176 research outputs found

    Estimation of the sources of organophosphorus pesticides in Xiamen sea area,

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    利用SPEGCFPD对厦门附近海域的微表层、表层、底层海水及九龙江入海口高、低潮水中有机磷农药进行了分析.结果表明,有机磷农药的含量范围为:低于检测限~725.54ng·L-1,平均值为136.47ng·L-1.研究海区中马銮内湾有机磷农药污染最为严重(165.77~453.42ng·L-1,平均296.01ng·L-1),九龙江口、西海域和西南海域污染水平接近(16.26~200.65ng·L-1,平均84.59ng·L-1),东部海域有机磷农药污染最轻(10.38~66.01ng·L-1,平均38.14ng·L-1).九龙江入海口高潮水中农药的浓度明显低于低潮水中浓度,说明海域中多数农药污染来源于九龙江流域输入,少数农药来源于海域周边地区或九龙江流域和海域周边地区共同输入,微表层对有机磷农药的富集作用不明显. 【英文摘要】 Organophosphorus Pesticides (OPPs) were determined in microsurface water, subsurface water and bottom water in Xiamen sea area with SPE-GC-FPD. The result showed that the levels of all OPPs ranged from below detection limit to 725.54ng·L -1, the mean was 136.47ng·L -1. The pollution in Maluan Bay was the most serious(165.77~453.42ng·L -1,mean 296.01ng·L -1) and the Eastern Sea was the slightest(10.38~66.01ng·L -1,mean 38.14ng·L -1). Meanwhile, the levels of OPPs in Jiulong estuary were closed to that in the...国家自然科学基金(No.40106012)~

    Catalytic Behaviors and Stability of Aerogel Silica-Supported Ni Catalysts for the Partial Oxidation of Methane into Synthesis Gas

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    以常压有机溶剂置换(A)和溶剂置换-表面改性(b)方式制备的两种SIO2气凝胶(SIO2-A(或b)型气凝胶,记为SIO2-A(Or b)g)为载体,采用常规浸渍法和聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)添加浸渍法合成不同SIO2气凝胶负载的nI/SIO2催化剂,并考察其催化的甲烷部分氧化(POM)制合成气的反应性能.结果表明,各催化剂的初始反应性能相近,但nI/SIO2-bg的POM稳定性明显较nI/SIO2-Ag的差,而PVP添加制备的催化剂稳定性则获明显改善,nI/SIO2-Ag-PVP、nI/SIO2-bg-PVP上POM稳定性相近.结合X射线衍射(Xrd)、程序升温还原反应(H2-TPr)、高分辨透射电镜(TEM)和brunAuEr-EMMETT-TEllEr(bET)等表征结果的分析发现:(1)SIO2-Ag表面上存在一定量的羟基,可促进亲水性金属物种与其的相互作用,而SIO2-bg表面上基本为有机基团,与亲水性金属物种几乎无作用;(2)PVP的存在可使金属物种进入亲/疏水载体孔道深处,抑制焙烧中载体骨架的收缩和金属颗粒的生长,进而促进金属载体的相互作用.这二者均能有效地提高催化剂的POM反应稳定性.Two types of aerogel silica,denoted as SiO2- A(or B)G are synthesized with either solvent substitution(A) or solvent substitution-surface modification(B) under atmospheric conditions.Aerogel silicasupported Ni catalysts are then prepared via impregnated(IM) and polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)-added IM methods,and their performances for the partial oxidation of methane(POM) are investigated.The similar initial catalytic performances(activity and selectivity) are observed over the different Ni/SiO2catalysts.With respect to POM stability,Ni/SiO2-BG is significantly worse than Ni/SiO2-AG,while catalysts with PVP addition(during preparation) exhibit a significant improvement.In this case,Ni/SiO2-BG-PVP is comparable to Ni/SiO2-AG-PVP.We characterize the catalysts with X-ray diffraction(XRD),temperature-programmed hydrogen reduction(H2-TPR),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) analysis.We find that there are hydroxyls on the SiO2-AG surface that favor their interaction with hydrophilic metal species,while on the SiO2-BG surface there are organic groups that do not interact with hydrophilic metal species.In addition,with the help of PVP,metal species can access the deep pores of hydrophilic/hydrophobic silica gels.Then,the contraction of the silica framework and the growth of metal particles are inhibited during calcinations,enhancing interactions between Ni and the silica gels.These(benefits from surface hydroxyls and PVP) result in significant improvements in the catalysts with respect to POM stability.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2010CB732303); 国家自然科学基金(21033006;21373169); 长江学者和创新团队发展计划(IRT1036)资助~

