27 research outputs found


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    海岸建筑后退线设置是保护海岸带区域生态环境,保障海岸区域建筑安全及维护海岸景观的重要规划手段。本文以龙海市海岸带为研究对象,考虑海岸侵蚀、海洋灾害等自然因素的基础上,结合生态系统服务价值,确定龙海市不同岸线类海岸建筑后退线的距离,为海岸带空间规划提供基础依据。结果确定龙海市不同岸线类型的海岸建筑后退线的距离分别为砂质岸线240 m、淤泥质岸线240 m、基岩岸线30 m、生物岸线220 m、人工岸线30 m。福建省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2014R1006-2);;福建省海岛与海岸带管理技术研究重点实验室开放基金(CIMTS-2015-5


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    近5年我国的公民逝世后器官捐献工作逐步进入常态化,供体器官功能维护面临的挑战越来越大。供体器官功能维护直接关系到捐献成功率和受体安全,但目前尚缺少供体维护的循证医学指南。确定器官维护目标能最大限度保持待捐器官的功能与活力。维护器官重点是稳定血流动力学指标(维持合适的循环血量、心排血量和灌注压),保护肺换气功能,纠正尿崩症和凝血障碍,保持合适体温。国家临床重点专科军队建设项目([2013]147); 福建省重大专项资助项目(2012YZ0001

    Establishment and Regulation of Organ Procurement Organization

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    器官获取组织(OPO)的建设和管理是发展我国器官捐献与移植事业的关键。国内现有OPO均依托具备移植资质的医院组建,存在主管部门不明确,团队成员构成不合理,内部制度建设落后,工作流程不规范,资金支持力度弱,监管机制缺乏等等问题。应借鉴欧美等国家的先进经验,按任务型组织模式合理配置OPO数量及其人员,相对独立地开展器官捐献工作,由中国人体器官捐献管理中心承担全国OPO日常工作的组织与领导职责。OPO内部成员共享领导权和决策权,并加强伦理监管,建立规范的捐献流程和经济核算制度,完善协调员职业发展与激励制度。Establishment and regulation of Organ Procurement Organization( OPO) is essential for the development of organ donation and transplantation in China.OPOs are established and affiliated to hospitals with transplantation qualification in China.The disadvantages of OPO include undetermined administrative authority, impropriate staff composition, lagged regulation development, unsettled operational protocol,funding shortage and lack of supervision standards.We suggest that OPO numbers and staff should be set up with the task-based organization mode and undertake organ donation independently.China Organ Donation Administrative Center possesses leadership and organizes the national OPO routine work.OPO members share leadership and rights of decision-making,strengthen ethic supervision,set up standard donation and financial auditing protocol,and improve occupational development and motivation system for coordinators.福建省科技创新平台建设计划项目(2008J1006;2010Y2006


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    近年来,我国的器官捐献体系建设已取得突破,但仍存在职责不明、信息不畅、监管不到位、工作效率不高等问题。本文拟就改进和完善我国公民逝世后器官捐献体系作一探讨,目标是建立红十字会主导下的器官捐献行政管理与监督机构,建立全面覆盖、畅通便捷的器官捐献信息网络,建立依附于区域移植中心的器官获取组织。国家临床重点专科军队建设项目([2013]147); 福建省科技重大专项(2012YZ0001

    Taxonomic diversity of fish community in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands of Fujian Province

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    根据2012年~2013年在台山列岛周边海域进行的4个航次底拖网调查资料,并结合该海域的历史资料系统整理了台山列岛周边海域鱼类总名录,使用PRIMER 5.0软件计算了该海域鱼类的分类多样性指数,研究了分类多样性指数的季节变化。结果显示,台山列岛周边海域共记录鱼类2纲20目81科150属208种,以鲈形目种类占绝对优势;2012年~2013年调查记录到鱼类2纲11目40科63属77种。台山列岛周边海域鱼类的平均分类差异指数(△~+)和分类差异变异指数(∧~+)的理论平均值分别为63.14和378.4。鱼类分类多样性指数(△)秋季最高,春、夏季次之,冬季最低;鱼类分类差异指数(△~*)秋季最高,春季次之,夏、冬季较低。研究结果表明,春季鱼类种类数最多,夏、秋季次之,冬季最少,水温和饵料决定了研究海域鱼类种类组成。According to the data collected from four seasonal trawling surveys between 2012 and 2013 in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands,we made a list of fish species in this area and calculated its taxonomic diversity by PRIMER 5. 0. We identified 208 fish species including 2 classes,20 orders,81 families and 150 genera in the waters around Taishan Islands,with Perciformes being the major order. According to the survey data from 2012 to 2013,77 fish species including 2 classes,11 orders,40 families and 63 genera were identified. The average taxonomic distinctness( △~+) and variation in taxonomic distinctness( ∧~+) of fish species listed in that area were 63. 14 and 378. 4,respectively. The taxonomic diversity( △) and taxonomic distinctness( △~*) were higher in autumn and spring than in summer and winter. It is concluded that the species in spring was more than that in summer and autumn,and was the least in winter. Water temperature and food were the main factors which affect fish species composition.国家自然科学基金项目(41106073);; 福建省科技计划项目(2012Y0072);; 福建省海洋与渔业厅科技项目[(2012)013号


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    Comparative Study on Characteristics of Urban Rainfall Runoff from Two Urban Lawn Catchments in Macau and Xiamen

