42 research outputs found


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    数据库知识发现(KDD)是综合人工智能领域机器学习技术和数据库等学科的一个当前非常活跃的研究领域。当今社会正在向数字化社会演变,目前已建立起了覆盖各行各业的数据库,且数据量还在急剧增长中,这远远超过了人类目前已有的分析和理解能力,因此从大量的数据中智能地、自动地提取出有价值的知识和信息的研究,即数据库中的知识发现,具有十分重要的现实意义。 本文首先介绍了KDD研究的基本问题,然后针对KDD中两种基本的知识模型,即关联规则模型及分类知识模型作重点的阐述及研究,并以中国证券市场为背景对象作了具体的应用研究。作为一种先期工作,研究工作的最终目的在于,在对证券市场历史数据作智能分析的基础上,最终能实...Knowledge discovery in databases(KDD) is a rapidly emerging research field relevant to artificial intelligence, especially to machine learning techniques, and database system. Current society is marching for so-called digital society, the explosive growth of many business, government, and scientific databases have far outpaced our ability to interpret and digest this data, creating a need for a ne...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院自动化系_系统工程学号:19963100

    The Geometric Structure of Nonlinear Least Square Solution for Signal by Complex Exponents and Alternate Algorithm

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    本文给出了复指数信号模型非线性最小二乘解的几何结构 .从分析迭代算法的收敛性态入手得到解的几何结构 ,将有助于构造十分有效的迭代算法 .另外 ,本文在低信噪比 (10dB)及较小频率差 (0 0 2Hz)的情况下 ,对迭代求解的收敛控制条件进行了研究The geometric structure of nonlinear least squares solution for signals by complex exponents is offered in this paper.Beginning with analysis for the convergent state of alternative algorithm solving two equations together contented by the model's nonlinear least squares solution,the recognition for geometric structure of nonlinear least squares solution is acquired.It would help to construct a fully effective algorithm and understanding for the solution's structure is deepened.The alternative algorithm presented by this paper is fully effective in higher SNR or when the difference of frequency in model is slightly increased.Nevertheless,the invalid convergence (large error) appears in the condition with lower SNR(10dB) and smaller difference of frequency (0 02 Hz),if the convergent control condition of alternative algorithm is only in accordance with varying quantity of least squares error


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    1案例1.1简要案情张某,女,35岁,某年6月17日,以"反复咳嗽、咳痰、气喘1月余"为主诉入院。入院诊断:前纵隔占位性质待查,气管狭窄。入院后完善检查,于6月20日行支气管镜检查,见气管中段严重狭窄,表面见扁平新生物并溃烂,取新生物送检并置入Y型硅酮支架。6月26日17:00张某无明显诱因下突发大咯血,咯血量约1 000 mL,之后迅速出现意识丧失,给予抢


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    目前,循环神经网络(recurrent neural network, RNN)已经被广泛应用于自然语言处理的文本序列语义表示建模.对于没有词语分隔符的语言,例如中文,该网络以经过分词预处理的词序列作为标准输入.然而,非最优的分词粒度和分词错误会对句子语义表示建模产生负面作用,影响后续自然语言处理任务的进行.针对这些问题,提出基于带权词格的循环神经网络模型.该模型以带权词格作为输入,在每个时刻融合多个输入向量和对应的隐状态,融合生成新的隐状态.带权词格是一种包含指数级别分词结果的压缩数据结构,词格中的边权重在一定程度上体现了不同分词结果的一致性.特别地,利用词格权重作为融合函数中权重建模的监督信息,进一步提升了模型句子语义表示的学习效果.相比于传统循环神经网络,该模型不仅能够缓解分词错误对句子语义建模产生的负面影响,同时使得语义建模具有更强的灵活性.在情感分类和问句分类2个任务上的实验结果证明了该模型的有效性.国家自然科学基金项目(61672440);;北京语言大学语言资源高精尖创新中心资助;;国家语言文字工作委员会一般项目(YB135-49);;中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(ZK1024);;苏州大学江苏省计算机信息处理技术重点实验室开放课题(KJS1520)~

    On the Issues Related to the Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting, Internal Control and Capital Markets: 2013 Accounting Symposium of Fundamental Accounting Theory Major Committee of China Accounting Society

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    中国会计学会会计基础理论专业委员会2013年学术研讨会于5月20日在哈尔滨商业大学召开。研讨会主要围绕财务会计概念框架、公允价值计量与经济后果、内部控制与审计、盈余管理与会计稳健性和资本市场等财务领域的问题展开了广泛而深入的学术研讨与交流,本文对会议的主要内容和观点进行了综述。2013 Accounting Symposium of Fundamental Accounting Theory Major Committee of China Accounting Society was held on May 20 in Harbin University of Commerce. Seminar topics are mainly focused on the issues related to financial problems, the conceptual framework of financial accounting, fair value and its economic consequences, internal control and auditing, earnings management and accounting conservatism, and capital markets, etc. Seminar participants have had extensive and in-depth discussions and exchanged thoughts in these areas. In this paper, we review the main discussions and thoughts during this meeting.作者单位:哈尔滨商业大学会计学


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    Studies on the acquiring method for the son-wave of experimental data in voltammetry

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    分析研究了伏安法标准加入浓度曲线 (子波 )的提取方法 .从分析子波畸变的特征入手 ,结合基于奇异值分解原理的TLS算法 ,提出了一种两组份浓度子波峰形的相关滤波叠代求解方案 .The acquiring method for the son-wave (standard addition's) of experimental data in voltammetry has been discussed in this paper. By feature-recognizing for the son-wave's distortion and applying of TLS algorithm,one related filtering algorithm is presented

    Method for Preprocessing Experimental Data of Voltammetry

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    研究伏安法实验数据的预处理方法 .采用基于奇异值分解原理的 TL S算法 ,对经过预处理后的实验数据进行再处理 ,取得良好的效果 .文中着重讨论各种预处理方法的合理性和有效性 ,并对 TL S算法的适用性进行探讨A study is made on the method for preprocessing the data from voltammetric experiment. Good effect can be obtained for the experimental data passed through preprocessing and then processed by adopting total least square (TLS) algorithm which is based on the principle of singular value decomposition. The authors discuss the reasonableness and effectiveness of various methods of preprocessing, and inquire into the compatibility of TLS algorithm.福建省自然科学基金资助项