キンケン シリョク ケンサ ノ ドウニュウ ニ ムケテ 6 ショウガクセイ ノ エンケン シリョク ケンサ ケッカ ト キンケン シリョク ケンサ ケッカ ト クッセツ ケンサ ケッカ カラ マツウラ ミチオ キョウジュ タイニン キネンゴウ


We tested children\u27s refraction and far and near visual acuity at "A" elementary school, a municipal school. The purpose of the test was to sort out the situation of the children who have poor near visual acuity. Then we recommended that the children whose near-vision eyesight was under0.8 contact an eye doctor. According to the refraction test at the school, we found that there are children who have poor near visual acuity and have low or high degree of hyperopia at the same time. The percentage of them was 31.8% (266) for the right eye, and 34.2% (286) for the left. On the other hand, there are those who hadn\u27t been found to have low or high degree of hyperopia because they have far-vision eyesight of more than 1.0. The percentage of them was 27.8% (237) for the right eye and 34.2% (286) for the left. In addition, we found that there are children who have poor near visual acuity who have regulatory dysfunction. The results show that the near visual acuity test is effective to preserve the sight of children who aren\u27t found to have poor eyesight because their good far-vision eyesight is good although they have hyperopia

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