128 research outputs found

    Sapflow characteristics of Kandelia obovata and their controlling factors in Zhangjiang estuary,China

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    利用Granier热消散式探针法对福建漳江口国家级红树林自然保护区内红树植物秋茄的树干茎流密度(SFD)进行1年(2010年10月至2011年10月)的连续监测.结果表明:季节和树干径级对秋茄树干茎流密度均有显著影响.在夏季,胸径(DBH)为8~10 cm时秋茄树干最外层2 cm处的SFD达到最大,为38.21 g·m~(-2)·s~(-1),这与其他红树物种以及湿地乔木物种的茎流密度相当.不同径级(小、中、大径级分别为2~4、4~8、8~10 cm)秋茄每日整树蒸腾量(即水分日利用量)也呈现明显的季节变化,从冬季到夏季的波动值分别为0.14~0.19、0.94~1.45、1.96~3.43 kg·d~(-1).通过整合各个径级秋茄树的日蒸腾量推算得到秋茄林的日蒸腾量,再全年累加计算得到秋茄林年总蒸腾量为100.38 mm,不到当地年降水量的6%.主要环境因子对秋茄林蒸腾速率(E_s)均有极显著影响(P<0.001),其中,光合有效辐射(PAR)和饱和水汽压差(VPD)是E_s最主要的驱动因子,解释了E_s60%~92%的季节变异,且夏季秋茄E_s对PAR和VPD的依赖性大于冬季.秋茄E_s与环境因子之间存在明显的时滞现象,需要在解释秋茄林E_s季节变异时加以考虑.In this study,the Grainer's thermal dissipation probe method was applied to monitor sap flux density( SFD) of a mangrove species Kandelia obovata over a period of one year( 2010-10—2011-10) in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve,Fujian,China. The results showed that both season and diameter class exerted significant effects on the SFD of K. obovata trees. In summer,when the diameter at breast height( DBH) reached 8-10 cm,the highest SFD was found at a depth of 2 cm with a value of 38.21 g·m~(-2)·s-1,which was comparable with those for other mangrove tree species and forested wetland tree species. The mean whole tree transpiration( i. e.daily water use) of all stem size classes demonstrated large changes from winter to summer,increased from 0.14 to 0.19 kg·d~(-1)in small trees( S,DBH = 2-4 cm),from 0.94 to 1.45 kg·d~(-1)in medium trees( M,DBH = 4-8 cm) and from 1.96 to 3.43 kg·d~(-1)in large ones( L,DBH = 8-10 cm). The daily transpiration of K. obovata stand was calculated by summing all size classes,which was then summed up for entire year to estimate annual transpiration of entire K. obovata forest,which was about 100. 38 mm,less than 6% of local annual precipitation. Key environmental factors all had significant effects( all P<0.001) on the stand transpiration rate( E_s) of K. obovata forest,and photosynthetically active radiation( PAR) and vapor pressure deficit( VPD) were themain driving factors,which explained 60%-92% seasonal variation of E_s. The PAR and VPD had larger effects on the E_sin summer than that in winter. In addition,we observed an obvious time lag phenomenon in the relationship between E_sand PAR or VPD,which should be taken into account when explaining seasonal variation of E_sin K. obovata forest.国家自然科学基金项目(30930017);; 国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项(201305021)资助~

    Present status and application perspectives of stable isotopes in coastal wetland ecosystem research: A review

