28 research outputs found

    Research on the Incentive Mechanism of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents in Guangxi

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    创新创业是以市场需求为导向、相互作用的过程,创新创业人才内涵的确定宜宽不宜窄。作为欠发达地区的广西,其创新创业人才激励机制是内部激励与外部激励实现良性互动的过程。研究表明:广西人才市场需求的产业和行业分布与广西"十三五"规划的产业和投资方向吻合,其创新创业人才在第二、第三产业比重增大。虽然广西创新创业人才激励政策取得一定绩效,但是从其政策激励效果、组织管理和信息沟通体系、保障体系、教育及其人才队伍建设等方面看仍需完善。广西应建立引人、用人、留人的良好机制,实现人才的组织、信息沟通、智库建设的"一站式"服务,从风险担保、资金保障、社会保障、人才服务等方面加强其保障体系建设,并深化改革,提高教育质量和教师队伍建设水平。Innovation and entrepreneurship is based on the market demand as the guidance and interaction between them at the same time,which the determination of the connotation of talent should be wide.As a less developed region,the incentive mechanism of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in Guangxi that is the result of the positive interaction between internal and external incentives.The research shows that the talent market demand of industrial and industrial distribution is consistent with the13th Five-Year industrial Plan and investment direction of Guangxi,the innovative talents in the proportion of second,the third industry increases,and its innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the second and third industry proportion increased.Although the incentive policies of innovative and entrepreneurial talent in Guangxi has made some performance,but its policy incentive effect,organization,management and communi cation systems,security systems,education and talent-building aspects still need to be improved.Therefore,Guangxi may strengthen these aspects from creating a good mechanism to attract,use and retain people,the"one-stop"service to realize the organization of talents,information communication and the construction of think tank;strengthening the construction of the guarantee system from the aspects of risk guarantee,fund guarantee,social security and talent service,and fully deepen the reform,improve the level of education and the its team construction.2016年广西软科学课题“广西创新创业人才激励机制及政策研究”(桂科AB16450015