    Experimental Study of the Abalone Shell on Cataract induced by Oxidative Stress

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    目的研究石决明提取物对体外培养的晶状体氧化应激性白内障形成的作用及机制。方法离体培养小鼠晶状体,应用不同浓度的石决明提取物预孵育晶状体24h后,加入1mm过氧化氢,继续培养3小时后恢复正常培养,72小时后观察小鼠晶状体混浊程度,测定晶状体组织培养液中的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)含量,晶状体组织中还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力。结果石决明提取物在1~2 mg/ml浓度范围内减轻氧化应激造成的晶状体混浊,减少晶状体LDH的释放,提高组织内GSH含量和SOD活力。结论石决明提取物可减轻氧化应激白内障的形成,其作用主要与石决明提取物提高内源性抗氧化系统有关。Objective To study the effect of the abalone shell extract on oxidative stress induced cataract formation and its mechanism in cultured mouse lens in vitro. Methods The cultured mouse lens were pretreated with the abalone shell extract in different concentrations for24 hours,and then 1mm hydrogen peroxide was added and continued incubating for 3 hours,and they were changed to normal culture media.After 72 hours,the opacity of each lens was observed under an anatomical microscope,the content of lactate dehydrogenase( LDH)leakages,the content of the reduced glutathione( GSH) and activity of superoxide dismutase( SOD) in lens tissue were assayed. Results Abalone shell extract in the concentration range of 1 ~ 2 mg / ml reduced the lens opacity caused by oxidative stress,alleviated the release of LDH,and increased GSH content and SOD activity in cultured lens. Conclusion Abalone shell extract can alleviate the oxidative stress induced cataract formation,and this effect is mainly related to its improvement of the endogenous antioxidant system in lens.2012年福建省卫生厅中医药科研专项课题(No.WST201210);; 2013年福建省卫生厅中医药科研专项课题(No.wzhw201302);; 2014年厦门市科技局科技惠民项目课题(No.3502Z20144030

    pJAK2 polypeptide,an antagonist of suppressors of cytokine signaling-1,can enhance the antitumor effect of dendritic cells

