729 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は,身体化デザイン(Embodiment design)の分析枠組みによってシステマ親子クラスの運動を分析し,「よい動きのストック」とは何かを明らかにすることである.学習科学において,身体化認知(Embodiment cognition)には多様な立場が存在するが,従来の情報処理モデルでは解決し得なかった「主体」や「意図」の原点を身体の所有感と動作と行為の主体感に求める傾向が注目されている(Evans,2016;斎藤,2016a).そこで本研究では,その分析枠組みを身体化認知における身体化デザインに求めた.身体化デザインにおける活動,素材,ファシリテーションの3点から,システマ親子クラスの「よい動きのストック」の分析を行った.その結果,身体化認知の観点から「よい動きのストック」とは「場面にとらわれず,即興的に対応する,豊かな動きの可能性の獲得」との結論が導かれた

    シリョク ノ ジッタイ ト ガクシュウ ノウリツ ノ カンレン チュウガク 3ネンセイ ノ バアイ

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    Regular checkups at school are conducted as a screening for rate of study. So, checkups have been improved as needed and visual acuity tests have also been improved as time has passed. However, we doubt if those changes truly reflect the reality of education. In addition to this, all the changes on visual acuity tests were limited to distant vision visual acuity" until now. Near vision visual acuity" has not been covered. It\u27s possible that there are students who are thought to have little ability or to be lazy when in fact the largest cause of their difficulty in study is poor visual acuity. It is necessary to conduct visual acuity tests which help students who have visual function problems such as refractive error. The point of this study is to find students who have visual acuity problems which have not been discovered by visual acuity tests yet and to analyze their rate of study. The fundamental data will review new ways testing visual acuity which are effective in improving education. Our the research found, students who don\u27t wear glasses although they have poor visual acuity and those who cannot see clearly although they wear glasses. They notice that they have problems seeing and in many cases there is relationship between their visual acuity and their rate of study. We should make consideration how to make physical checkups which have a greater impact on study


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    キンケン シリョク ケンサ ノ ドウニュウ ニ ムケテ 6 ショウガクセイ ノ エンケン シリョク ケンサ ケッカ ト キンケン シリョク ケンサ ケッカ ト クッセツ ケンサ ケッカ カラ マツウラ ミチオ キョウジュ タイニン キネンゴウ

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    We tested children\u27s refraction and far and near visual acuity at "A" elementary school, a municipal school. The purpose of the test was to sort out the situation of the children who have poor near visual acuity. Then we recommended that the children whose near-vision eyesight was under0.8 contact an eye doctor. According to the refraction test at the school, we found that there are children who have poor near visual acuity and have low or high degree of hyperopia at the same time. The percentage of them was 31.8% (266) for the right eye, and 34.2% (286) for the left. On the other hand, there are those who hadn\u27t been found to have low or high degree of hyperopia because they have far-vision eyesight of more than 1.0. The percentage of them was 27.8% (237) for the right eye and 34.2% (286) for the left. In addition, we found that there are children who have poor near visual acuity who have regulatory dysfunction. The results show that the near visual acuity test is effective to preserve the sight of children who aren\u27t found to have poor eyesight because their good far-vision eyesight is good although they have hyperopia

    キンケン シリョク ケンサ ノ ドウニュウ ニ ムケテ 5 ショウガクセイ ノ エンケン シリョク ケンサ ト キンケン シリョク ケンサ ノ ケッカ カラ

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    In February 2009, we tested the far-vision visual acuity and near-vision visual acuity of school children at "A" elementary school, a municipal school. The purpose of the test was to examine whether the present far visual acuity test could also identify the children whose near visual acuity is bad. Based on the past study, we set the standard of near visual acuity at 0.8. We recommended that children whose near visual acuity was under0.8 see an ophthalmologist. There were many children whose far visual acuity was under 1.0, more than half of all children, especially in the upper grades. This result shows that there is concern with the control of children\u27s eyesight after the test.On the other hand, more than ten percent of the children of each grade scored less than 0.8 in uncorrected vision. We found children who have trouble seeing near objects who are overlooked in the present far visual acuity test. We have to check children\u27s near visual acuity in order to find children who have trouble with near visual acuity


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