,Al2O3/W层状复合材料的抗弯强度和断裂韧性不仅与Al2O3层、金属W层的厚度有关,而且与Al2O3/W层厚比有关.Abstract Layered compo sites Al2O3 /W was prepa red using cent ri fugal slip casting and hot pressing sintering. The effect s of di fferent Al2O3 and metal layer thickness on the mechanical properties of the mutilay ered compo sites w ere studied. Resul ts indica ted that streng h and f racture toug hness of Al2O3 /W lamina ted compo sites w ere depened no t only the thickness o f Al2O3 a nd metal layer, but also thickness ratio o f ceramic- metal layer

    A Study of AIN Ceramic Surface Titanium Metallization by Molten Salt Disproportional Reactions

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    Kinetics of Titanium Deposition of AlN Ceramic Surface by Molten Salt Disproportional Reaction

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    利用融盐热歧化反应进行了氮化铝陶瓷表面钛金属化沉积的动力学研究。结果表明 ,氮化铝陶瓷表面钛膜的厚度随着反应温度和反应时间的增加而增加 ,膜的厚度与反应时间成很好的线性关系 ,沉积速率与融盐中K2 TiF6的起始浓度成线性关系 ,沉积过程是受融盐与氮化铝陶瓷基体之间的界面反应控制。其沉积过程的活化能为 130kJ/mol。Abstract  The kinetics of titanium deposition on AlN ceramic surface by heat disproportional reaction was studied .It shows that the thickness of the coatings increase with temperature and time , and there appeares a good linear relation between the layer thickness and the time .The deposition rate increase linearly with the initial concentration of potassium fluorotitanate(K2TiF6 %)0in salt .It is estimated that the deposition process is controlled by interface reaction between molten salt and AlN substrate .In the present experiments , the activation energy in the process of titanium deposition on AlN ceramics is 130kJ/mol .国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 9862 0 0 1);广西自然科学基金匹配项目 ( 9912 0 14

    Interfacial Reaction and Microstructure between AlN and Ti Deposited on AlN Ceramic Surface

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    通过X射线衍射分析和扫描电镜观察研究了利用融盐热歧化反应法在氮化铝陶瓷表面生成的钛金属化复合膜的组成、金属化膜与氮化铝陶瓷基体之间的界面反应及界面层的显微结构。研究发现,钛金属化膜非常均匀致密,膜层与氮化铝陶瓷基体结合紧密,形成了一扩散层,钛与铝组元浓度在该扩散层中呈梯度分布,沉积到AlN陶瓷表面的钛金属与AlN发生反应主要生成TiN0.3、TiAl3和Ti9Al23。Abstract: The mechanism of interfacial reaction between AlN and Ti deposited by disproportional reaction method has been determined. The composition of the coating layers and the microstructure of the reaction products were investigated by XRD and SEM. The result show that the metallized film was consisting of TiN0.3, TiAl3 and Ti9Al23. The metallized film is homogenous and firmly bound onto the AIN ceramics surface.国家自然科学基金资助项目(59862001);广西自然科学基金匹配项目(9912014


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    采用一种间接方法,计算出了DCNP/PEK-c主客掺杂聚合物薄膜在1300 nm波长下的折射率;在对其平板光波导研究的基础上,进行了新型单模倒脊型聚合物光波导的设计与制做。结果表明,此此新型光波导具有较好的单模性