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    在澳门与厦门分别选一分流制管道类型的绿地小流域开展降雨径流监测,以研究城市绿地降雨径流污染特征.结果表明,两城市绿地小流域降雨径流的主要污染物为COd、TP、nO3--n,其EMC平均值分别为165.77--60.48 Mg/l、0.96--0.44 Mg/l和7.16--1.18 Mg/l;两城市绿地的COd、TP、nO3--n污染负荷平均值分别为6.53--0.63 kg/HM2、0.037 5--0.004 7 kg/HM2和0.012 2--0.012 8 kg/HM2;绿地降雨径流污染物浓度峰值出现时间早于径流量峰值;城市绿地降雨径流初始冲刷效应不明显,厦门绿地小流域降雨径流COd、TSS、TP及nO3--n的ff30分别为36.26%、26.13%、28.13%和39.03%.基于多元回归分析结果表明,总降雨量和总径流量是影响绿地降雨径流污染初始冲刷效应的主要因素.A comparative study on characteristics of stormwater runoff from two urban lawn catchments in Macau(ELH) and Xiamen(PGH) with separated sewer system were conducted.The result obtained shows that COD,TP and(NO---_3-N) are the major pollutants with mean EMC of 165.77-60.48(mg/L),0.96-0.44(mg/L) and 7.16-1.18(mg/L),respectively,and the mean values of pollutants loads of COD,TP and(NO---_3-N) from study lawn catchments are 6.53-0.63(kg/hm--2),(0.037?5)-(0.004?7)(kg/hm--2) and(0.012?2)-(0.012?8)(kg/hm--2),respectively.Peak values of major pollutant concentrations usually precede the flow peak.First flush effect of rainfall runoff from two study catchments is no obvious,which can be reflected by the low mean value of FF_(30) of TSS,COD,TP and(NO---_3-N),with 36.26%,26.13%,28.13% and 39.03%,respectively.Based on multivariate statistical analysis,first flush effect from urban lawn rainfall runoff is greatly influenced by total rainfall amount(T_r) and total runoff volume(V).国家自然科学基金项目(50778098);福建省青年人才项目(2007F3093

    Species composition and distribution of neritic Scleractinian and Gorgonian corals in coastal waters of Fujian

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    本文根据历史文献所记载的福建海区浅水石珊瑚、柳珊瑚和近期有关调查成果综合分析,福建沿海浅水石珊瑚累计记录17种,隶属6科14属,其中造礁石珊瑚4科8属9种,非造礁石珊瑚3科6属8种.在石珊瑚中,共有1种造礁石珊瑚陀螺珊瑚(TurbInArIA SP.)、2种非造礁石珊瑚dEndrOPHyllIA ArbuSCulA和1个珊瑚待定种(ClAdAngIAEXuSTA SP.)属于中国新记录.柳珊瑚累计记录9科22属54种,未收入《中国海洋物种多样性》、《中国海洋生物名录》和《厦门湾物种多样性》等名录的有17种.珊瑚主要分布在沿海岛礁区,港湾内甚少;南起东山,北至福鼎台山列岛和星仔列岛,种类空间分布呈由南往北递减趋势,从大陆沿岸朝沿海岛礁呈递增趋势.受盗采珊瑚和生境破坏等影响,福建大部分海区的珊瑚均遭受不同程度的破坏,未能得到有效保护,应加强调查研究与保护.According to the historical coral records and the recent studies in Fujian,the species composition and distribution of neritic Scleractinian and Gorgonian corals are analyzed.As results,a total of 17 species of neritic Scleractinian corals belonging to 14 genus and 6 families were recorded.Among them,9 species of hermatypic corals belonging to 8 genus and 4 families and 8 species of ahermatypic corals belonging to 6 genus and 3 families were recorded.For Scleractinian corals,1 species of hermatypic corals( Turbinaria sp.) and 2 species of ahermatypic corals( Dendrophyllia arbuscula and Rhizangiidae sp.) are new records in China.A total of 54 species of neritic Gorgonian corals belonging to 22 genus and 9 families were recorded.Among them,17 species have not been listed in Marine species diversity of China,Checklist of Marine Biota of China Seas and Species diversity of Xiamen Bay.In coastal waters of Fujian,corals mainly distributed around the islands and reefs from Dongshan Islands to Taishan and Xingzi Islands,while rarely occurred in bays.The species and abundance of corals increased from north to south and from the mainland coast to offshore islands.Most of them have been impaired in different degrees by illegal mining and habitat destruction without effective protection.Investigation and conservation of corals and their habitats should be strengthened.福建省海洋与渔业厅科技计划资助项目(2012013


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    心理救助是器官捐献者家庭救助的重要组成部分,其目的是积极预防、及时控制和减缓捐献者亲属的心理伤害,促进心理重建,保障心理健康,维护社会稳定。探讨器官捐献者亲属心理伤害表现与发展规律,寻找有效的心理救助模式与干预对策,对于今后更加广泛而深入开展器官捐献工作有着积极而深远的意义。本文从器官捐献者亲属心理伤害的表现、器官捐献者亲属心理救助的实施者与阶段性目标、器官捐献者亲属心理救助的基本原则和器官捐献者亲属心理救助的主要技术步骤等方面进行阐述。未来有必要将心理救助与家庭困难物质救助适当分开,按照心理救助专业化、系统化、长期化的要求,尽快建立多层次、长效的心理卫生服务体系,制定严格的规章制度和可操作性的工作流程,为器官捐献者亲属提供及时、有序、高效的心理救助服务。国家临床重点专科军队建设项目([2013]147);; 福建省科技引导性项目(2015Y5007