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    滨海湿地生态系统位于海陆交错地区,具有独特的生态系统特征、很高的服务功能和巨大的资源潜力,但同时也受到人为活动的严峻威胁。作为天然示踪物的稳定同位素为研究滨海湿地生态环境问题提供了重要手段。本文着重探讨了稳定同位素在滨海湿地动物食物源和食物网结构、滨海植物水分来源和利用效率、环境污染和生物入侵等全球变化对滨海湿地结构和功能的影响等方面的应用,指出了当前应用中存在的不足,如食物网研究中样品处理方式和富集度的确定,水分来源研究中水分抽提方法和仪器选择等,展望了稳定同位素在滨海湿地生态系统修复评价以及碳循环和温室气体排放研究中的应用前景。The coastal wetland ecosystems in the ecotones of terrestrial and marine systems have unique ecological characteristics, high ecosystem service values, and plenty of natural resources, but are severely impacted by human activities.Stable isotopes, as natural tracers, have become the important tools in coastal wetland ecological and environmental research.This paper reviewed the applications of stable isotopes in researching the food sources and food web structures of wetland animals, the water sources and water use efficiency of coastal wetland plants, and the potential responses of coastal ecosystems to the environmental pollution, biological invasion, elevated CO2 concentration, and human activities.The deficiencies in the applications of stable isotopes in researching coastal wetland ecosystem, such as the sample treatment and trophic enrichment measurement in food web study, and the water extraction method and the selection of instruments in water source research were discussed, and some future directions in the applications of stable isotopes in coastal wetland ecosystem research, including the assessment of wetland ecological restoration and the carbon cycling and greenhouse gases emission were proposed.国家自然科学基金项目(30930017); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905009)资

    Studies on Light-Scattering Nephelometic Determination of Sulfate Radical with Polyvinyl Alcohol-Barium Sulphate System

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    对聚乙烯醇—硫酸钡乳浊体系的共振光散射光谱、二级光散射光谱与反二级光散射光谱的光谱特性进行研究, 并开展了用此体系测定环境水样中硫酸根的应用研究, 3 种散射光谱法在0 ~0-24Mg/Ml的硫酸根浓度范围内的标准曲线均呈良好线性关系.The spectra of resonance light scattering(RLS),double scattering(DS) and anti-double scattering(ADS) for polyvinyl alcohol-barium sulphate system have been studied by using an ordinary spectrofluorophotometer.RLS,DS and ADS have been applied to the determination of sulfate radical in environmental water sample.The results are satisfactory

    Resonance Light-Scattering Spectra of Bovine Serum Albumin and Its Analytical Application

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    研究了牛血清白蛋白水溶液本身的共振光散射光谱信号, 基于其光谱强度与牛血清白蛋白的浓度呈线性相关的现象, 初步建立了一种步骤简单的测定方法.The resonance light-scattering spectra of BSA have been studied using an ordinary spectrofluorometer.The signal intensity of BSA is enhanced with the increase of concentration of BSA,and the enhancement is linear.Based on this principle,a new method for the determination of BSA was proposed.The calibration curve of this method is essentially linear over the range of 0-200 μg/mL

    Development of chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay for quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate

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    目的研制硫酸脱氢表雄酮化学发光免疫定量检测试剂。方法利用硫酸脱氢表雄酮人工完全抗原免疫小鼠,通过杂交瘤技术制备特异性抗硫酸脱氢表雄酮单克隆抗体,采用竞争抑制法建立硫酸脱氢表雄酮化学发光免疫定量检测试剂。结果筛选获得了27株稳定分泌抗硫酸脱氢表雄酮的单克隆抗体细胞株,建立了化学发光微粒子免疫法定量测定硫酸脱氢表雄酮的试剂盒雏形,与雅培公司的硫酸脱氢表雄酮定量检测试剂在检测临床标本上的相关系数r达0.99以上。结论本研究为国产化硫酸脱氢表雄酮化学发光微粒子免疫法定量测定试剂盒的研发奠定了基础。Objective To develop chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay for quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.Methods Mice were immunized by dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate artificial complete antigen.Monoclonal antibodies against dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate were prepared by hybridoma technique.Chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay for quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate was developed based on competitive binding method.Results 27 monoclonal antibodies were obtained.Chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay for quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate prototype kit was established.The coefficient r of testing specimens with reagent from Abbott company was over 0.99.Conclusion Development of domestic chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay for quantitative determination of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate reagent was laid foundation by this study.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2011AA02A101

