18 research outputs found

    Historical and Theoretical Study on Gaokao Evaluation

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    在我国,高考是一项大规模、高风险及高利害的教育考试,在国家建设与社会发展中扮演重要角色,发挥重大作用。作为一种考试,高考具有文化功能、行政功能、经济功能、评价功能、测量功能、选拔功能、督导功能等多项功能。以往的高考中将其测量与选拔功能几乎发挥至极致,但却相对 忽略了其评价功能的存在。在国家建设人才强国的战略部署、社会经济发展对高素质创新人才的需求、高中新课改、学生个性化发展需求、高校评价选拔人才的多样化要求以及高考制度自身的完善等多个因素共同作用下,发挥高考的评价功能、推进高考评价改革成为新命题。2010年《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》中提出高考“综合评价”的改革导...In China,also known as Gaokao is a large-scale,high stakes education exam,which plays an important role in the national construction and social development.As a kind of exam,it performs certain functions on culture, administration, economy, measurement, selection and guidance.Gaokao used to pay more attention on its measurement and selection function,but relatively overlook its evaluation function...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_教育史学号:2572010015371


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    Developing Strategies of Research Universities from the Perspective of Constructing Higher Education Power

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    建设高等教育强国是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》对高等教育发展的部署与要求,研究型大学在高等教育强国建设中扮演引领高等教育发展、创新示范等角色。研究型大学应紧抓建设高等教育强国机遇,通过实施以现代大学制度建设、提升人才培养质量、建设高水平师资队伍、提高科技创新以及影响力为主要内容的发展战略,尽快建成一批国际一流水平的研究型大学。Constructing a higher education power is the plan and needs of for higher education development.Research universities play a key role in leading the development of high education and in innovating and demonstrating in constructing a higher education power.They should make use of the chance sufficiently and develop themselves to be the top-ranking universities in the world quickly by such developing strategies as building modern university system,improving the quality of personnel training,building a high-level faculty and raising science and technology influence

    Social Expectation and College Countermeasures on Independent Admission Reform

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    从试点到逐步推行,我国大学自主招生改革已经走过了10年历程。享有自主招生权限的大学大胆创新,积极探索,使得自主招生的形式、内容、公平性等都发生了重大变化。然而即便如此,社会对于自主招生的指责和改革期待仍显高涨。公众从自主性、科学性、公平性和效率性方面充分表达了对改革的期待。作为招生主体的大学应积极回应社会期待,尊重社会建议,通过明确招生理念和目标、通盘设计和提高招生能力优化自主招生制度设计。The independent admission reform has been conducted for 10 years from experiment to implementation.The colleges with independent admission worked hard on creative innovation and exploration,and the examination format and contents and equity have changed significantly.However,the society criticism and high expectations on the reform remains.The public express their concerns and expectations on the independency,science,equity and efficiency of the reform.The colleges should actively respond to the expectation and respect the public suggestions.With definedconcept and purposes,the colleges should improve their admission capability and optimize the independent admission system design.全国教育科学“十二五”规划2011年度教育部青年课题“我国大学自主招生质量的实证研究”(EIA110367);全国教育科学“十二五”规划2011年度国家重点课题“高校招生制度改革研究”(AFA110008

    Development and Revelation of American Strategic Management of Universities——Reading the Book "Academic Strategy: the Management Revolution in American Higher Education"

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    美国高等教育在20世纪80年代陷入发展困境,但就是在应对困境的过程中,美国大学和学院成功地将战略管理引用到高等教育领域,探索出了大学实施战略管理的成功经验,被世界各国大学效仿。通过读美国大学战略管理方面的著作,了解美国大学战略管理的发展历程及特点,有助于我们了解战略管理的实质,也有助于研究我国当前的大学战略管理。American higher education has been into a dilemma of development in the 1980s.However,in the process of dealing with the dilemma,American universities and academies successfully introduce the strategic management into higher education,and explore the successful experience of university implementing the strategic management,which is imitated by universities of countries in the world.Through reading a book of American strategic management of universities,we know the developing process and characteristics of American strategic management of universities,which contributes to knowing the essence of strategic management and researching the current strategic management of universities in China

    Reform of China's University Courses under the Field of Postmodern Curriculum Theory

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    大学课程改革是现代大学改革的核心命题。以泰勒原理为基础的现代大学课程体系在课程目标、内容、方法和评价方面遭受到后现代课程观的犀利批评。具体分析现代与后现代课程观,厘清两种课程理论的关系,是现代课程改革的关键。现代大学课程改革必须寻求介乎现代与后现代课程观之间的课程改革模式。The course reform is the nucleus of the modern university reform.The modern university course system based on Taylor principle suffered sharp critique from post-modern course theory,which pointed out the question such as the course object,content,method and appraisal of modern course theory.Analyzing the relationship between modern and post-modern course theory is the key of course reform.The modern university course reform has to look for a mode between the modern and post-modern course theory.2010年中央高校基本科研业务费项目“研究型大学创新人才培养模式改革研究”(10LZUJBWZY020

    Deviation of Social Attribution in the Evaluation of Imperial Examination and Its Correction

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    自科举制度创立以来,对科举制度的评价褒贬不一,此局面从科举制度实施的科举时代一直延续到科举制度废止后的后科举时代。从社会归因偏差理论视角,存在于科举评价中的刻板效应、错觉关联、晕轮效应是导致将科举制度“妖魔化“的深层原因。分析三个效应在科举评价中的表现及影响,从文化自觉、加强科举研究及增强科举信息传播角度切入是矫正科举评价中归因偏差的根本举措。Since the establishment of imperial examination system,people pass different judgements on imperial examination system,which lasts from the period of imperial examination system to the post imperial examination era when imperial examination system is abolished.From the perspective of deviation theory of social attribution,the effect of stereotype,illusion correlation and halo effect in the evaluation of imperial examination are the deep reasons to lead to the monsterization of imperial examination system.Cultural consciousness,emphasis on studying imperial examination and strengthening the spread of imperial examination information are the fundamental measures to correct the deviation of the attribution in the evaluation of imperial examination