69 research outputs found

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    The synthesis of 2,4,6-Pyridine tricarboxylic acid has been using 2,4,6-collidine as a key starting materal

    僕たちが紐解く『魚崎』のキオク -二つの『だんじり』

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    魚崎地車保存会 吉川勉会長横屋地車保存会 阿部経一さん,石本幸市郎さん,高西清成さ

    国文学研究資料館報 第8号

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    A questionnaire survey for sperm cryopreservation before chemotherapy in Japan

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    全国大学および癌センターを中心とした泌尿器科に対し, 長期精子凍結保存に関するアンケート調査を行い, 90施設から有効回答が得られた(回収率86%)。1)施設内で長期精子凍結保存を実施していたのは26.7%で, 非実施施設の7割が個人病院に紹介している現状が明らかになった。また, 保存を実施している施設でも, 担当している診療科は産婦人科が主であった。2)生殖医療に関するセンター化を行っている一部の施設を除くと, 長期精子凍結保存における現在の泌尿器科医の主な役割は, 長期精子凍結保存の必要性や施設の紹介等に関する患者説明にあるものと思われた。しかし, 説明対象, 実施方法については施設間で差があり, 今後エビデンスに基づいた標準化が必要と考えられた。Questionnaires were mailed to 104 urological departments in universities, colleges, and cancer centers in February 2008. Ninety institutions returned answers to the questionnaire. Sperm cryopreservation before chemotherapy was performed in 24 institutions (26.7%) mainly in the gynecological department, whereas the others introduced the candidates to other institutions including private hospitals and clinics. Fifty-eight institutes gave information about fertility preservation routinely to young patients with testicular cancer before chemotherapy. Urological doctors in 57 institutions (63%) had no experience in consultation of patients with hematological/pediatric malignancies for fertility-preservation. Among 24 institutions performing sperm cryopreservation before chemotherapy, 18 preserved motile sperm even if during chemotherapy, as well as before chemotherapy but 2 institutions replied that patients during chemotherapy were contra-indication for sperm cryopreservation. For the patients with azoospermia, 2 institutions replied they tried to preserve testicular sperm before chemotherapy. The fee for sperm cryopreservation was free in 10 institutions. This nation-wide questionnaire survey clarified that the systems and indications for sperm cryopreservation before chemotherapy were different among institutions

    国文学研究資料館報 第1号

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    国文学研究資料館の発足に当って設立をよろこんで国文学研究責料館の創設経過 資料に導かれもして国文学研究資料館へ望むこと〃新考古学〃の立場から高野山採訪記史料管見文献資料部事業報告研究情報部事業報告評議員名簿・職員名簿・組織

    Performance test of diesel engine.

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    種別: 実験報告指導教官:竹村教

    Interstitial laser coagulation for benign prostatic hyperplasia: clinical results of the Indigo diode laser system

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    Indigo半導体レーザー手術装置による前立腺肥大症の治療成績について報告した.対象とした45症例における自覚症状の改善は治療後1ヵ月後より見られ, 24ヵ月後まで維持された.残尿量は治療3ヵ月後より有意に減少し24ヵ月後まで維持され, Pressure flow studyにおいてPdet at Qmaxの有意な減少を認めた.治療3ヵ月後の治療対象におけるアンケートでは症例のほぼ全てが満足しており, 全般治療効果判定において治療6ヵ月後より安定した結果が得られた.治療時の穿刺回数, 熱量と全般治療効果との間には相関関係は認めなかった.Indigo803jは, 比較的大きな前立腺を有した重度の前立腺肥大症患者に対しても自覚症状, 残尿量の改善で有効であると考えられたWe report our experience with interstitial laser coagulation of the prostate (ILCP) using an Indigo 830j diode laser system for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). From March 1998 to November 2000, we treated 45 patients between 51 and 95 years old (average 71.5) with symptomatic BPH. The mean prostatic volume before ILCP was 62.0 cm3. We experienced no serious complications. Three months after ILCP, the mean international prostate symptom score (I-PSS) quality of life (QOL) index and post-void residual volume (PVR) decreased significantly from 18.0 to 9.2, from 4.4 to 2.1 and from 103.6 ml to 44.5 ml, respectively. The mean maximum flow rate (MFR) increased from 7.6 ml/sec at baseline to 9.2 ml/sec 3 months after ILCP, but the difference was not statistically significant. Before and after ILCP, 8 patients were available to evaluate pressure-flow study data. The detrusor pressure at the maximum flow rate decreased significantly from 118.3 cmH2O at baseline to 78.6 cmH2O 3 months after ILCP. The improvement of the I-PSS, QOL index, MFR and PVR continued and at 24 months reached 5.7, 1.8, 11.6 ml/sec and 54.6 ml, respectively. In our assessment of the questionnaire addressing the patient's satisfaction after the treatment, the majority of the patients who answered the questionnaire were pleased with the results of ILCP. We assessed the relation of the overall treatment efficacy with the number of punctures and the total amount of the laser energy delivered, but we did not find any relation. Our clinical results suggest that the ILCP using Indigo 830j is an effective modality and the short-term treatment efficacy is favorable