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    目的:探讨细胞因子信号转导抑制因子-1(SuPPrESSOrS Of CyTOkInE SIgnAlIng1,SOCS1)拮抗物PJAk2多肽(氨基酸序列号为1001-1013)参与树突状细胞(dEndrITIC CEllS,dCS)的体外诱导培养后对dCS抗肿瘤作用的影响。方法:采集健康人外周血,离心获得单个核细胞,用重组人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(rECOMbInAnT HuMAn grAnulOCyTE-MACrOPHAgE COlOny STIMulATIng fACTOr,rHgM-CSf)及重组人白细胞介素-4(rECOMbInAnT HuMAn InTErlEukIn-4,rHIl-4)诱导dCS,第5天分为4组:单纯dCS培养(对照)组、抗原负载(lySATE-dCS)组、多肽修饰(PJAk2-dCS)组和抗原与多肽共培养(lySATE+PJAk2-dCS)组,第6天各组加入肿瘤坏死因子-α(TuMOr nECrOSIS fACTOr-AlPHA,Tnf-α)促成熟。倒置显微镜下观察dCS形态;fCM法检测dCS表型;乳酸脱氢酶(lACTATE dEHydrOgEnASE,ldH)细胞毒实验检测各组细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CyTOTOXIC T lyMPHOCyTE,CTl)对胃癌细胞bgC-823的靶向杀伤作用;ElISA法检测白细胞介素-12(InTErlEukIn-12,Il-12)和γ干扰素(InTErfErOn-γ,Ifn-γ)的水平。结果:与未加入诱导剂组相比,各组均成功诱导出成熟dCS,均高表达Cd80、Cd83、Cd86和人类白细胞dr抗原(HuMAn lEukOCyTE AnTIgEn dr,HlA-dr),但以lySATE+PJAk2-dCS组的表达水平最高。在10:1~30:1的效靶比范围内,CTl杀伤作用与效靶比呈正相关。当效靶比为30:1时,对照组的CTl杀伤率达(19.77±2.34)%,低于其他3组(P<0.01),而lySATE+PJAk2-dCS组较lySATE-dCS组及PJAk2-dCS组都高(P<0.05)。lySATE+PJAk2-dCS组培养上清液中Il-12及Ifn-γ的分泌水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:SOCS1拮抗物PJAk2多肽(1001-1013)可增强dCS对胃癌细胞的抗原递呈及特异性抗肿瘤作用。Objective:To investigate the effect of pJAK2 polypeptide,an antagonist of SOCS1(suppressors of cytokine signaling 1),on antitumor effect of in vitro cultivation-induced DCs(dendritic cells).Methods:Peripheral blood was collected from the healthy volunteers,and the PBMCs(peripheral blood mononuclear cells)were isolated.DCs were induced by rhGM-CSF(recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor)and rhIL-4(recombinant human interleukin-4).On the fifth day,DCs were divided into four groups:control group,Lysate-DCs group,pJAK2-DCs group,and Lysate + pJAK2 DCs group.On the sixth day,TNF-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha)was added into each group.The morphological features of DCs were observed under an inverted microscope;the phenotypes were detected by FCM(flow cytometry);the killing effect of CTLs(cytotoxic T lymphocytes)on gastric cancer BGC-823 cells was evaluated by LDH(lactate dehydrogenase)cytotoxicity test;the concentrations of IL-12(interleukin-12)and IFN-γ(interferon-γ)were detected by ELISA(enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay).Results:Mature DCs presented typically morphological and phenotypic features;the DCs in Lysate + pJAK2-DCs group had the highest expression levels of CD80,CD83,CD86 and HLA-DR(human leukocyte antigen DR).When the ratio of effectors to target cells ranged from 10:1 to 30:1,the killing activity of CTLs had a positive correlation with the ratio.When the ratio of effectors to target cells was 30:1,the killing activity of CTLs in the control group was(19.77±2.34)%,which was lowest as compared with the other groups(P < 0.01),meanwhile the killing activity of CTLs in Lysate + pJAK2-DCs group was higher than those in Lysate-DCs and pJAK2-DCs groups(P < 0.05).The levels of IL-12 and IFN-γ secretion in Lysate + pJAK2-DCs group were apparently higher than those in the control group(P < 0.01).Conclusion:An antagonist of SOCS1,pJAK2 polypeptide,can enhance the ability of antigen presentation and specific antitumor effect of DCs on gastric cancer cells.南京军区医学科技创新课题资助项目(编号:10MA068); 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(编号:2010D013); 厦门市科技计划创新项目(编号:3502z20104014

    Characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from swine production systems in Jiulong River watershed

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    由于对畜禽粪便的处置和管理不当,氮、磷养分随粪便大量流失,不仅带来日益突出的环境问题,还造成了资源的浪费。目前国际上多采用养分平衡方法研究和评价畜牧养殖场养分流失状况及其潜在的环境风险程度。选取福建省九龙江流域92家养猪场,采用养分平衡分析方法研究了该流域养猪场养分流失状况及主要影响因素。结果表明:大部分养猪场的氮磷养分输入量远远大于养分有效输出量,表明养分大量流失,养殖系统的环境风险程度极高;随着养猪场规模的增大,氮、磷的不平衡程度呈下降趋势;生态型养殖模式有利于促进资源综合利用,减少养分流失;加强对粪肥和饲料管理有利于促进畜禽养殖场的氮、磷养分平衡。Huge losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from the livestock production systems are known as the waste of resources and the sources of the environmental quality problems. Nutrient balance at farm level is an important tool to study the environmental problems associated with livestock production. A nutrient balance was constructed for 92 swine production systems of Jiulong River watershed, Fujian Province. The majority of the farms exhibited substantially greater nutrient inputs than nutrient managed outputs and it was in the status of an overaccumulation of nutrients; the nutrient imbalance decreased with farm scales; ecological production was a preferred mode to make better use of resources and decrease the losses of nutrients; management of feed and manure was helpful to balance the nutrients of livestock farms.福建省重大科技项目(2002H009)资

    Uptake and Metabolism Kinetics of TBT in Whelk(Thais clavigera)Exposed to Dietary

