187 research outputs found


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    [[sponsorship]]臺南大學[[notice]]缺頁數[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20101105~20101105[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺南市, 臺

    大學生對新生定向輔導課程期望與實際感受之探究: 以淡江大學為例

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    [[abstract]]「新生定向輔導」(freshman orientation)是大學整合校方資源,幫助大一新生適應環境,並透過系統化作法來達成學生個別需求,使其順利接軌大學生活並成功學習的措施。目前國內大學多以「大學入門」相關課程或活動來規劃實施,結果調查也大多呈現正向肯定。 淡江大學於2009年開設「大學學習」課程,希望透過正式課程,讓學生對自己學業、心理、社會、生涯等適應與發展做好準備。四年來課程意見調查,大部分師生認為該課程確實有助於新生對大學的理解與適應。然而,隨著社會快速變遷,大學生的特質與需求正快速的轉變,實有必要對於學生在各單元內容的期望、實際感受以及落差加以了解,以做為修正課程與教學的參考。另外,以往進行課程意見調查時,多以大一修課學生為主要對象,然而新生於第一學期仍處轉換適應時期,對於課程內涵與其大學生涯的關係仍處摸索階段,所反應的意見未必等於他們大學四年生涯的實際適應。因此,本研究以大一至大四學生共790人為研究對象,希望從不同年級、不同學院學生的反應,探討其於「大學學習」課程的期望、實際感受以及落差情形。 本研究結果顯示,學生對於課程內容中,期望最高的是「提供認識就讀學系課程的相關資訊」。實際感受最高的是「提供熟悉就讀學系相關設施與資源的機會」。整體來說,學生對於大學學習課程的各項期望程度均顯著高於實際感受程度;不同學院與不同年級學生在期望程度與實際感受程度上亦均有顯著差異,不同性別在部分題項上有顯著差異。根據研究結果,本研究提出幾項具體建議做為後續課程規劃與教學實施改進之依據。[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20130504~20130504[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]新北市新莊, 臺


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    Rethinking Yu Dafu\u27s "turning leftish"

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    論文 (Article


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    九州大学附属図書館濱文庫所蔵の唱本について、これまでに第十三帙までの目録稿を作成した。続く第十四帙はすでに、第1冊から第80冊までを「濱文庫所蔵唱本目録稿(八)」(『佐賀大学文化教育学部研究論文集』第18集第1号, 2013)に、また第81冊から第180冊までを「濱文庫所蔵唱本目録稿(九)」(『佐賀大学文化教育学部研究論文集』第18集第2号, 2014)に掲載した。本稿では第十四帙の残りすべて、第181冊から第255冊までを著録する

    Women's trajectories of postpartum depression and social support: A repeated-measures study with implications for evidence-based practice

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    [[abstract]]Background: Postpartum depression is one of the most common psychological disorders of women after childbirth. Despite the importance of social support as an influencing factor, there have been few studies on the trends and characteristics of social support as it relates to postpartum depression. Aims: To explore the trends in postpartum depression and social support, to cross-analyze the correlation between the postpartum depression trajectory and the social support trajectory, and to investigate predictors of changes in postpartum depression trajectories. Methods: A prospective repeated-measure study and convenience sampling were used to recruit 230 women at 1, 3, and 6 months after childbirth. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Trajectory analysis was used to explore the trajectories of postpartum depression and social support during the 6 months after childbirth, and polynomial logistic regression was used to explore predictors of the trajectory of postpartum depression. Results: Postpartum depression was at its most serious in the third month after childbirth, showing patterns of low-risk, moderate-risk, and high-risk trajectories. Social support also showed low, moderate, and high patterns, and the trajectory of postpartum depression was significantly related to the trajectory of social support. The predictors of moderate-risk and high-risk postpartum depression were also found in this study. Linking evidence to action: Postpartum mental health education and online learning systems should be used to increase social support for women after childbirth and reduce the incidence of postpartum depression


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    [[abstract]]新冠肺炎已造成全球大流行,大量的病患不但考驗醫療體系的量能,也造成醫護人員沉重的負擔。新冠肺炎無症狀或輕症患者大多可採居家照護方式進行居家隔離,不需要到醫院治療。本文利用文獻查證說明新冠肺炎疾病特性、居家照護評估、照顧者及患者在居家環境上的準備、患者自我照顧注意事項,以期無症狀或輕症患者可於家中進行適當的自我隔離照護,對減少醫療量能負荷有所幫助。[[abstract]]Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global pandemic. High volumes of COVID-20 patients have not only tested the capacity of the medical system, but have placed a heavy burden on medical and nursing professionals as well. Most patients with as 堝??????? ? 攁愓? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ???耀罈翹 ? ???螈螇螇???????????膗????? ??隗?彰? ?成????? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? 齰? ??? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ! " ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ??楩? ? ?? ?? ??祔? ???? 颲??????? ? ? ? ? ??膗????? ? 攁愓? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ???耀罈翹 輒考螈螇??梲????????????????? ?????? ?成? ??? ???考?? ?? ? ????? ? ???考 ?? ? ???

    日本における郁達夫研究 : 鈴木正夫氏の研究を例に

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