111 research outputs found

    The Research on Copy of the Current State of Classical Rock Color Mural and Its Enlightenment for the Creation of Contemporary Rock Color Painting

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    本文将壁画现代模写理念及方法与古典岩彩壁画的实地考察结合起来,展开以克孜尔壁画为代表的龟兹壁画现状模写研究。通过对现状模写的制作工序及技术、材料和艺术表现等方面的具体研究,揭示出以克孜尔壁画为代表的龟兹壁画对当代岩彩画创作的启示,以期拓展在国际多元文化环境下岩彩艺术的发展和艺术创作的新空间。 本论文共分三章,第一章回顾古典岩彩壁画模写的发展历史,介绍模写的现代理念及其目的、意义,从而指导壁画的现状模写。第二章通过对克孜尔壁画的现状模写,展开对以克孜尔壁画为代表的龟兹壁画在绘制方法、材料应用、艺术表现等方面的研究。第三章是在第二章对以克孜尔壁画为代表的龟兹壁画的模写研究基础上,探索其对当代岩彩...This thesis studies current state copy of classical rock color mural by combining the concept and method about current state copy of mural and exploration of classical rock color mural. Based on the specific study of working process and technology, material and manifest of art in current state copy, this thesis points out the significance of Kezier mural representative of Qiuci mural for the creat...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_美术学学号:1862007115165

    Influence of different processing technology on sialic acid content of edible bird's nest products

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    本文以毛燕为原料,研究浸泡、挑拣、高温灭菌等工艺流程处理后燕窝唾液酸含量的变化。采用LC-MS/MS检测分析燕窝中唾液酸种类,此外,测定了不同加; 工条件下燕窝产品唾液酸含量并分析加工条件对唾液酸含量的影响,进一步分析了唾液酸热稳定性。结果表明:燕窝中唾液酸仅由N-乙酰基神经氨酸(Neu5A; c)组成,经不同工艺条件处理后,Neu5Ac保留率均可高达95%以上,且Neu5Ac热稳定性好,不同情况下Neu5Ac含量无明显差异。说明燕窝经; 过上述加工处理后不会造成燕窝酸的大量流失,并且其受工艺条件变化影响小,燕窝加工产品可以很好地保存燕窝的营养价值,从而稳定发挥其营养功效,具有很高; 的消费价值。In this paper,raw edible bird's nest was used as raw material to study; the change of sialic acid content in edible bird's nest after processed; by technology such as soaking,picking and choosing and high temperature; sterilization. LC-MS/MS was used to detect and analyze the type of; sialic acid in edible bird's nest. Besides,sialic acid content in edible; bird's nest products was measured under different condition,and the; influence of process condition on sialic acid content was; analyzed.Furthermore,thermostability of sialic acid was analyzed.; Results showed that sialic acid in edible bird's nest was only consist; by N-acetylneuraminic acid(Neu5Ac),retention rates of Neu5Ac all; exceeded 95% when edible bird's nest was processed by different; technology,and thermostability of Neu5Ac was excellent,there was no; obvious difference in Neu5Ac content under different conditions. These; illustrated that above mentioned technology wouldn't lead to a massive; loss of sialic acid in edible bird's nest and sialic acid was influenced; slightly by the change of technology condition,nutritional value of; edible bird's nest could be kept well,thus,its nutritional efficacy; could be exerted stably,so edible bird's nest products have a very high; consumption value


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    生物大分子药物与传统治疗方式相比作用靶点具有高度的专一性,成为21世纪药物研发中最具发展前景的领域之一,但由于细胞膜的天然屏障作用致使许多潜在的胞内药物靶标无法应用于新药研究。细胞穿膜肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPP)是一类具有穿膜功能的小分子短肽,可高效携带核酸、蛋白质等生物大分子穿过细胞膜进入胞质发挥功能,在介导生物大分子药物入胞上有着高效、低毒等诸多优势,但仍存在效率低、靶向性差等问题。CPP携带货物分子入胞的方式可以根据是否依赖能量分为直接入胞和内吞。直接入胞依据孔隙形成的方式不同分为四种模型:桶板模型、超环面模型、地毯模型和反向胶团模型。内吞则根据受体的不同又分为巨胞饮、网格蛋白介导的内吞、小窝蛋白介导的内吞、硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖介导的内吞以及神经毡蛋白-1介导的内吞。CPP自身的类型、浓度、效应分子的物理化学性质以及分子大小都会影响CPP的入胞过程,进而决定CPP携带生物大分子入胞的途径。对CPP介导生物大分子的入胞机制进行综述,为研究更加高效、靶向性强的CPP提供依据,从而推动其在生物、医学领域的应用。国家自然科学基金(81501835)福建省自然科学基金(2017J05136)资助项

    Observation and analysis of Marangoni convection induced by desorption in soap film