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    将牡蛎消化腺分别暴露在1000ng.l-1和100ng.l-1TbT水溶液中4周,然后将染毒的牡蛎消化腺分别投喂疣荔枝螺(THAIS ClAVIgErA)。经过45d的暴露和30d的净化,我们发现雌雄疣荔枝螺的消化和生殖系统能较快地吸收TbT(吸收速率ku=0.004-0.022.d-1),并且其代谢(生物代谢系数bdI=5.59-23.30)和排出速率(净化速率kE=0.024-0.053.d-1)也相对较快,各器官中TbT的代谢产物MbT占了相对较高的比例,因此TbT在食物链传递过程中没有出现生物放大的现象。此外,TbT有逐渐从雌螺消化系统向生殖系统转移的趋势,并且雌螺生殖系统对TbT的吸收和富集能力(ku=0.006-0.022.d-1,生物放大系数bMf=0.181-0.664)要显著强于雄螺(ku=0.004-0.014.d-1,生物放大系数bMf=0.142-0.376),但其代谢和净化速率(bdI=5.59-10.50,kE=0.024-0.025.d-1)却显著低于雄螺(bdI=11.5-12.4,kE=0.031-0.050.d-1),雌螺的生殖系统被认为是TbT转移和富集的潜在靶器官,这对我们今后开展TbT污染的环境监测和评价具有重要的参考价值。Oysters were respectively exposed to 1000 ng·L-1 and 100 ng·L-1 tributyltin(TBT) aqueous for 4 weeks,which was as dietary to feed the female and male Thais clavigera whelks for 45 days.Then these Thais clavigera were depurated for 30 days.The results show that TBT rapidly accumulated in their digestive and reproductive organs(ku=0.004-0.022 d-1).Moreover,elimination and biotransformation of TBT were also rapid(BDI=5.6-23.30,ke=0.024-0.053 d-1).MBT was the dominant metabolite in each tissue.Therefore,bio-magnification of TBT did not occur during the trophic transfer process.Additionally,to females,the mobilization of TBT from digestive to reproductive organs and bioaccumulation of TBT(ku=0.006-0.022 d-1,BMF=0.181-0.664) were more obvious than that of the males.However,lower metabolism and elimination of TBT(BDI=5.6-10.5,ke=0.024-0.025 d-1) in female reproductive organs,which indicated that the reproductive organs of females were the main targets of TBT accumulation.The results are important to the risk assessment of TBT contamination in coastal environments.国家“863”项目No.2007AA09Z126;国家自然科学基金项目No.40476048;20777060;海洋公益性行业科研专项经费;No.20080509

    Over One Hundred Year Sedimentary Record of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Andaman Sea, Malaysia

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    [摘要]:采用GCPMS 分析研究了马来西亚海域安达曼海兰卡威岛邻近海域沉积物柱样(WC02) 中多环芳烃(PAHs) 组成与含量的 垂直分布特征, 结合210Pb定年, 重现了该海域近百年来PAHs 的沉积历史( 1898~ 2004 年) . 研究表明, PAHs 在整个沉积剖面( 0 ~ 56 cm) 的含量介于1312~ 6011 ng# g- 1 之间( 平均值2814 ng# g- 1) , 所分析的PAHs 中以菲、萘、等化合物为主, 与当地周边海 域相比污染程度较轻. 在20 世纪20 年代以前, 沉积物中多环芳烃含量较低, 基本代表当地环境的本底值, 即多环芳烃主要来 源于天然物质的输入; 20 年代以后PAHs 的总量有所上升, 并在20 世纪60 年代和80 年代出现了2 个峰值, 表明这段时间内多 环芳烃的陆源输入特征比较明显, 也反映了人类活动在20 世纪20 年代后开始对该海域产生一定的影响. 采用母体、高低环 PAH 比值对沉积物柱样中PAHs 的来源进行分析, 表明该海域沉积物受到燃料不完全燃烧产物污染为主、并伴有石油类污染, 这与马来西亚西海域周边地区的人类活动( 工农业生产、进出口、海上活动等) 密切相关, 同时也受到马六甲海峡繁忙的海上 交通运输影响. 对沉积物柱样污染历史进行分析, 表明PAHs 含量的阶段性变化与该地区不同时期的人文活动和社会经济( 国 内生产总值) 的发展状况密切相关, 较好地反映了人类活动对环境的影响.[Abstract]:Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a sediment core collected from Langkawi Island of the Andaman Sea, Malaysia were determined by GCPMS, the vertical variations of concentration and distributions of PAHs were investigated. In combining with 210Pb2dating, the PAHs sedimentary record in the last 100 years was reconstructed and their possible sources were also discussed. The EPAH concentration ranged from 131226011 ng#g- 1 in the whole sedimentary section ( 0256 cm) with the dominant compounds of phenanthrene, naphthalene and perylene. The sediments contaminated to a lesser extent comparing with the surrounding waters. Before the 1920s, the concentrations of PAHs were considered to be the background level, which was implied from the natural inputs. The historical records of PAHs in the core showed that two distinct peaks which represented the input time of 1960s and 1980s, respectively, inferred that there were some relatively dramatically land2based inputs, and human activities leaded a clear impact to these waters during these periods. Furthermore, PAHs diagnostic ratios indicated that PAHs in the core sediments were mainly of pyrolytic origin ( combustion) , accompanied with minor petroleum origin. These were related with agriculture, industry, ocean import and export, and shipping activities in the surrounding regions. Meanwhile as the vital communication line, the marine transportation of the Strait of Malacca had influenced the environmental quality of the Andaman Sea. Meanwhile, based on the sedimentary record, PAHs concentrations were found to correlate positively with humanism activities and socioeconomic development (Gross Domestic Production) in the surrounding regions.国家自然科学基金项目( 20777060) ; 国家海洋局海洋三所 科技项目( 海三科2007021


