Preparation of Alumina /W Laminated Composites


采用流态成型-离心注浆成型、热压烧结成功地制备了Al2O3/W层状复合材料,研究了Al2O3层、金属W层的厚度对层状复合材料力学性能的影响.结果表明,Al2O3/W层状复合材料的抗弯强度和断裂韧性不仅与Al2O3层、金属W层的厚度有关,而且与Al2O3/W层厚比有关.Abstract Layered compo sites Al2O3 /W was prepa red using cent ri fugal slip casting and hot pressing sintering. The effect s of di fferent Al2O3 and metal layer thickness on the mechanical properties of the mutilay ered compo sites w ere studied. Resul ts indica ted that streng h and f racture toug hness of Al2O3 /W lamina ted compo sites w ere depened no t only the thickness o f Al2O3 a nd metal layer, but also thickness ratio o f ceramic- metal layer

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