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    利用竖直流动皂膜装置,使用纹影光学方法观察了由于丙酮从皂液中解吸,在微米级厚度皂膜上出现的滚筒状MArAngOnI对流结构;通过建立皂膜传质数学模型及求解,分析了丙酮从皂膜解吸过程中浓度及表面张力的变化。结果表明:由于微米级的皂膜厚度,在皂膜平面法向方向皂膜内皂液丙酮浓度变化很小,但浓度梯度较大,对应的表面张力梯度较大,此较大表面张力梯度是丙酮从皂膜解吸过程中出现MArAngOnI对流的主要成因。By means of the falling soap film tunnel and the Schlieren optical method,the orderly roll Marangoni convection patterns along the surface of the falling soap film with 10-6 m order thickness were observed directly during the acetone desorption from the falling soap liquid.The acetone desorption model from the falling soap film was established and solved theoretically in order to analyze the variation of the concentration and the surface tension.The results show that the variation of the acetone concentration vertical to the falling direction within the thin film is very small,but the gradients of both the acetone concentration and surface tension are large.So the big tension gradient is the main reason for the occurrence of the Marangoni roll convection in acetone desorption from soap film.国家自然科学基金资助项目(20606027


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    Simulation research on anaerobic digestion biogas generation from low-grade biomass

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    低劣生物质厌氧消化可以减少温室气体的排放并且生产生物甲烷作为能源。介绍了关于厌氧消化过程、底物的相关理论,还对目前主要用于厌氧产甲烷过程研究的数学模型以及碳氮磷转化的模拟研究进行了综述。其中,一级动力学模型是最为简单的数学模型,其可以通过简单的计算得到整个过程中甲烷产量随着时间的变化曲线,但是只限于较准确模拟甲烷产率的AdM1模型相对发展最为全面、应用最为广泛,且能够针对具体要研究的对象进行模型的修改。同时总结了较为常见的底物厌氧产甲烷研究模型、研究对象及结果、已有碳/氮/磷转化模拟研究及相关研究,并对开展针对厌氧产甲烷过程中碳氮磷转化的模拟研究进行了展望。Anaerobic digestion of low-grade biomass has attracted increasing interest in reducing greenhouse gas emission and facilitating sustainable development of energy supply.The theory of anaerobic digestion biogas generation and feedstocks are presented in this paper.It provides a review on mathematical model of and simulation research on the conversion of C, N, P in the process of anaerobic digestion.First order kinetic model is the simplest mathematical model which can simulate the dynamics of methane production.The advanced mathematical ADM1 is most popular, and simulates the conversion of C, N, P in anaerobic digestion.The model, simulation subjects and results of anaerobic digestion biogas generation of common substrates are given.Methane yield is the main subject of simulation investigation which is studied in almost all simulation researches on anaerobic digestion biogas generation, and some research reports the variation of volatile solid, volatile fatty acid, COD, CH4, CO2 and inorganic carbonate in the process of anaerobic digestion through mathematical modeling, with which the conversion of C can be determined.Simulation researches on the conversion of N include variations of ammonia nitrogen, inorganic nitrogen and total nitrogen.Simulation research on the conversion of P from sludge digestion is also presented.The challenges and future research trends of the conversion of C, N, P in the process of anaerobic digestion are forecasted.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2013CB733505)~


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    用2 862羽肉鸡与4 000羽蛋鸡进行试验,探讨“京福龙“动物酵素对肉鸡生长和蛋鸡产蛋情况的影响。结果表明与对照组相比,饲喂添加“京福龙“动物酵素的肉鸡出栏重平均每只较对照组增长9.45%,料肉比降低0.21,死亡率降低2.2%,蛋重的平均增长率较对照组增长1%,产蛋率增加了5.0%,死亡率降低6%,可见“京福龙“动物酵素能降低家禽的疾病发生情况和促进肉鸡生长、蛋鸡的产蛋率


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    采用XRD,TEM,BET,CO2 TPD,O2 TPD和催化剂性能评价等方法对溶胶 凝胶法制备的纳米Sm2O3的物相、颗粒度、比表面、碱性、吸附活化氧物种的能力和催化剂的ODE性能进行了表征和评价,并与常规Sm2O3进行了比较.实验结果表明,纳米Sm2O3催化剂具有较佳的低温ODE反应性能,在500~600℃的温度范围内,纳米Sm2O3的乙烷转化率和乙烯选择性均优于常规Sm2O3,其原因主要与纳米催化剂体系具有较大比表面,较多的表面缺陷位,较弱的碱性和不同于常规催化剂体系的物相结构并因此更有利于吸附和活化氧物种等因素有关.采用高温原位显微Raman光谱对纳米Sm2O3上ODE反应活性氧物种的表征结果表明,O22-是Sm2O3催化剂上ODE反应的活性氧物种