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    Effect of Helicobacter pylori on the function of peripheral blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells in gastric cancer patients

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    分析HP阳性和HP阴性的胃癌患者外周血单核细胞来源树突状细胞(MOdCS)功能的差异性及其临床意义。方法:用尿素14C呼气试验对解放军第一七四医院2011年1月至2012年10月收治的84例胃癌患者进行HP感染状态鉴定,分别采集HP阳性和阴性胃癌患者外周血,分离外周血单个核细胞,采用经典方法(rHgM-CSf、rHIl-4联合rHTnf-α)诱导产生dCS,采用流式细胞仪检测dCS表型,采用ldH释放法检测dCS致敏T细胞对胃癌细胞的毒性杀伤作用,采用ElISA方法检测细胞因子Il-12、Ifn-γ的分泌水平。结果:两组MOdCS成熟过程形态变化无差异,HP阳性组MOdCS表面标记分子Cd1A、Cd80、Cd83、Cd86和HlA-dr平均表达百分率均高于HP阴性组,其中Cd80、Cd83、Cd86的表达水平差异有统计学意义,Cd1A、HlA-dr差异无统计学意义。HP阳性组dCS致敏T淋巴细胞对胃癌细胞杀伤率和Il-12、Ifn-γ的分泌水平均高于HP阴性组(P<0.05)。结论:HP感染状态不影响胃癌患者外周血MOdCS成熟过程形态变化,HP感染的胃癌患者MOdCS成熟和活化水平更高。Objective:This study aimed to compare and analyze the functional differences between peripheral blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells(DCs) of Helicobacter pylori-positive and H.pylori-negative patients with gastric cancer.Methods:H.pylori infection was detected in 84 patients with gastric cancer in our hospital from January 2011 to October 2012 by the14C-urea breath test.DCs were generated from monocytes isolated by an adherent method from the two groups of patients and cultured in the presence of rhIL-4,rhGM-CSF,and rhTNF-α.Furthermore,the expression of surface marker molecules was determined by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis.The cytotoxicity of DCs pulsed T cells against gastric carcinoma cell was assessed by the lactate dehydrogenase-releasing assay.The secretion of IL-12 and IFN-γ in the supernatant was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Results:No difference was observed in the morphological change of the maturation process.The mean expression of CD1a,CD80,CD83,CD86,and HLA-DR molecules in DCs of H.pylori-infected patients was higher than that in DCs of H.pylori-negative group,and the differences were statistically significant except for CD1a and HLA-DR.The cytotoxicity activities,IL-12 release,and IFN-γ release in the H.pylori-positive group were significantly higher than those in the H.pylori-negative group(P<0.05).Conclusion:H.pylori infection has no effect on the morphological change of the maturation process of monocyte-derived DCs.These data clearly demonstrate that monocyte-derived DCs of H.pylori-infected patients with gastric cancer can induce stronger maturation and activation than those of H.pylori-negative patients.南京军区医学科技创新课题(编号:10MA068); 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(编号:2010D013); 厦门市科技计划创新项目(编号:3502z20104014)资助~