    Zooplanktonic diversity in the western Pacific

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    西太平洋区是全球海洋生物种源中心,许多类群的最高物种多样性都出现于该区域,因此,在该区开展种类多样性的研究不仅重要和必要,而且具有在跨国尺度上进行综合管理和相互合作的迫切性。本文在西太平洋的浮游动物样品鉴定分类、编目、文献资料整理和分析的基础上,记录和编入西太平洋10个浮游动物类群2,658种(含亚种),隶属于206科675属,其中水螅水母类99科251属697种,栉水母类12科22属59种,浮游软体动物14科35属86种,介形类8科89属416种,桡足类51科156属908种,糠虾类4科58属202种,磷虾类2科8属56种,十足类8科22属105种,毛颚类5科8属48种,被囊类5科26属81种。The western Pacific region has been operating as a centre for the origin of marine biodiversity: the richest diversity of many marine taxa was found in these waters.Therefore,biodiversity research and con-servation efforts in this area are necessary in order to promote the integrative and international management of this resource.The present work is a compilation of numbers of all the families,genera and species of ma-jor taxa of zooplankton known in the western Pacific Ocean(106°–150°E,0°–44°N).In all,2,658 zooplank-tonic species(including subspecies) belonging to 206 families and 675 genera have been recorded from taxonomic identifications and literature,99 families,251 genera and 697 species belong to the Medusozoa,12 families,22 genera and 59 species to the Ctenophora,14 families,35 genera and 86 species to the pelagic Molluscs(Pteropoda and Heteropoda),8 families,89 genera and 416 species to the Ostracoda,51 families,156 genera and 908 species to the Copepoda,4 families,58 genera and 202 species to the Mysidcea,2 fami-lies,8 genera and 56 species to the Euphausiacea,8 families,22 genera and 105 species to the Decapoda,5 families,8 genera and 48 species to the Chaetognatha,5 families,26 genera and 81 species to the Tunicata.908专项“中国海洋生物种类名录和图谱”(908-ZC-II-02)和908专项海洋生物样品库;科技部基础工作专项“我国和邻近西北太平洋海洋生物物种编目和分布图集编制”(2006FY220700

    Practical Report on Science for Elementary School in COVID-19 Pandemic

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    教育学部・小学校コース(および小学校免許の取得希望者)の2年生を対象とした小学校理科において,通常であれば,実験室等における対面での実験・観察を主として実施されるところ,コロナ禍の状況に対応するために,オンライン・ICT機器を併用しながら実施した。オンライン等を併用した授業実践について,それぞれの分野(化学・物理学・生物学・地質学・天文学・理科教育)から報告する。長崎大学教育学部紀要:自然科学 通巻 第89号(Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University: Natural Science, Vol.89

    変異するダーウィニズム : 進化論と社会

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    はしがき阪上孝 [i-iv]ダーウィニズムと人文・社会科学阪上孝 [3-43]ダーウィンを消した女 : クレマンス・ロワイエと仏訳『種の起原』/ 北垣徹 [46-88]カプセルのなかの科学 : スペンサー=ヴァイスマン論争小林博行 [89-126]「変質」と「解体」: 精神医学と進化論大東祥孝 [127-158]親族研究における進化概念の受容 : 進化から変容へ田中雅一 [159-189]闘争する社会 : ルドヴィク・グンプロヴィチの社会学体系小山哲 [192-236]『動物社会』と進化論 : アルフレッド・エスピナスをめぐって白鳥義彦 [237-264]加藤弘之の進化学事始武田時昌 [265-317]群体としての社会: 丘浅次郎における「社会」の発見をめぐって上野成利 [318-359]個体としての生物、個体としての社会斎藤光 [360-408]人口とその徴候 : 優生学批判のために宇城輝人 [410-451]アメリカ人類学にみる進化論と人種竹沢泰子 [452-489]人種主義と優生学: 進化の科学と人間の「改造」(アメリカの場合)小林清一 [490-531]「ダーウィン革命」とは何であったか横山輝雄 [534-558]必然としての「進化の操作」 : 現代社会における人と自然の行方を考える加藤和人 [559-587]進化経済学の現在八木紀一郎 [588-629]ダーウィニズムの展開関連年表 [631-639]人名索引(逆頁) [650-640]表紙、目次、執筆者一覧、奥付